"Best" Pistol to Own?

Why'd I recommend training, and not any particular guns?

Because, if the training is any good, they're going to discuss that issue somewhat. And caliber, supposed knockdown power, over penetration, and the rest. In person, and maybe even with a chance to try a few guns.

I'm a fan of Glocks: they're reliable, simple guns at decent prices. There's damn little to go wrong, and if it does, odds are that a simple tap-rack drill is all that you need. They're very tolerant of abuse and ill care. Unlike Sigs and a lot of others that are rather more picky about being cleaned and cared for regularly. You can also find conversion kits to let you use .22 ammo, if you want.

As to caliber -- there's so much variability when you start getting into different types of rounds (various types of expansion, like Hydra-Shock, hollow point, HST -- that's from Federal's list, and there are plenty of others). We're currently carrying .40 SW, 165 grain Federal HST HP in our duty guns, after we piggybacked on a larger agency's R&D. They changed from 9 mm because they weren't happy with the performance in actual shootings...

But all of that really needs to wait. Get the training. Discuss it with your family. Develop a storage plan. Develop your defense plan, too, and know where the gun fits into it. Then you can go out and get the gun and ammo, and be confident from the moment you bring it into your home.
I like the Smith and Wesson M&P, it is S&W's military and police gun. It is a great shooting gun, the back straps are changeable for a custom fit for your hand, and there are plenty of customizing options out there like triggers, spring kits, sights, etc. It is a great handgun in either 9mm or .40. And it has a good sized clip. It's not a conceal carry gun, but it doesn't sound like that is what you want. And it's affordable for the quality. The next gun I like that is a very affordable handgun that functions and shoots excellently (but I highly recommend buying the $25 apex spring kit for it) is the S&W SD series in either 9mm or .40. They aren't quite as nice as the M&P, but their are close to $200 less (I bought mine brand new for $350). It is a reliable gun, accurate, feels good, just buy the spring kit for it. The stock trigger pull is way too heavy for my liking.
Best of luck trying to find a good firearm

I don't know about you but I don't know how to shoot a gun (i know how to properly hold a gun but that's it) i always hear my grandpa when he talks about guns he talks about the seriousness about shooting one and consequences if not done so
what kind of handgun has good stopping power?

I have many guns but the most extreme 2 guns that I have are the Walther PPK and 44 Magnum.

- You can put your Walther PPK in your pocket and nobody can see it. Also if this gun is good enough for Sean Connery, it's good enough for me.
- When you pull out your 44 Magnum and say, "Go ahead, make my day", anybody will back off. Also if this gun is good enough for Clint Eastwood, it's good enough for me.
What about Bullet Tooth Tony's Desert Eagle .50?

I have no idea about the gun, but the bar scene in Snatch is a favorite of mine.
Any gun is only as good as your willingness to use it. You have to determine way in advance what is a true self defense situation and be aware of the fact that once the firearm is exposed you are at a point of limited options.
Whether it's a 22 or a 45, accuracy is the most important thing so practice for that day..........
It has already been said. Try and get some range time with a variety of handguns you think you might like. Narrow it down and get that one.... along with a lot of training and even more range time.
if you somehow can get your hands on one, a Sig Sauer P226, used by the navy seals and is more reliable than a glock, the p226 is a NO NONSENSE HANDGUN that is designed for intense use such as battlefields over seas. they are remarkable efficient I am a duel citizen and was a gun enthusiast, but anyway if you gave me the choice for anygun, to survive and depend on I would pick the p226, I would trust it with my life.
if you somehow can get your hands on one, a Sig Sauer P226, used by the navy seals

SEALS use a lot of different handguns, not just the P226.

and is more reliable than a glock,

And you base this statement on what factual evidence?

the p226 is a NO NONSENSE HANDGUN that is designed for intense use such as battlefields over seas.

As opposed to the dainty products of other manufacturers that are designed only for occasional use in controlled environments while getting a foot massage?
Hint: The guns provided by pretty much every reputable manufacturer are designed for exactly the same conditions...

they are remarkable efficient I am a duel citizen and was a gun enthusiast, but anyway if you gave me the choice for anygun, to survive and depend on I would pick the p226, I would trust it with my life.

That's nice, but other than advertising copy, what do you base these statements on?
I've got nothing against Sig Sauer. They make excellent guns. But so do lots of other companies. What experience do you have that will convince me that the SIg is any better?
SEALS use a lot of different handguns, not just the P226.

And you base this statement on what factual evidence?

As opposed to the dainty products of other manufacturers that are designed only for occasional use in controlled environments while getting a foot massage?
Hint: The guns provided by pretty much every reputable manufacturer are designed for exactly the same conditions...

That's nice, but other than advertising copy, what do you base these statements on?
I've got nothing against Sig Sauer. They make excellent guns. But so do lots of other companies. What experience do you have that will convince me that the SIg is any better?

Read the first section
Gun Review SIG SAUER P226 - The Truth About Guns

read the whole thing
Sig Sauer P226 Review - Best Police Guns

there are millions of good reviews about it, I would personally give it one too.

