Black Sash



I was (unfortunately) watching Black Sash last night halfheartedly. Apparenly Mako (Kim from the Perfect Weapon) is now on that show. He was teaching some guy and was mad at him swinging his sword around and said "Remeber, Economy of Motion!!" Hmmm.....
I personally like the show, anything to promote the good sides of martial arts should be applauded for its efforts. I noticed the whole economy of motion thing too and thought Kenpo reference...hmmm, but then I thought that economy of motion isn't just a Kenpo term, even though we use it the most. Still martial arts is main stream, the better advertisements, the more students in classes, it's the old, I want to be like that guy in that movie, or in that show. Just my opinion though.:asian:
I was really looking forward to the show before but it's too Dawsons Creek for me.
I just noticed how he said it like a "saying", and not "Be economical in your motion" or something to that effect.
From what I've read, the show is pretty much done anyway. It has maybe two more shows that have to run, then that's it. Poor ratings.
Yeah, kinda sad. While this show isn't Masterpiece Theatre, it does, as stated above, present martial arts practitioners in a generally positive light. Most of the time, MAs are depicted as either ninja psycho-killers or as posturing dweebs who are put in their place by a "good old 'Merican haymaker". It also featured Baguazhang rather than the generic VanDamme spinkickers. Ah well, maybe next time....

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
Watched it fo rthe first time last Sunday... Aside from Mako, it was pretty lame. Wooden acting, crappy technique flow and use... Generally not worth a second helping...

But... I am a graduate of the Kwai Chang Cain school of fine theatric mumbling and fighting... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Sigung86
But... I am a graduate of the Kwai Chang Cain school of fine theatric mumbling and fighting... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Did you see the episode of Kung Fu which featured DON JOHNSON as an INDIAN BOY?
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
A classic if there ever was one!
Ooop, I'm a little off topic.

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
Geez, Carradine as a Chinese monk, Don Johnson as an Indian. How did Master Po ever sneak on that show!?!?!?!?:confused:
aw man...Kung Fu: The Legend Continues....hilariously awful.

i was a huge was always a good time having belly laughs from all the superman stunts that Carradine would pull off.

btw...old Davey C. is going to be in the upcoming "Kill Bill" movie, which promises to have equally bad fight choreography.:D
Originally posted by roryneil
I was really looking forward to the show before but it's too Dawsons Creek for me.
I just noticed how he said it like a "saying", and not "Be economical in your motion" or something to that effect.

You can blame my girlfriend for that, every show she likes goes off the air.

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