BigD Nationals



I got to drive up to Dallas and hook up with Sibok Tom Kelley's
group. I'll post the pics. Special thanks to the whole gang for
letting me tag along all week. Thanks for treating me like one of
Here's our own Brian Hunter, in forms competition, in which he
took 3rd place!


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And here he "proudly" holding his trophy! :p


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Here's the better half of Bahenlaura:p , fighting. She took third,


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best one


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And the less attractive half of Bahenlaura, fights :D


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and again


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Forms Comp


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Hmm, what coniving is this?


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MT peeps!


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And of course, I had to get my pic of me and Sibok!


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The entire crew took more trophies than I can count, maybe
someone can post how many in all? They totally dominated!
Originally posted by Kirk
The entire crew took more trophies than I can count, maybe someone can post how many in all? They totally dominated!

Thus my friend the results of great instruction and hard work!

Congrats everyone!~

It was nice meeting you Kirk...I had a good time, We had a lot of fun. My daughter placed in forms so I kinda had too ;) I couldnt go home empty handed!

On the way home the tensioner pully flew off my wifes car so we stopped at some town (gainsville I think) and invaded some poor little auto parts store and got back on the road.

For being a national tourney I think everyone who went placed in something (We took about 20 people). I didnt think forms would be what I placed in I thought it would be sparring sometimes we surprise ourselves I guess.

But short of my cursing Dodge out on the side of a Texas Highway, good trip, lots of fun! It was nice to come home with something
Heres my little scrapper!!


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Thank you for posting all the nice pictures.
The Big "D" was as great as usual. We are so proud of our guys and ladies. They conducted themselves with out most respect and honor.
Sibok talked and bragged about them all the way home. He is very proud of them.
There were the little dragons under the direction of Lisa Kelly who did wonderful. Adult students did great too. Some were attending their first Tourny and they took first both in fighting and forms. The others, well, it was business as usual for them.
I too still enjoy the challenges which are presented in these events even though I am getting old and slow. Laura in the other hand is at top of her game.
All & all we had great fun. We met some new friends (You), and strenghten some old freindships.
That is what's all about.
Thank you once again for great pictures.
Till next time.
Yours In The Art
Laura & Burt Eskandarion


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Originally posted by brianhunter
It was nice meeting you Kirk...I had a good time, We had a lot of fun. My daughter placed in forms so I kinda had too ;) I couldnt go home empty handed!

On the way home the tensioner pully flew off my wifes car so we stopped at some town (gainsville I think) and invaded some poor little auto parts store and got back on the road.


You still owe me 5 push up for every minute I was late to my dinner back in Wichita. LOL.