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I would never hand over MY weapon to an opponent who has NONE. Sure, "here mugger, you look helpless, let me even up the situation" (hands over the knife handle first and blade pointing at me)

Bruce, please observe what you write before summission. You cant possibly know how you sound/project.

I dont care if someone may or may not be able to handle a weapon, knife. I am not going to find out by handing them one. If I have the knife, and I am already skilled, it gives me DOUBLE the advantage. Why lesson the advantage to work harder disarming someone that I HAD ARMED?

Please, use a little common sense.
47MartialMan said:
I would never hand over MY weapon to an opponent who has NONE. Sure, "here mugger, you look helpless, let me even up the situation" (hands over the knife handle first and blade pointing at me)

Bruce, please observe what you write before summission. You cant possibly know how you sound/project.

I dont care if someone may or may not be able to handle a weapon, knife. I am not going to find out by handing them one. If I have the knife, and I am already skilled, it gives me DOUBLE the advantage. Why lesson the advantage to work harder disarming someone that I HAD ARMED?

Please, use a little common sense.
This is a training exercize we do.. Obvously If I have a Knife I won't just hand over the knife but what it teaches is the fact that with unarmed defenses you have more weapons.. I tell my students they have their Hands, Elbows, Knees Feet and Most importantly their Mind... The Statement of handing over the knife is to make the oponent have a limit... They will more likely use the knife to attack and I have defenses againse that Not Many pople on the street will throw a Jab or Kick with a Knife in their hands.. They will use the knife.. This limits the potential attacks.. YES you have to watch out for the trained indavidual that uses more but I'm talkiing about your common street thug.
I know by the posts that there are many very knowledgable instructors in here... Don't you use visualation lessons. Like How to Limmit an opponent.

When I tell a student the best way to use a knife is to hand it over... I then explain that this will limit the opponents attack in a basic street fight. (I DO TELL THEM NOT TO GIVE UP A WEAPON) but this is a visualation for not using weapons in combat. I try to tell them they they were born with the greatest weapons they could ever do. "You can have a chance to disarm an opponent with a Knife but You can't disarm an Unarmed opponent. Only Block and Control."
I try to teach people Not to rely on Knifes and Guns for defense and this is just one of the lessons we teach. Handing over the knife Limits what they may do. Becaust they feel stronger with the knife and attack with that. Can't you all see where I am coming from?
BruceCalkins said:
This is a training exercize we do.. Obvously If I have a Knife I won't just hand over the knife but what it teaches is the fact that with unarmed defenses you have more weapons.. I tell my students they have their Hands, Elbows, Knees Feet and Most importantly their Mind... The Statement of handing over the knife is to make the oponent have a limit... They will more likely use the knife to attack and I have defenses againse that Not Many pople on the street will throw a Jab or Kick with a Knife in their hands.. They will use the knife.. This limits the potential attacks.. YES you have to watch out for the trained indavidual that uses more but I'm talkiing about your common street thug.
But handing over a knife is a wrong appoach to make a opponent have a limit.

If you already have a knife, plus your skill, you have DOUBLE the adavantage, why lesson it?

And when you hand over a knife to a opponent, how would you know that they have trained potential with it before you give it to them?

Sorry Bruce, I have attended and taught self-defence seminars, none of which give the opponent the knife or weapon to aid in their attack against you. This is absurd and risky.

It is your statements and training like this that become questionable and controversial.

Come down here to the Deep South. I'll take you to places and you can hand over your knife. See what happens.

Bottom line, if you believe that you are that skilled and desire to take that chance, do not instruct this upon your students. You put them at greater risk. It is far too risky and illogical, to hand a weaponless opponent a weapon when during the situation you have the weapon and skills.
BruceCalkins said:
1.) I know by the posts that there are many very knowledgable instructors in here... Don't you use visualation lessons. Like How to Limmit an opponent.

2.) When I tell a student the best way to use a knife is to hand it over... I then explain that this will limit the opponents attack in a basic street fight.

3.) (I DO TELL THEM NOT TO GIVE UP A WEAPON) but this is a visualation for not using weapons in combat.

4.) I try to tell them they they were born with the greatest weapons they could ever do.

5.) "You can have a chance to disarm an opponent with a Knife but You can't disarm an Unarmed opponent. Only Block and Control."

