CHI ? Have a look at This Clip Sifu Mooney moves subjects without touching them.



Has any body heard of Sifu Rick Mooney?

Have a look at the link below, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and select the Rick Mooney Clip titled: -

Sifu Mooney moves subjects without touching them.

Have a look at this

What do you think?
Originally posted by paulk
Sifu Mooney moves subjects without touching them.

Yes, George Dillman has been doing this at his camps also. I saw a young girl do it to a large man at his Indianapolis camp. Mr. Dillman also does no-touch knockouts and has students generate and pass chi balls back and forth.

What do you think?

I am embarrassed for these people that they don't seem to realize that they have accidentally rediscovered simple stage magic. It's the power of suggestion combined with the inability of the average person to stand perfectly still, especially with their balance evenly distributed. (Note how you naturally rest your weight principally on one leg or another if you're standing for a long time.) This is the same general idea for the no-touch knockouts--there may be some aspects of mesmerism but for the most part these are "social pressure" knockouts, where the student falls to avoid embarrassing their instructor.

Let me be clear: Anyone who believes this type of thing deserves to have their money taken by these people.
COULDN'T AGREE MORE...These stage tricks have done so much harm to legitimate martial arts that it's embarrassing. I must answer questions along these lines at least once a week..."did you see the yada yada yada....? "
This exact same topic (same guy and all) is being discussed over at e-budo. Mr. Mooney himself is participating in this discussion. Seems kind of like a whacko to me.

Does chi exist? I think yes. Is this it? I think not. This kind of reminds me of Sachonokowski (sp) and his Combat Ki psychos. Just my 2 cents.
These are just simple tricks novice magicians use. Unfortunately, my instructor seems to believe in this guy, but he respects that I think he's a phoney.

Long ago, on RMA, someone devised a test to see if Mooney could really do these things. It involved the test subject being blindfolded with some sort of earplugs, among other things. If Mooney could adequately prove his abilities were real, his travel costs would be refunded. He agreed to it, but quickly backed away, with various pathetic excuses.

What do you think?

*sigh* Seeing how this is a friendly board, I won't really answer much of that question.

I think all of the "Mooney-ites" (new word) should take a leap off of a very high cliff. Martial arts have a huge mystique amoung non-martial artists...and this just baits those poor saps into believing it.

Unfortunately I can't read Mooney's posts on E-budo right now due to it being down for maintenance.
The guy has a long history on RMA. Good or bad. He will however be in St Catherines, right across the border from the Buffalo-folk in January 2002 giving a seminar.

Myself, I just don't think that he's all he claims.
Originally posted by GouRonin
The guy has a long history on RMA. Good or bad. He will however be in St Catherines, right across the border from the Buffalo-folk in January 2002 giving a seminar.

Myself, I just don't think that he's all he claims.

But are you going to the seminar? :)

So far you're like the 12th person to ask me this. I might. Depending on when it is, and how much this guy wants to charge me to go. I'd like to take Jaybacca and Renegade:erg: with me if I do go. Overall i don't wanna be dumping cash to this guy if I'm not interested. But should the price and time be right I might be up for it.
I think you should go...
Rich has a ton of good info,
he's fun and a hell of a good guy

Send me the seminar fee and the time off.

I don't have unlimited resources people. I plan carefully for my self whom I go see. If I had the time and money I would see everyone. I don't and can't.

Like I said, if I can I will.
There's a post today on rec.martial-arts that addeesses this:

From: gojudoug <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: rec.martial-arts,alt.meditation.qigong
Subject: Grandmaster Mooney's seminar tour in canada
Message-ID: <[email protected]>

To show that all this was not a fluke! Afterwards at dinner in one of our frequented restaurants ,Sigung demonstrated on the waiter the ability of emty force by pushing him off balance from a distance of 6ft. away, to the amazement of many patrons. I guess that is wha the waiter got for asking questions about Sigung's ability!!

The author discusses Mr. Mooney performing similar demonstrations at the seminar.

Lastly...I will put this bluntly!! If you people
want to know what the real M/A is about, get this man in to show you! Don't let EGO get in the way a vast universe of knowledge that Rich can and will enrich you with.

There you have it: The real martial arts is about moving waiters from 6 feet away. Don't miss it!
I've done things with waitresses from about 6 feet away...
A couple of times a year, Mooney gets one of his suckers to post some glowing review of 'Sifu' Mooney's 'feats'. From the excerpts provided by arnisador, the writing style seems very similar to RMA posts made several years ago that praised Mooney.

Mooney has been challenged several times to prove his claims under controlled circumstances. Every single time, he backs out with some pathetic excuse.

In the video clips I've seen, he's either giving vocal or visual prompts, which the people unconciously or conciously follow. Basically, people who already believe, or want to believe, in that junk will follow the prompts, believing in Mooney's 'abilities'.

He's a fraud.

I tried to make you all fall forward with my chi at exactly 13:30.

Did it work?
Was that CET or US time?

Just asking, 'cause I want to know if the falling part was 'cause I'm getting old.....or ..... :D
I think it's sad that people still fall for this and besides that it gives M.Aist a bad name.
There was a guy on tv (kind of like our answer to David Blaine) who specialises in mind control. He went into a school and got the instructor to demonstrate his 1 inch punch. And very impressive it was to. So the guy then picks a student at random (actually gets the instructor to pick someone) and does a 1 inch punch without touching the guy. He falls on the floor ofcourse. After the guy gets his breth back he then does it again, but standing behind him so he can't see when he's going to strike. The guy falls over again. Kinda spooky, but the guy explains it's purely in the guys head and there's nothing to it at all.

However, if you can convince someone that you've hit them when you haven't come close, isn't that a good art?