Chung Moo Do?


Brown Belt
Founding Member
Nov 27, 2001
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The 7th layer of Hell. Wisconsin, to the rest of y
After reading some posts, I've researched this. Holy geez, that's disgusting. Money grubbing, infiltration, extortion............

I've also found out that there are multiple CMD/CMQ/OYD schools in operation. Are ALL of them as bad as the ones mentioned? Have any of those schools been able to establish a good reputation? Do they ever compete in inter-school tournaments?
Not ALL Chung Moo Do schools are bad, thought it is a bogus martial art. I think the majority of the really bad shenanigans happened in the Illinois schools, though I know there were some in other states, I just can't recall.

Like I mentioned on the other forum, a lot of the schools went independent after the hammer fell, but unfortunately, they're teaching the same crap. I know a few of the schools in the Tampa/Clearwater, FL area shut down after Kim and his cohorts went to trial.

We have some Tae Kwon Do/ Chung Moo Do schools up here in Canada and they do not have the greatest reputation here either.
Given time, they'll completely fade away. What happened with that group is a demonstration of everything bad about the martial arts. I think the people who tried to run 'legitimate' CMD schools don't want to give it up, since they're probably not certified to teach anything else. They should, though. From all accounts (one of them my instructor), the system is a complete sham. It might be good for an overall cardiovascular workout, but has little martial value. Tsk tsk.

Wow!! I didn't realise this thing was that widespread. We have a Chung Moo Quan school here in Dallas, it was ridiculously expensive to train there and their contract stuff was BS. They naturally laid claim to being an "all-in-one" complete fighting art system. I thought it had a bad smell to it. Apparently, I was right.
Chung Moo Doe is an art that has been around for over 1300 years! Chung Moo training is the cream of the crop. Nobody has dared challenge our schools, for they know that they will be beaten. Yes, it is expensive, but we get 3 times what we would get at any other art. Our art is one of sacrifice, discipline, and integrity. I'm tired of the ignorant and uneducated bashing it.
CMD/Q is 1300 years old? Try 20...maybe 30.

People do challenge CMD/Q schools...and do quite well against them, I might add. It just doesn't happen very often because many CMD/Q instructors would probably sue, especially after being beaten.

Furthermore, CMD/Q instructors and students have gone to other schools to challenge them. Nearly every time, they are beaten down like dogs. Another reason why the CMD/Q schools aren't challenged: there would be no challenge.

If you would take your lips off of Kim's butt for 10 minutes and do some real research, you would find, rather quickly, that none of CMD/Q's claims are true. No one can say who taught Kim his aikido, bagua, etc. In fact, the histories CMD/Q gives for the various systems they claim to teach are just plain wrong.

And do you also believe the claims that Kim can walk on water, survive 8 story falls, heal others, and come back from the dead?

Actually, you probably do.


Well Chungmoowarrior, allow me to preface what I am about to say with the belief that I have inthat even in the worst situations/ organisations there can be, and usually are shining jewels to be found.

The only firsthand experience I have had the school/style is from a friend of my nephew who trained in the art in Dallas. I have been in martial arts for about 25 years and have seen a great many schools, instructors, and styles. This guy seemed to me to be involved in a cult- not to take away from his martial arts skill, he was actually very highly skilled for his rank- but what little he told me about the school and style really concerned me. He and I lost touch, and I never gave the situation another thought until I read some of the postings here and in other forums, and I was shocked to find out that apparently my suspicions seemed to be true.

There are a great many arts that get hurt by bad people doing bad things. I for one, am not knocking the martial art at all- but all of the controversy surrounding the cultish environment, the lawsuits, extortion, and strong-arm tactics give rise to concern. There are a GREAT many people who feel they were mistreated and misled by the system, and experience leads anybody to believe "where there is smoke, there is fire".

Rather than feverishly defending yourself as a warrior, why don't you share some insight into your training methods and ways of your art, and maybe even describe the environment of your school and your personal experience there, in order to dispell some of the "bad press"? I for one would be VERY interested to hear your side of the story and your experience!
The only reason there aren't records is because it was passed through a strictly oral tradition. It was passed from teacher to student, who would eventually become another teacher. Chung Moo tradition dates back to before the Han dynasty, and has been refined for the past millenia.

As for those other stories, they were just exagherrations made by kids out of respect for their grandmaster.
Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
The only reason there aren't records is because it was passed through a strictly oral tradition. It was passed from teacher to student, who would eventually become another teacher. Chung Moo tradition dates back to before the Han dynasty, and has been refined for the past millenia.