6.) I try to teach people Not to rely on Knifes and Guns for defense and this is just one of the lessons we teach. Handing over the knife Limits what they may do. Becaust they feel stronger with the knife and attack with that. Can't you all see where I am coming from?
1.) But limiting a opponent is not giving them limitation by giving them a weapon. You would not know before hand the skills of the opponent. You are putting yourself at MORE risk by handing over a weapon, that you already posess with your skill, DOUBLING your advatange.

2.) Bruce, dude, you are showing a lack of experience here. If you hand your student a knife to demonstrate tactics that's fine. But to tell them to hand a knife, to which they already posses to an opponent to see if they have the skills to then turn around and disarm, doesnt make sense. Unless this is just a routine for each to take turns holding a knife to see it on a receiver's end.

3.) This is a contadiction of term. First you say to hand a opponent a knife to demonstrate limitation and now you say that you dont tell them to do this? Do you me a opponet in class study, to take turns, or a actual opponent in the street?

4.) Somewhat true and false. They are born with a great weapon-their brain.
However, a firearm is dominate.

5.) Sure you can disarm and unarm opponent. Think of it. If you practice disarming tactics, many said tactics could be used to disarm, using a better term, disable, the opponent

6.) Uh no.
When I tell a student the best way to use a knife is to hand it over... I then explain that this will limit the opponents attack in a basic street fight.

Sweet tap-dancing Mork on a fluted pogo stick, that's a stupid thing to teach people.

"See, Billy, when your enemy has a deadly weapon, you're actually in a much better position to defend against him, because multiplying his ability to kill you limits his... er... range of motion... and he'll... I don't know, maybe focus on the deadly weapon too much... so actually, you're much better off if he has a knife than if he doesn't."
I guess this is just something for the July thing I am not making my self understood and I'm going to drop it. No One is understanding what I mean. And I can't think of a different way to explain it in type.
I think the problem is that you are making yourself understood. I understand that what you teach is suicidal.
BruceCalkins said:
I guess this is just something for the July thing I am not making my self understood and I'm going to drop it. No One is understanding what I mean. And I can't think of a different way to explain it in type.
Yes, Bruce. I have always understood that you cannot type/write what you desire to say or think.

This is why I dont jump to a closed opinion or conclusion of what you post.
Choose "A" or "B"

A.) If the knife thing is just a class routine to study the limitations or tactics against the weapon opponent (knife holder).

B.) If it is to suggest to hand over a knife in actual combat/street tactic.
47MartialMan said:
Yes, Bruce. I have always understood that you cannot type/write what you desire to say or think.
This is why I dont jump to a closed opinion or conclusion of what you post.
Choose "A" or "B"

A.) If the knife thing is just a class routine to study the limitations or tactics against the weapon opponent (knife holder).

B.) If it is to suggest to hand over a knife in actual combat/street tactic.
B--- No A---- No B------...
Just kiddin.. Definetly A. It is a class training to teach them the multiple defenses againse the knife and limited uses of the Knife (In The Un Trained Hand)
BruceCalkins said:
Definetly A. It is a class training to teach them the multiple defenses againse the knife and limited uses of the Knife (In The Un Trained Hand)
See, now you are making sense.

I am not a good writer to convey my many thoughts also.

I know you have problems the same way.

However, given that others may not understand you, I still do not agree with nor will join the Eagle Federation. It was a "extreme" move on your part- best not have done, nor needed to be done.

IMHO, something that can be undone, by no longer openly or publicly, claiming part of.
BruceCalkins said:
"You can have a chance to disarm an opponent with a Knife but You can't disarm an Unarmed opponent. Only Block and Control."
But after you've disarmed them...aren't they unarmed?

People with a weapon often focus on only using that weapon, not all four limbs. But if that weapon is a knife--that's good enough.
arnisador said:
1.) But after you've disarmed them...aren't they unarmed?

2.) People with a weapon often focus on only using that weapon, not all four limbs.

3.) But if that weapon is a knife--that's good enough.
1.) But after they are unarmed, can you disarm them?

2.) How true

3.) Good enough for what?
Sharp Phil said:
These would be a matter of public record; can you produce the police reports of the incidents?

