big fight night :)


Senior Master
Jan 20, 2013
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I don't know anybody here, I do know I tell the truth when I practice goju, kobudo and some training in Kung fu (fact)

Along with the reasons all above I also agree with cmac
Another thing, (honestly the only thing I know about muay thai is how to spell it correctly, that and I knew one muay thai student that really favored the round house kicks...) so i have no idea if she knows about the style she claims. I assumed she was a normal martial artist that knew her subject like any other. But one thing that seems suspicious, after the claim has been made that she isn't a martial artist that is when her posts have just stopped. (maybe she just been off for a while and I'm over thinking it but who knows...)


Senior Master
Jan 20, 2013
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Mmm. Pretty shocking that the Brit crowd does admire technique. Shiny pants style, really. That is plain wrong LOL

What's wrong with shiny pants anyway... As long as it's not glitter covered or too short sounds fancy to me :D


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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What's wrong with shiny pants anyway... As long as it's not glitter covered or too short sounds fancy to me :D

It does tend to be points sparring rather than contact kickboxing.


The Dark Often Prevails
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Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
Maybe I missed it, but I read most of the posts on this forum and I don't remember anyone saying they knew her.

I do remember multiple occasions where she made claims which seemed rather odd, but then changed her tune somewhat after being corrected or questioned on them.

I also remember her talking about finding a local Muay Boran instructor that she wanted to check out - then ordering a book or video on the subject - then she started talking authoritatively about the art even though she never mentioned actually signing up and taking classes .

In this thread she started getting rather defensive when folks asked questions about the parts of her story that didn't make sense.

Then after CMAC showed up to say that she doesn't actually train at CMA, she stopped posting.

I'm not thinking this looks good for her credibility.

No you did not miss anything. The biggest trigger for was the whole TKD and MT thing. I could be very wrong here, but I don't see how you can cross train both to work together in a competition sense. Also I found it quite strange that someone whom trains Muay Thai, would surely know the origins of the art. Maybe not at first, but with someone like Donna who is fighting class (well maybe not), surely would no. That is the problem when you spin a yarn, you got to make sure the wool don't break. Same with a story for me.


The Dark Often Prevails
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Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
Actually one thing I am curious (okay maybe another) is this Scotty fella. Now did I read that he is a Muay Thai somewhere on another thread?


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Any round house type kicks? I imagine that a lot would be side kicks for points then?

Quite often roundhouse because many of the competitors comes from karate so use them a lot. I used to but when our lads came back from Thailand after training they showed us a more Muay Thai type of kick, lower and striking with the shin. I know a little about Muay Thai but only what the lads have brought back plus what I've read and watched in fights, I don't have any knowledge other than that. Kicks to the head in that type of kick boxing would bring more points certainly. Watching the Thai lads when they fight here I'm convinced their hips swivel differently to get such high kicks at the angles they do! Like most things martial arts related I've no doubt though it's technique and practice but I am envious.
I've looked up Muay Boran and most articles say that it's a blanket term for Thai martial arts, again this is only what I've read. Master Sken's site is the one that goes into the detail that Donna quoted before. Master Sken's name is well known here as being in MT but I don't know what his reputation is as he only coaches Muay Thai so not within the circle of people I know.


The Dark Often Prevails
Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
Quite often roundhouse because many of the competitors comes from karate so use them a lot. I used to but when our lads came back from Thailand after training they showed us a more Muay Thai type of kick, lower and striking with the shin. I know a little about Muay Thai but only what the lads have brought back plus what I've read and watched in fights, I don't have any knowledge other than that. Kicks to the head in that type of kick boxing would bring more points certainly. Watching the Thai lads when they fight here I'm convinced their hips swivel differently to get such high kicks at the angles they do! Like most things martial arts related I've no doubt though it's technique and practice but I am envious.
I've looked up Muay Boran and most articles say that it's a blanket term for Thai martial arts, again this is only what I've read. Master Sken's site is the one that goes into the detail that Donna quoted before. Master Sken's name is well known here as being in MT but I don't know what his reputation is as he only coaches Muay Thai so not within the circle of people I know.
Master Sken Academy - Muay Thai Training, Stockport - Master Sken Academy

