Kittan Bachika
Purple Belt
Below are two fights between bouncers and drunk people.
NSFW for language.
What I noticed in each incident was that these fights happened outside club. From what I have heard about club security as along as the troublemakers are removed then everything is cool. In the first video, the drunk guy would not stop, but would it not have been best just to leave him alone on the sidewalk and go back in the club and call the cops? I am not defending the drunk but was there a need to beat him down like that?
The second video, I can understand why he had to choke the guy out since the drunk was getting closer and looking like a threat and also they could not close the doors because of the customers.
I think the second bouncer is a bit more profession in handling the drunk and kept his cool even though he was getting yelled by the guy in green shirt to let him go.
NSFW for language.
What I noticed in each incident was that these fights happened outside club. From what I have heard about club security as along as the troublemakers are removed then everything is cool. In the first video, the drunk guy would not stop, but would it not have been best just to leave him alone on the sidewalk and go back in the club and call the cops? I am not defending the drunk but was there a need to beat him down like that?
The second video, I can understand why he had to choke the guy out since the drunk was getting closer and looking like a threat and also they could not close the doors because of the customers.
I think the second bouncer is a bit more profession in handling the drunk and kept his cool even though he was getting yelled by the guy in green shirt to let him go.
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