Mike Tyson

Would you fight Mike Tyson?

  • YES! I could kick his tail, or at least go a couple of rounds...

  • Hell no! I'm not crazy!

  • I wouldn't, but it would be amusing to watch someone else try.

  • That whole idea is a BAD one!

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Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
I heard on the radio that they're going to do a reality show and train an ameteur to fight mike tyson.

the word "suicide" is coming to mind.

I'd fight him for the paycheck that other top contenders get.
A couple hundred grand in medical bills, about 6 months of
recovery, and I'd be sitting pretty!:p

I'd also go for a good kick in the family jewels, what are they
gonna do, deduct a point???? :rolleyes:

Tyson would get one punch in, and the match would be over.
I think I'd run around the ring from him for the first round ... see
if I can stay away from him, so I don't go down like 3 of his other
competitors. If I could get away with it, then I'd go for the kick.
I heard that same thing this morning. It will be interesting to see if they can do it. I am also curious about how much they are gonna get paid for it. I am with kirk on that one, I would have to get paid pretty good to get in that ring...then I would see how well I could bob and weave!
Originally posted by jeffkyle
I heard that same thing this morning. It will be interesting to see if they can do it. I am also curious about how much they are gonna get paid for it. I am with kirk on that one, I would have to get paid pretty good to get in that ring...then I would see how well I could bob and weave!

I'm way too slow, no man alive could train my fat **** to bob
and weave fast enough!

That's one option nightingale didn't list was "Yes, there's enough
money in the world to get me into the ring with that maniac"
i put the top one because i wanted to sound tough but if i did fight him i would wear EAR protection.
Yes I have to agree, Ear protection would be a must. But who knows...he may change his strategy and go for something unexpected. So BE careful!
Most people have their price and if the price were right you never know, I just might be tempted to jump in the ring with Iron Mike and take a good old fashioned *** whippin'... :anic:

could you add to the poll underneath "Yes! I could go a few rounds with him" the choice of "Yes! if they paid me enough money to cover ALL my medical bills and live very comfortably for the rest of my life."

Put that Hannibal Lechter muzzle on him and offer a Million Dollars to me. Yes, I would do it!

white belt
Hmmmmm......Yeah, get in the ring for a Million pounds, go down with the first punch......Get the money and run for my life......sounds good :rofl:
What would the rules be like, say if as soon as the bell rings and I drop to the canvas in the fetal position weeping, Would he have to wait till I evetually get up , beat me while I'm down there, treat me like a passed out prom date. I juat ge a bad feeling

I think personally I'd like to be able to function after a fight with that guy. You know keep all use of all bodily limbs, functions and so on. After one hit I'd hate to look like Ali. That would really suck.
Even after his prime, I think he'll KO the guy in the first round
Bring it on, If i fight mike tyson win or lose still helps give myself a name~!
Judo Kid,

Oh, you'll still have a name alright! You just won't sound intelligable when trying to pronounce it and you would have a new address where "drool bibs" are commonly used. :)

"Tee, Hee! I is bussin' you up for Allah!".....Mikey

white belt
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Bring it on, If i fight mike tyson win or lose still helps give myself a name~!
If you lose, you will not get a name for yourself. In the beginning, you will be viewed as the dumb guy who fought Tyson. A few weeks after, nobody will know you, a washed-up fighter. This is from Mike Tyson's history with everyone. Except for one or two, how many heavyweights do you know in the top of your head during Tyson's era?
If it was for good fun , and if i did a good job (win or lose) people will say you know that Judo-kid pritty tuff guy.