

Senior Master
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Sep 1, 2001
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Tonight's episode was excellent. I can't believe those talking monkeys at the Sci-Fi Channel are cancelling that show!

Cthulhu is outraged. Cthulhu will eat those in charge of the Sci-Fi Channel feet first. Then, Great Cthulhu will place the MartialTalk moderators in charge. As reward for their service, Cthulhu will eat them last.

Originally posted by Cthulhu
Tonight's episode was excellent. I can't believe those talking monkeys at the Sci-Fi Channel are cancelling that show!

Cthulhu is outraged. Cthulhu will eat those in charge of the Sci-Fi Channel feet first. Then, Great Cthulhu will place the MartialTalk moderators in charge. As reward for their service, Cthulhu will eat them last.


I am not one to tell Cthulhu anything, yet I make a suggestion, borrow the money and produce it yourself?

OR make someone else dream a good idea of taking over the project? Bribe them with a month off from you? OR maybe any night that a new episode is air'ed then you will give them a night of Cthulhu Free dreams???

Just some thoughts

(* PS: The shock therapy is working great. *) :rofl:
In all seriousness, I wish another network would pick it up. Unfortunately, production costs per episode are very high, so I can see why most U.S. networks would be wary of it.

Stupid hairless monkeys.

Why and when are they cancelling the show. I also like farscape, Star Trek, Star Gate Sg1, Star Wars, LEXX,Any scifi anima funny comedy i am there. But the best Sci Fi ever Gos to Babelon 5 That was the greatest ever scifi series. For anima The top 2 Akira and Princess mononke.
Funnyest serious in comedy South Park.
Originally posted by Cthulhu
Cthulhu is outraged. Cthulhu will eat those in charge of the Sci-Fi Channel feet first. Then, Great Cthulhu will place the MartialTalk moderators in charge. As reward for their service, Cthulhu will eat them last.


Remind me to never, ever piss off Cthulhu. I'm a TKDist, I most definitely need my feet... :anic:
Show is being cancelled supposedly because of poor ratings. Of course, they changed the show's timeslot to a later hour. Also, the ratings drop was very slight.

I just think the people at Sci-Fi Channel got a sudden case of the stupids.

The new episodes they're showing (of the last season) have been terrific. This makes it all the more depressing, knowing the show is getting axed and the crew doesn't get a chance to end it the way they'd like.

Yes, Mighty Cthulhu will eat them slowly, chewing each limb several times before swallowing.

"I just think the people at Sci-Fi Channel got a sudden case of the stupids."

Hmmm....canceling a hit series, in all likelyhood to make room for the bastardized piece of **** they are putting together under the 'BattleStar' name....

Its not a case of the stupids...its a whole warehouse load!
If you look at history, Sci-Fi never lets a series go over 5 years.
Or at least all my anal retentive sci-fi friends tell me this.

I wish they would bring back

Good Vs Evil Now that was good Television! :rofl:
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Why and when are they cancelling the show. I also like farscape, Star Trek, Star Gate Sg1, Star Wars, LEXX,Any scifi anima funny comedy i am there. But the best Sci Fi ever Gos to Babelon 5 That was the greatest ever scifi series. For anima The top 2 Akira and Princess mononke.
Funnyest serious in comedy South Park.

I never would have guessed that you were an Akira and Princess Mononoke fan.
Farscape is being cancelled, because the wonks at USA networks (which contains the SciFi channel) realized that they will make more money by throwing every possible combination of mystical nonsense at viewers in every possible timeslot. They'll probably expand John Edwards (bleh!) and add Animal Planet's Pet Psychic (double bleh!) to the roster. Who needs a million dollar-per-episode show with semi-decent ratings when you can spend $10 and talk to a chicken? Why bother paying for a decent story when you can spend .001% and get a bad stage magician with an act that wouldn't fool a mental midget, yet gets the highest ratings in the channel's history, because mental midgets are, apparently, quite rare, being at the top of the bell curve.

And don't even get me started on Sightings.

Bleh! Double Bleh!
Originally posted by qizmoduis
Farscape is being cancelled, because the wonks at USA networks (which contains the SciFi channel) realized that they will make more money by throwing every possible combination of mystical nonsense at viewers in every possible timeslot. They'll probably expand John Edwards (bleh!) and add Animal Planet's Pet Psychic (double bleh!) to the roster. Who needs a million dollar-per-episode show with semi-decent ratings when you can spend $10 and talk to a chicken? Why bother paying for a decent story when you can spend .001% and get a bad stage magician with an act that wouldn't fool a mental midget, yet gets the highest ratings in the channel's history, because mental midgets are, apparently, quite rare, being at the top of the bell curve.

And don't even get me started on Sightings.

Bleh! Double Bleh!

I am not sure I truly got your feelings. I get teh feeling by reading between the lines that you are holding back. Don't Hold back and tell us how you truly feel! :D :rofl:

Nice Post!
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
I am not sure I truly got your feelings. I get teh feeling by reading between the lines that you are holding back. Don't Hold back and tell us how you truly feel! :D :rofl:

Nice Post!


Ironically, I don't even like Farscape. I just absolutely despise money-grubbing snake-oil salesmen like Edwards or that silly woman on Animal Planet. Good grief! She spouts substandard animal and pet psychology she cribbed from a high-school textbook, bleats a few lines about the pet feeling sad when they don't get fed on time, and walks away with a big, fat paycheck and videos of morons gushing about how incredible she is.



I got triggered again. Where's that extinguisher? Was I too subtle?
Regarding Farscape again....

Does anyone know if they are were able to conclude the show, or will it just end with some season finale with a cliff-hanger.

Even a one episode wrap-up piece would be nice.

From all the reviews I've seen, the actors and crew keep saying they would have liked at least one more season to end the show on their terms. That could indicate either possibility. I think they had finished filming season four before they announced the series cancellation.


I dont know.....I was never really a fan. It had some good episodes, but like Buffy the Vampire Slayer it just got kinda boring after a while. :shrug:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
I dont know.....I was never really a fan. It had some good episodes, but like Buffy the Vampire Slayer it just got kinda boring after a while. :shrug:

Mob, Mob Mob,

Say it ain't so?????

Buffy Boring????

Why from the first time I saw the movie to the whole show I have loved it.

The idea of a nice young girl/lady who can kick @$$ and it come naturally to her.

And I had such hi hopes fo you my young one. :eek:

:rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Mob, Mob Mob,

Say it ain't so?????

Buffy Boring????

Why from the first time I saw the movie to the whole show I have loved it.

The idea of a nice young girl/lady who can kick @$$ and it come naturally to her.

And I had such hi hopes fo you my young one. :eek:

:rofl: :rofl:

After the whole thingy under the school stuff and Riley I got bored and moved onto bigger and better things. I havnt been bothered to watch since then. :shrug:
Can't really blame you for getting bored by Riley. On the other hand, the last two seasons have been very good.
Originally posted by Marginal
Can't really blame you for getting bored by Riley. On the other hand, the last two seasons have been very good.

Havnt really been bothered to watch since Riley. I did however catch the all singing episode. Very funny stuff! :rofl: