Carry a gun??


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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I received permission from John S.Farnam to repost this here...

Carry a Gun?

"Police Protection" is an contradiction of terms! Police rarely stop crimes from taking place. Rather, we spend most of our time investigating offences, after the damage has been done, and after innocent victims have been permanently disabled/deformed or murdered.

Accordingly, I carry a gun, because I'm too young to be murdered, and too old to suffer crippling injury at the hands of violent criminals.


I don't go armed, because I harbor a secret desire to kill people, any more than I wear a seat belt while driving, because I have some compulsive desire to become involved in traffic accidents!

I don't carry a gun, so that I can scare people. I carry a gun, because the world is a scary place!

I don't carry a gun as a delusional response to imaginary threats. I carry a gun, so that I can deal effectively with real threats!

I don't carry a gun, because I'm evil. I carry a gun, because I've already seen more evil than I ever wanted to!

I don't carry a gun, because I hate government. I carry a gun, because I've seen how woefully limited and impotent all governments are!

I don't carry a gun, because I'm angry. I carry a gun, so that I won't have to spend the rest of my shortened life being angry with myself for being naively unprepared.

I don't carry a gun, because I want to become involved in a lethal confrontation. I carry a gun, because I want to die of old age, surrounded by family, in my own bed, not alone and hemorrhaging on a dirty street.

I don't carry a gun, because I'm a Cowboy. I carry a gun because, when I die (of old age) and go to Heaven, I want to be a Cowboy!

I don't carry a gun, because it makes me feel like a man. I carry a gun because real men know how to take care of themselves, and the ones they love, and do so without apology!

I don't carry a gun because I'm "inadequate." I carry a gun, because, when unarmed and facing three brutish thugs, I am inadequate!

I don't carry a gun, because I love doing it. I carry a gun, because I love life!

At some point, all of us will have to wager our lives on the outcome of a single event. There are some things worth risking everything to save; some
things, without which, there will no longer be anything to live for!

At that moment, you either step up to the plate, or slink away. Either way, you'll never have another chance!

Last Days of ancient Rome:

"Hew down the Bridge, Sir Consul,
With all the speed ye may:
I, with two more to help me,
will hold the foe at bay
In yon straight path, a thousand
May well be stopped by three
Now, who will stand, on either hand,
And hold this Bridge with me?"


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I really liked that... However, and not to be negative or anything, some of those don't apply if the person who's packing is a dumb ***.
My brother in law just got his concealed weapons permit. He's not a "bad guy," but I really don't feel safe around idiots with guns.

Question: Is it too easy to get a concealed weapons permit? From what I've seen and heard, it is.
IQuestion: Is it too easy to get a concealed weapons permit? From what I've seen and heard, it is.

Depends upon where-it's virtually impossible in Illinois, but here in New Mexico, if you're a "solid citizen," and take an 15 hr. qualification course, you can pretty much count on getting one, so far anyway-NM has only had CCW for a few years, now.
I really liked that... However, and not to be negative or anything, some of those don't apply if the person who's packing is a dumb ***.

No offense taken JB..I've met a few that have their CWP .....

Question: Is it too easy to get a concealed weapons permit? From what I've seen and heard, it is.

It aint that easy, and you have to pass all elements or no permit is issued..I know a lot of coppers up here that teach that teach the course and they won't just pass you because you showed up in class...You have to show proficiency...
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Thanks everyone..
It aint that easy, and you have to pass all elements or no permit is issued..I know a lot of coppers up here and they won't just pass you because you showed up in class...You have to show proficiency...

In New Mexico, it ain't that hard(though some think it excessive.)Demonstrated proficiency requires firing 50 rounds, with the highest caliber you're qualifying to carry. The target is a 12"X18" piece of white paper , and you fire 15 rounds from 3 yards, 20 from 7 yards, and 15 rounds from 15 yards. "Hits" are scored at 2 pts. each, and 76 points is required to pass. I don't know of anyone who has had to take the class more than once-even those who had only recently taken their first basic pistol course. Of course, like I said,some think it excessive, for a variety of reasons-some legitimate, but it's less than some other states require, and more than others. Mind you, this is relatively unstressed testing, with no time limit. Of course, it's "stressful" because it's a test, but much less so if you do that kind of thing for fun anyway......:lol:

I'm told that there are cops who couldn't do this, but I find it hard to fathom.....
I'm told that there are cops who couldn't do this, but I find it hard to fathom.....