As for those other stories, they were just exagherrations made by kids out of respect for their grandmaster.

I find it very odd that a 1300-year-old (snicker) Chinese system has a Korean name, and all of the terminology used in the schools is Korean.

I also find it odd that this supposed contest that Kim won to give him the 'World's Best Super Duper Martial Artist' (or something equally goofy) title doesn't exist. The simple fact of the matter is, there was no such tournament, and Kim has no such title...or rather, he hasn't earned that title.

As far as 'kids' making those stories up...those stories were being told to students by the instructors. Furthermore, I have yet to see Kim deny any of these stories.

Here's an easy way to get me to take back everything I've ever said about Kim: let me push him off an 8-story building. If he lives, I'll admit I was wrong.

Well, Cthulhu, were you attending these classes when these claims were made, or were you just reading some anti-Chung Moo propaganda? "Iron" Kim is a great man, and he was set up by the people he worked with because they were jealous of his achievements. He is not to blame.
I really want to know what is up with all of that jumping off buildings stuff, and why make the big deal about the flying side kick while doing it? Was he gonna fight godzilla? That seems really really odd to me.
Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
Well, Cthulhu, were you attending these classes when these claims were made, or were you just reading some anti-Chung Moo propaganda? "Iron" Kim is a great man, and he was set up by the people he worked with because they were jealous of his achievements. He is not to blame.

I don't see how he could have been 'set up' by the people he worked with when they themselves were convicted along with Kim. Sort of defeats the purpose of framing someone if you still end up in the slammer.

Okay, I'll tone it down if you will. Please, give us objective reasons why you think CMD is so great. Note, I said objective.

Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
Chung Moo Doe is an art that has been around for over 1300 years! Chung Moo training is the cream of the crop. Nobody has dared challenge our schools, for they know that they will be beaten. Yes, it is expensive, but we get 3 times what we would get at any other art. Our art is one of sacrifice, discipline, and integrity. I'm tired of the ignorant and uneducated bashing it.

Bah Bah Bah goes the sheep as it is lead of to be slaughtered.
Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
Chung Moo Doe is an art that has been around for over 1300 years! Chung Moo training is the cream of the crop. Nobody has dared challenge our schools, for they know that they will be beaten. Yes, it is expensive, but we get 3 times what we would get at any other art. Our art is one of sacrifice, discipline, and integrity. I'm tired of the ignorant and uneducated bashing it.

I believe you.

Wanna Randori?
Well blow me down with a feather to beleive there are still such frauds going around the world today, even with the greater understanding and knowledge of martial arts in our communities, i am glad that we dont have such a fraud here in australia that i know of anyway, Athlough i once had a guy try to teach me a style called soyu loung dar fiat it was pretty mucha sham like this chung moo thingy. he said he was a fourth dan and and for three months he failed to show me any certificates and for a fourth dan he sure couldnt defend himself for s!@t.

Whoa I'm just a little concerned here...someone earlier grouped CMD and Tae Kwon Do together... is this becuase some of the CMD schools renamed themsleves Tae Kwon Do after the bad press?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Whoa I'm just a little concerned here...someone earlier grouped CMD and Tae Kwon Do together... is this becuase some of the CMD schools renamed themsleves Tae Kwon Do after the bad press?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Associating TKD with CMD is an atrocity! CMD is a cult!
do a search of this site for CMD ... there's links out there
providing some evidence to this fact. Or put "Chum Moo Do Cult"
in an internet search engine. Differences aside, TKD is still a
true martial art! CMD is pure fraud!
"We have some Tae Kwon Do/ Chung Moo Do schools up here in Canada and they do not have the greatest reputation here either."

Bonehead wrote that on the previous page... what did he mean?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

"We have some Tae Kwon Do/ Chung Moo Do schools up here in Canada and they do not have the greatest reputation here either."

Bonehead wrote that on the previous page... what did he mean?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
All I know is that I saw a TKD BB, that should never have had the belt, Not knocking TKD, just that particular person, left his dojang, disappeared for a few months and then came back and opened a CMD, as a fifth dan. I had competed against the guy before. When I went to his Dojang to see what it was all about, he not so politely asked me to leave.
ChungMooWarrior, go ahead now and tell us all you were just having some fun. Please tell us you were joking and that you did not actually believe any of the stuff you posted, PLease! IF you persist, I will be forced to conclude that Gou pushed you off that 8 story building and you landed on your head, the only thing saving you being an exceedingly thick skull.