Benelli Shotgun Aims Itself!!!


Dec 31, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah right! This guy is pretty good.

ol' Tom is somethin' else :D

here are a few more

hitting 10 targets

playing with a rifle

threading a .45 through the hole in a washer, and hitting asprin tablets with a .22
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I was about to post the same video... amazing!! Love his aww it's simple to do attitude.
I'm sure lots of rounds were fired to get that good. Or he's just a natural shooter.

I'd want that guy around when zombies attack! :lol:
I have a DVD with some of his stuff and IIRC, he shoots about 50k rounds of 12 gauge per year to say nothing of what he shoots with rifles, etc.
I miss Ad Topperwein. He wielded one of my favorite weapons, a 1903 model Winchester, when he set a world record by shooting 72,500 tossed 2 1/4 inch wooden blocks in a row, missing a total of nine of them. Here's a photo of him sitting on top of the pile of wooden blocks he shot.

I miss Ad Topperwein. He wielded one of my favorite weapons, a 1903 model Winchester, when he set a world record by shooting 72,500 tossed 2 1/4 inch wooden blocks in a row, missing a total of nine of them. Here's a photo of him sitting on top of the pile of wooden blocks he shot.

If you're ever in San Antonio, make sure to go see the Lone Star Museum, they have a large display with a bunch of Topperwein's memorabilia...rifles, targets, photos, etc. including a pile of the actual blocks he shot.