I believe it..You should see some of the officers I shoot with..
I qualified repeatedly while on active duty.
I still carry the same type of pistol, or a variant of it. (1911 or USP)

I don't carry a gun, because it makes me feel like a man. I carry a gun because real men know how to take care of themselves, and the ones they love, and do so without apology!

There have been many times that carrying was a nuisance, but the 2 little kids in the backseat deserve me being uncomfortable fora few hours while they see a movie, or have a dinner in a restaurant.

There have been a couple of times that having a firearm on my hip or in my hand have deterred a confrontation. I will never regret being armed.
Question: Is it too easy to get a concealed weapons permit? From what I've seen and heard, it is.

No, it is not.


Here in Texas the rate of having CCW licenses revolked is way way below 1 percent. In percentage, far more people get their drivers license revolked than CCW permits.

Here is the conviction rates for CHL (concealed handgun license) holders for 2002 on to 2006.

Once you see them you will see CHL holders are far far more law abiding and I would say responsible, than the 'average' citizen.

And then there is Vermont! Did you know you can carry a handgun, concealed or unconcealed, in Vermont and Alaska. NO PERMENT REQUIRED! Have you been hearing of all the deaths in the street in those two states? No? Neither have I. So it kind of makes me wonder, do we really need a 'license' at all?

So, no it's not to easy to get. In fact, maybe not easy enough.

In CA, the whole discussion is academic because it is virtually impossible to get a concealed carry permit. Or more specifically, it is virtually impossible for the average non-criminal citizen to get a permit. If it were legal, I'd certainly carry a gun sometimes.
In Michigan it is 8 hours of training and a clear criminal history check. Personally I would like to see qutie a few more training hours logged.
Good stuff, Farnam is the man...I'd like to hit one of his classes one of these days.

I hear ya.. Massad Ayoob did a 2 day class up here and I tried to get in...Spaces had sold out 1 day after the announcement...
The right to keep and bear arms is written into the Washington state constitution, as a result all you need is a resident and not have a criminal history. No class required or range competence test.
In CA, the whole discussion is academic because it is virtually impossible to get a concealed carry permit. Or more specifically, it is virtually impossible for the average non-criminal citizen to get a permit. If it were legal, I'd certainly carry a gun sometimes.

Yeah, we get a pretty raw deal here. I actually moved here from Washington, which as Blindside pointed out, is California's polar opposite on this issue. The worse crime gets around here and the slower the police response, the more I'm starting to think it's a deal breaker for me. Too bad it's such a crappy time to move.
Deaf, thank you for the good information.

So, no it's not to easy to get. In fact, maybe not easy enough.

In order to follow your argument to it's logical conclusion, I need to ask you a question: In what you would consider a perfect world, what do you think that the requirements for getting a consealed weapons permit should be?
Deaf, thank you for the good information.

In order to follow your argument to it's logical conclusion, I need to ask you a question: In what you would consider a perfect world, what do you think that the requirements for getting a consealed weapons permit should be?

No criminal record (felony.) Not a drug abuser. Not insane. Not 'mentaly challenged', that is retarded to use the non-PC term. No dishonorable discharge. Over 30 years old (hahaha , ok kidding but never trust anyone below 30 cause they are idiots.) I'd say normally if they can own a gun (18 years old) then they can carry it.

Now as for felons. If one is convicted of a VIOLENT felony, then that's it. They have lost their rights. If they have been convicted of a non-violent felony, then if they complete their term and have 5 years clean record, then ALL rights are restored. ALL of them!

Now here in Texas, we hair split. Class 'A' and class 'B' misdemeanor can keep you from getting a CHL for several years. And once you get your CHL, if you even cuss in public (a Class 'C' misdemeanor), then you can have it suspened for 30 days.

You can get a class 'B' misdemeanor for dumping garbage on the road or bouncing check.

Anyway, even though I teach CHL classes here in Texas, I'd prefer we had Vermont Carry. You only lose your rights to carry if you do something stupid like wave the gun around or threaten people with it.

I really liked that... However, and not to be negative or anything, some of those don't apply if the person who's packing is a dumb ***.
My brother in law just got his concealed weapons permit. He's not a "bad guy," but I really don't feel safe around idiots with guns.

Question: Is it too easy to get a concealed weapons permit? From what I've seen and heard, it is.

An eye opening experience for you it would've been, following my 4 year trek to get mine in MA.
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