Bruce Lee or Jet Li?



No poll, here, just your honest opinion (sans bashing, please)...

Do you think Bruce could beat up Jet, or vice versa?

Second, who makes better movies (from either martial arts or pure entertainment value perspective).

Just curious.

Jet Li makes better movies. Without a doubt. There is always the argument that his aren't that realistic, but all movie fights are coreagraphed (Bad spelling i know). However as to who would win in a real fight I have no idea. That depends on who can do more damage, and who is the real deal. Bruce Lee could have been one of the greatest fighters of all time, or he could have been the biggest fake of all time. There is no way for us to know because he is dead. Jet Li makes good movies and has won some competitions. I honestly don't know who would win.
IMHO, and basing that opinion on a documentary film about the life and times of Bruce Lee I watched on the History Channel a few weeks back, I'd put my money on Bruce over Jet... :shrug:

Bruce Lee did look like a tough Kat back in the day.
Well, naturally Jet would win. Bruce is dead. Not that hard to beat a corpse is it? Even I could do it! Hypothetically speaking though, I think Bruce would win, but Jet makes better movies. Jet is cuter, too.
Originally posted by Cliarlaoch
No poll, here, just your honest opinion (sans bashing, please)...

Do you think Bruce could beat up Jet, or vice versa?

Jet li would win by default since Bruce is already dead.;)
Bruce obviously would win the contest between the two. As for movies go look at how the movie industry has evolved in the last 30 yrs. There's no contest between 1973 vs. 2003.
Good point JFFarnsworth however I like what I see in Jet's movie's they are just plain better. There is no way to know who would win an actual fight though.
Ha, good point, Bruce is dead... but hypothetically speaking, I suppose, who'd win if both were in their prime? And good answers so far.

Other comparisons, perhaps? I'm not all that familiar with the big names in modern MA flicks and competition, but make up some and add 'em in to the thread.

I can think of one: Triple Threat Match-- Bruce vs. Jet vs. Chuck Norris.

As far as movies and special effects go comparing what Bruce lee did vs. Jet Li is like apples and oranges. If they were from the same time period and in their prime that's a different story. Looking at the movie standpoint Jet Li can pretty much do anything he wants with camera angle. A kicking scene can be done 10 times over again. A roundhouse kick done 5 times in a row. OK I"m done now.
Very true. Good point. And I think that Chuck would win that battle, if Bruce was still alive and Chuck was in his prime.
I was never much of a chuck norris fan. He was good and all but I just didn't get into his movies. Sorry.
I'm not too much of a Norris movie fan myself. I like his attitude and the way he fights. He was also a full contact karate champion I think. I could be wrong though.
Originally posted by Cliarlaoch

I can think of one: Triple Threat Match-- Bruce vs. Jet vs. Chuck Norris.


I'd go for Bruce.

What about a tag team event? Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan & David Carradine VS Jet Li, Chuck Norris & Jean-Claude Van Damme? All of them alive and in their prime. I'd go for the first team I think.

What about a movie fight off, a la "Enter the Dragon"? Again, if everyone was alive and in their prime, which movie Martial Artists would like to see together?
Originally posted by Kiz Bell
I'd go for Bruce.

What about a tag team event? Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan & David Carradine VS Jet Li, Chuck Norris & Jean-Claude Van Damme? All of them alive and in their prime. I'd go for the first team I think.

What about a movie fight off, a la "Enter the Dragon"? Again, if everyone was alive and in their prime, which movie Martial Artists would like to see together?

Since we're doing hypotheticals, how about the Power Rangers vs. the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... :D
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Since we're doing hypotheticals, how about the Power Rangers vs. the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... :D

Power Rangers, definately. They get to use their giant ride-on robots. But I really think the Power Puff Girls would beat both of them.
Street Fighter VS. Mortal Kombat. I have to go with Street Fighter. I love these hypotheticals so stupid that theyre fun.
He He. I have to go with mortal kombat. I just love the special moves and fatalities.
They both rule but Mortal Kombat is pretty damn cool. The new one looks to be good too but its not out till Valentines Day :(

Pokemon or Digimon? :p
I dunno Digimon had some COOL monsters......But Pokemon had Pikachu.....Damn you life changing decisions! :shrug:
