Branching out



Hi I have been taking TDK for 4 years now and I am nearing my 2nd degree black belt. I am thinking after I get that I should branch out and try a different art. Any suggestions

If it helps im 5'3 and weigh 111 pounds
I am in fair shape
What other arts are in your area? What exactly were you looking to study?

KingofSpades said:
Hi I have been taking TDK for 4 years now and I am nearing my 2nd degree black belt. I am thinking after I get that I should branch out and try a different art. Any suggestions

If it helps im 5'3 and weigh 111 pounds
I am in fair shape

What interests you? Something along the same lines as you are doing? A traditional art? Grappling? Striking? What peaks your interest? That is what you should be looking to do. Otherwise it is just a waste of your time and money. I would suggest checking out a few schools. Many schools offer a free introductory lesson or two. Have fun, stay open minded and try new things. The worst that could happen is that you find you have no interest. Nothing is ever lost by branching out.
what I'm looking for is something different than TKD, something that works with the arms more. Im sure I can find anything near me
KingofSpades said:
what I'm looking for is something different than TKD, something that works with the arms more. Im sure I can find anything near me
sounds like Kung Fu to me
the beauty of kung is that you learn a lot of hand techniques and most importantly you get to learn a lot of cool weapons...
and it will build your legs for yout TKD too.
If you decide to go with that i will give u more sources to read about the style you want to join
good luck man
KingofSpades said:
what I'm looking for is something different than TKD, something that works with the arms more. Im sure I can find anything near me

Many options.

Japanese or Okinawan Karate would certainly work your arms (and the rest of your body).

Jiu-jitsu, Aikido, or Judo would be a good grappling art that would make you a well-rounded fighter.
I would suggest that you try some Muay Thai. It accounts for a closing of the distance but still stays true to the way you have been trained to fight. Grappling is important information that deserves study; however, it should still be avoided from a third point of view (street situation)
Thanks for the replies, now my friend was telling me I should join ninjitsu, what type of art is that.
KingofSpades said:
Thanks for the replies, now my friend was telling me I should join ninjitsu, what type of art is that.

Check out the forums here on the topic. They can be insightful.

Ninjutsu is definately not as leg focused as TKD. I'm a beginner myself, but if you are interested, I can provide some cool links in PM.

KingofSpades said:
Thanks for the replies, now my friend was telling me I should join ninjitsu, what type of art is that.

Can't tell you...very secret. Way cool, from what I hear.

Check out the Ninjutsu forums. Much valuable information there.
Hey, I'm biased toward Kempo. Don't get confused if you read the Kenpo/Kempo forum. Check out some schools in your area. They may have a little bit different curriculum, but can tell you if they are legitimate kempo/kenpo schools the principles will be very similar.

Food for thought,

Best Regards,


Good luck in your search!
Boxing is a excellent way to suppliment your TKD training. Try it I'll beat you'll like it/
don't forget about the stick arts.
or a sword art if there is a true teacher in your area