Canada and US comparison

Bob Hubbard

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Your Rights Online: U.S. to Require Passport To Re-Enter Country
Posted by Zonk on Tuesday April 05, @08:27AM
from the friendly-greeting dept.
The Hobo writes "The CBC is reporting that starting in 2007, most Canadians will require a passport to cross into the United States and by 2008 Americans who crossed freely into Canada will be unable to return to the United States without a passport. The tougher new rules still allow Canadians to cross without being fingerprinted, but every person from any other country will be required to submit to fingerprinting." From the article: "Currently, Canadians and Americans are able to enter the United States with little more identification than a driver's licence or a birth certificate, though a passport has sometimes made it simpler to satisfy immigration officers at the border."

Heres the full article:
Its a good start.

How does the border with Mexico work now? I know I didn't need a passport last time I was there, but that was like 6 years ago.
Well, This'll definately effect me. I'm not sure I want to spend an extra $100 a year just in case I feel like going to Toronto for a convention.
Well I'm glad I got my passport stuff in yesterday for my trip to Canada. Never quite understood why Canada and Mexico got special treatment from the state department, but then again I don't understand alot of things about the government... :idunno:
It costs a $100 a year to have a passport?

I never even used mine, because I changed jobs, and the whole reason I got it was for work, but I thought it was just so much to get it and it was good for like 10 years. I know I still have it, and I am pretty sure its not expired.
my family went to florida for a vacation last october to our family condo..........we were told before we went all my wife and i would need was our drivers licences. WRONG!! you would have thought we were KGB the way they grilled us.....and we came this close to being refused from boarding our flight.
when we came home it was just as bad being held up bt canadian customs wanting proof that we were canadian citizens.
im going to make sure i have a passport this year.
OUMoose said:
Never quite understood why Canada and Mexico got special treatment from the state department
Might have something to do with NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) that the three countries are all signed onto. The whole point is to make easy, tariff- and barrier-free trade, travel & commerce between the three countries.

(Not that the US lives up to its end of the deal.... but that's for another thread)
Correcting my minunderstanding on rates, etc.

US Passport information

Age 16 and older: The passport fee is $55. The security surcharge is $12. The execution fee is $30. The total is $97.

Under Age 16: The passport fee is $40. The security surcharge is $12. The execution fee is $30. The total is $82.

Pasport is valid for 10 years


Canadian Passport information
Cost is $22-87+
Is valid for 3-5 years depending on age of holder
nah...this ain't kool.
big brother is stepping way too far over the boundries.
He needs a spankin!
I know some sre gonna say "its good to keep the terrorists out" or just the "bad people" in general....
I do not care.
I am a natural born US citizen and now I am supposed to jump through hoops to get BACK into my own country?
I'll stick with my 300 year old HAUNTED farmhouse.........

y'all come fer a visit
I'm sure this will help.
I mean, passports can't be forged.
And the thousands of miles of un watched or patroled borders won't be used to sneak in.
I mean, Ali-Osama and the 40 Weinies would never think of using SCUBA to swim ashore from a passing ship or sub. And the existing system has done so well stopping drugs and illegal aliens from coming in.
Yeah, I agree. This should put an end to all our security concerns.
Wow, that security sercharge is new. I got a passport bout 6 months ago and only $85, no $12 fee.
ginshun said:
How does the border with Mexico work now? I know I didn't need a passport last time I was there, but that was like 6 years ago.
I just got back from mexico. I needed my passport and another form of ID as well as my birth certificate.

Kaith Rustaz said:
Pasport is valid for 10 years
If you were under 18 when you got your passport it is only valid for 5 years.
I'm sure this will help.
I mean, passports can't be forged.
And the thousands of miles of un watched or patroled borders won't be used to sneak in.
I mean, Ali-Osama and the 40 Weinies would never think of using SCUBA to swim ashore from a passing ship or sub. And the existing system has done so well stopping drugs and illegal aliens from coming in.
Another good thing is that there aren't any terrorists already in the US, either.
Phoenix44 said:
Another good thing is that there aren't any terrorists already in the US, either.
are you being sarcastic?
How would they get in? The borders were secured immediately after 9/11, and the extra security at the airports has made us safe. We will certainly see Peace in Our Time.
I blame the Canadian government. After all, it was them that allowed entry to the 9/11 hijackers, all Iraqis mind you, that forced the US to attack Iraq so they wouldn't use their WMD.

Oh wait....
The hijackers were mostly from Saudi Arabia (A major US ally), not Iraqi.
They entered on Student Visas, from US entry points, not Canadian.
Oh, and there weren't any WMD.

But....Dubya wouldn't lie...would he?

Wait...his lips were moving.
This is a new era for us.

Not to long ago if you wanted to sell you used sex.

Now, you use fear and misstrust.

Only this time, politicians can use it too ;)
Kaith Rustaz said:
But....Dubya wouldn't lie...would he?

Wait...his lips were moving.

can I use that in my siggy?

yay! I got a blue belt!

wait a minute. green is higher than blue.

Samantha said:

can I use that in my siggy?

yay! I got a blue belt!

wait a minute. green is higher than blue.

Color progression depends on system. We.....borrowed..yeah, thats it, borrowed, from several different ones. :D