I have this theory that because the Thai's start so young, they are probably uber flexible by their teens. I see what you mean about the hips. Yeah I did a little bit of research into Boran after seeing Onk Bak. I did think at first that it was an ancient version of MT and something entirely removed from MT. That is obviously not the case. Watching Tony Jaa was quite fascinating. I was thinking to myself that this is MT, but something just looked different. Yeah it was a film and Tony Jaa seems to able to get more air than Michael Jordan, but that was fascinating to me. I only looked towards Tony Jaa and what he had studied. I felt that he must have been a competitive fighter, but there are no records to show. Apparently he uses Krabi Krabong in his movies, but I can't say yay or nay on that one. He has done various different MA, but whether the likes Ong Bak are representative of Boran, again I could not say. From what I have gathered, the films like Kick Boxer gave a glimpse regarding Thai Boxing, but just a theatrical version. Twenty years ago, finding a MT school over here I imagine would have next to impossible. The only resource in them days was what was in the local library. I did find a book that was a compendium of the Martial Arts of the world. There was a bit about MT in there, but it would be years before I actually got to try it. Damn, if only I could go back in time and tell myself, "read the bloody book fool, don't look at the pictures only"


The Dark Often Prevails
Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
I know this guy is a stuntman, but by golly, this stuff is well insane. Furious 7 will be bitter sweet for me.

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Senior Master
Jan 20, 2013
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I have trained at cmac with Dave for a number of years now, and just want to confirm what has been previously said.
We are a serious and reputable gym and would not involve ourselves in events that would put any of our team in danger. No idea who this donna is either!

Thought I'd go ahead and greet, hello Dave welcome to MT. Mostly friendly people couple goofballs but overall mostly nice people


Sr. Grandmaster
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Jun 27, 2011
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Welcome, Dave and RobL, nice to have you.
Oct 11, 2014
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Hi all, I am Scott Dixon as mentioned in some of the previous comments. I am a professionally trained Thai Boxing fighter and Instructor Licensed by the UKMF (UK Muay Thai federation). I have never trained anybody by the name of Donnatkd at my gym. the only person i can relate to with this is somebody who claimed there name was Taz. Taz came to train with me at Optimum Thai Boxing for a number of private one to one lessons in wich i was told by her that she fights for RDX and was wearing all the latest RDX branded gear. i thought to myself i must have heard of her so when i asked who and what promotions she has fought on she replied with... its all unlicensed and ran by nutters and that the place she trains at previous to here is something called fight school whatever that is as was her words to me. whilst training her on the pads it was clear that she had never been trained properly. Then in the end when i explained that i am fully licensed and legit in the Thai boxing world and will have nothing to do with her unlicensed friends she decided to leave my gym. I later found out that she paid a visit to Dave Jackson at Warrington Thai Boxing and atempted to feed him the same stories. Me and Dave go way back and is my former Thai Boxing coach and one of the best trainers in the business. from experience of training there since the age of seven til only recently i can guarantee that no such fight school happens there. the atmosphere there is welcoming and friendly and is a great place to train and learn any martial art with fantastic coaches. as for the gym i am at it is no longer called THE MUSCLE HOUSE GYM. It is now known as SMITHYS GYM named after the owner and the documentary shows Shauns past life and his now career as a debt collector. I on the other hand own my own line of business in the gym wich is the Optimum Thai Boxing and am in charge of the Thai Boxing in this gym and coming from a great coach like Dave Jackson himself i train people at a high quality and safe professional standard and we have NO fight nights or ANY unlicensed fights of any kind in this gym. i am there every day teaching private tuition and classes mon, wed and fri nights. feel free to pop by anytime :) I dont know who DonnaTKD trains with now but neither mine or Daves Thai Boxing set ups have nothing to do with this so called fight school. :) thaks everyone. Scott Dixon


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Posting fantasies on the internet are fine until they start impacting on people's professional reputations, businesses and livelihoods . Perhaps there is some sort of 'underground' fighting taking place somewhere in the UK but no reputable promoter or coach is going to have anything to do with it. I'd hate for anyone to think that sort of fighting is normal or even common here, it's not. These gyms have worked hard to get where they are, they are top gyms and if you are in the UK please go and see for yourself.
Thank you to Dave and Scott for their time.

PS please stay on if you can, you have so much to contribute here, we are nice people, honest, who love martial arts!


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Athol, Ma. USA
Just want to also welcome Dave and Scott to the forum. Also want to say thank you to them for there posts.

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