Washington's drugstore cowboys

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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Washington's drugstore cowboys

Armed robberies of Washington State's drugstores and pharmacies are on the rise. Now pharmacists are fighting back with heat of their own. Here is a clip from Seattle's local King-5 news, including video of a pharmacist pulling a Glock on a would-be oxycodone robber.
Well, I can't blame them. American are tired of taking it on the head. It's time to stand and be counted or lie down and be stomped. The choice is yours.
Yeah, but according to Diane Sawyer, you can't defend yourself with a firearm...


Yeah, but according to Diane Sawyer, you can't defend yourself with a firearm...



I guess firearms aren't as Oogey Boogey Dangerous as she thought then, huh? No reason to take them from the public.

I think it's damn time people stand up for themselves.
Cops risk their lives doing their job just like fireman. There are many other high risk jobs being done everyday. I say that these two bit pill popping rummies deserve to feel the pain also. Armed robbery should be high risk also, if you point a gun at someone, then what happens, happens.
It's always been that way. Even in NYC and Chicago which are about as gun-hostile as it gets pharmacists and diamond couriers have had little or no trouble getting carry permits. When you've got large quantities of anonymous, high-value, easily-transported, easily-sold commodities you're a target for theft. If those commodities are highly desired by violent professional criminals and desperate drug addicts, well, anyone can follow that contingency tree to the bottom.