You seem to have missed the above. You claim several incidents involving knives and guns. And you claim to have been stabben and shot.

These are not things that go without police involvement. There would be records that you can show people and that they can access for themselves.

With all the people calling you a liar and laughing at you on these boards, it would make it easier for us moderators if you did not seem to be dodging the above and provided the proof that has to exist if you are telling the truth. With something like that established, it may be easier for people to believe other claims you make and that in turn would make it easier on us moderators.

So please Bruce, back up what you freely claimed with the evidence that has to exist if you were telling the truth. If you fail to, there is very little we can do to stop people from treating you like a fraud and a joke. None of us want that, do we?
I got stabbed without police evidence.

I have a scar to prove it.

However getting shot will require police involvement once medical treatment is underway.
Hello Again Bruce !

Since this thread has drifted a lot, I thought that I could re-asked you in regards to who these group called:

Can you invite some of your peers over this forum for some friendly inquiry ?

My curiosity would be that, under what Authority does the founder have to be able to give Sokeship ranks as well as knightshood titles ?

The founder list his credentials only to some extend and I'd be curious to know where, when and whom did he train under.

He looks awfully young, perhaps he is very talented and I am sure would love to be introduce to him thru this forum.

Thanks Bruce, Its good to see you tone down a bit, glad to see Martialman and others can assisting you in your MA journey !

Now I want Eagle federation ! ...Just kidding Bruce :)
47MartialMan said:
I got stabbed without police evidence.

I have a scar to prove it.

However getting shot will require police involvement once medical treatment is underway.

But since Bruce said it was part of his duties as a bodyguard, it would have been dealt with by the police. And the gunshot wounds are as you say- required by law to be reported. I think that obvious stab wounds (he said he was stabbed) would also have to be reported.

It would be nice if he at least tried to respond to what Sharp Phil wrote instead of ignoring it. I think a lot of people are thinking that he is dodging the issue and we moderators are the ones who have to clean up the mess if it turns into a screaming match.
BruceCalkins said:
This is a training exercize we do.. Obvously If I have a Knife I won't just hand over the knife but what it teaches is the fact that with unarmed defenses you have more weapons.. I tell my students they have their Hands, Elbows, Knees Feet and Most importantly their Mind... The Statement of handing over the knife is to make the oponent have a limit... They will more likely use the knife to attack and I have defenses againse that Not Many pople on the street will throw a Jab or Kick with a Knife in their hands.. They will use the knife.. This limits the potential attacks.. YES you have to watch out for the trained indavidual that uses more but I'm talkiing about your common street thug.
Even as a visualisation exercise that's just plain stupid! People are going to do what you teach them in your classes, and if by some chance one of them is attacked and has a chance to grab a weapon but doesn't, or hands one over to the attacker, then it will be YOUR FAULT for using such a "visualisation method". Someone with a knife is more dangerous than someone without, because the presence of a weapon NEUTRALISES most of your attacks. Are you going to be able to punch without controlling that weapon? No. Are you safe to kicks without controlling that weapon? No. Elbow? No. Grappling? No

With a weapon in his hand, the opponent becomes orders of magnitude more dangerous, and to think otherwise is folly, to teach otherwise is downright irresponsible!

To sum up, whether or not this is a visualisation: "DO NOT TRIVIALISE WEAPONS, ESPECIALLY SHARP ONES!!"
Aegis said:
Even as a visualisation exercise that's just plain stupid! People are going to do what you teach them in your classes, and if by some chance one of them is attacked and has a chance to grab a weapon but doesn't, or hands one over to the attacker, then it will be YOUR FAULT for using such a "visualisation method". Someone with a knife is more dangerous than someone without, because the presence of a weapon NEUTRALISES most of your attacks. Are you going to be able to punch without controlling that weapon? No. Are you safe to kicks without controlling that weapon? No. Elbow? No. Grappling? No

With a weapon in his hand, the opponent becomes orders of magnitude more dangerous, and to think otherwise is folly, to teach otherwise is downright irresponsible!

To sum up, whether or not this is a visualisation: "DO NOT TRIVIALISE WEAPONS, ESPECIALLY SHARP ONES!!"

I thought this was cleared up by his choice of ;
A.) If the knife thing is just a class routine to study the limitations or tactics against the weapon opponent (knife holder).
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