berry king


berry king

Hi, I am interested in ninjutsu but have the feeling that the most schools that teach it dont teach the real thing. Does anyone know of any good ninjutsu schools in los angeles, california? I would also appreciate any tips on how to identify a good ninjutsu school and how to tell one is phony. Thank you.
If you go to , you'll find a directory that lists many Ninpo schools.

If a school is not teaching Bujinkan, Jinenkan or Genbukan, it is not historical ninjutsu....if that's what you mean by phony, though it doesn't mean it isn't necessarily of value.
Yes, to second what Jay said :) If you have a "Neo" Ninja group that is claiming some huge lineage. Beware, I wouldn't for sure say they are lying there may be some fact to it. But the majority of us in the "Indie" groups came from one of the Kans orginally.
Myself I don't claim anything nor does my teacher. Just an effective system IMO.
If you are looking for a Ninjutsu school outside of the Kan don't go to Ashidas site. Come to and ask there. They will steer you pretty good, as we do not allow wingnuts on this site. We regularly turn them away.
That is the United Ninjutsu Voice.