19:30 is my proof for more reliable than glock
Read the first section
Gun Review SIG SAUER P226 - The Truth About Guns

read the whole thing
Sig Sauer P226 Review - Best Police Guns

there are millions of good reviews about it, I would personally give it one too.

19:30 is my proof for more reliable than glock
Dude I can find millions of good reviews and TV show clips on almost every gun. Im a sig fan Its my preferred off duty carry but the "best" pistol is the one you have when you need it and they one your the most proficient with. Most modern assembly line made handguns are all well made accurate and reliable.
Dude I can find millions of good reviews and TV show clips on almost every gun. Im a sig fan Its my preferred off duty carry but the "best" pistol is the one you have when you need it and they one your the most proficient with. Most modern assembly line made handguns are all well made accurate and reliable.


Read it. Doesn't support your claims. It's just a guy writing a blog about how much he likes his gun. I'm happy for him.

Read it. Doesn't support your claims. All it is, is a list of the specs for various Sig guns. No performance testing whatsoever. The specs are all readily available from the Sig Sauer site, of course. But it's nice that the author knows how to cut and paste.

there are millions of good reviews about it, I would personally give it one too.

There are millions of equally good reviews of Glocks. And S&W. And PPK. And H&K. And Beretta. And and and and...
And yet there's nothing in any of this that supports the claims you made.

19:30 is my proof for more reliable than glock

19:30 shows two guys shooting mannequins and light bulbs. One with a Sig, one with a Glock. Neither gun had any reliability issues. How is that supposed to be "proof" of your claim that the Sig is more reliable than the Glock?

The difference in the speed and accuracy in that video is the shooter, not the gun. Any modern handgun is capable of far greater performance than any of us (with the possible exception of a few of the worlds top competitive shooters).
I can take any gun in this house, and I'll shoot it better than my wife. That doesn't mean she's not a good shot. She is. Nor does it say anything about the gun. All it means is I'm a better shooter than she is. Mostly, I suspect, because she's fired maybe 1500 rounds in her entire life. I've probably fired a couple hundred thousand.

I like Sig. My favorite local gun shop has one that I may well buy in the next week or so. But the claims you're making are unsupportable. And pretending otherwise just makes you look foolish.
I think Sigs are fine, but..... I really don't like them. I will stick with Glock as a duty gun. Can't beat the fact that my back-up is a G27 making it capable of taking my other mags as well.
I think Sigs are fine, but..... I really don't like them. I will stick with Glock as a duty gun. Can't beat the fact that my back-up is a G27 making it capable of taking my other mags as well.

Agree. I have a number of different guns to choose from, but the Glocks often end up being chosen. We're going to the range in a bit, and right now my daughter is carrying a Glock 42, my wife a Glock 26, her son has on a Glock 27 and I'm wearing a Glock 41. Yesterday I was carrying a Para Ordnance P14-45, but I'm wierd. And big enough to conceal something that size. Most days I carry a Tarus PT111 Millennium G2 or a Glock 26 with a +2 mag extension. With the extension, these two are virtually clones. Without, the grip on the G26 is just too short for my tastes.
Two of the things I like about Glocks are their interchangeability, and how easy they are to work on/modify.
if you somehow can get your hands on one, a Sig Sauer P226, used by the navy seals and is more reliable than a glock, the p226 is a NO NONSENSE HANDGUN that is designed for intense use such as battlefields over seas. they are remarkable efficient I am a duel citizen and was a gun enthusiast, but anyway if you gave me the choice for anygun, to survive and depend on I would pick the p226, I would trust it with my life.
Others have covered it, and I didn't want to try it last night on my phone. Sigs are NOT inherently "more reliable" than a Glock, and I don't think you can begin to really make that case. Sigs are really nice guns. They're made to tight tolerance, and need to be cleaned regularly or you will have malfunctions. Lots of LE agencies use Sigs; they're reliable and do the job -- but they are less tolerant of poor care. Glocks are damn near indestructable. I've been carrying a Glock for 15 years professionally. I'm a Glock Armorer and a certified LE firearms instructor. I've probably seen several hundred Glocks (and a slightly smaller number of Sigs; the agency we share our academy with uses Sigs, but I spend less time at the academy range than our in-house range) used through intensive training. With both guns I can count on one hand the number of gun-induced or caused malfunctions. I've seen Sigs malfunction slightly more from lack of cleaning; never seen a Glock fail for being dirty. (Want a clue how much abuse a Glock will take and still shoot? See HERE.)

As I said above -- I like Glocks because they're simple guns. 34 parts. That's it. Sig? 55. And lots more "finicky" parts.. Just plain more to go wrong.

As to use -- Glock: no external safety, only the Glock SafeAction system which combines a trigger safey with internal safety features (drop safety & firing pin safety). Always "Glock SafeAction", essentially a single action and identical trigger pull each time. Sig: no external safety, but it's a double action/single action system. Your first trigger pull is different from subsequent, and then when you holster, you have to deal with a decocker.

But, in truth, any reputable gun manufacturer makes a good, reliable gun. It comes down to personal preference.