Belt Preferance

Yeah actually it is it shows you can't work with other people, it shows you're big headed and think you're better than everyone, it shows you don't listen to people, it shows you don't value other people and from this thread that's also very obvious.
your not going to go far in business with that attitude
right we agree, belts are of no value,

If my training has no value. I dont agree that my training has no value.

If my training has value. Then my belt, which is the manifestation of that training has value.
that's a nonsensical argument, i train to be the best i can be, because I'm the most important person in the world to me( except for children) to give up my individuality to achieve that would mean in not me anymore,

You would become a better you. But you are not going to because you refuse to give up habits that hold you back.

Which is exactly the point of that argument. And the video.
If my training has no value. I dont agree that my training has no value.

If my training has value. Then my belt, which is the manifestation of that training has value.
your training has manifested its self into a belt? neat trick.

so if your belt was,stolen, they would have,stolen your training as well.?
You would become a better you. But you are not going to because you refuse to give up habits that hold you back.

Which is exactly the point of that argument. And the video.
which of my habits are holding back my training ?
Tell you what everyone lets just stop talking to this guy it's going no where
which of my habits are holding back my training ?

Your unwillingness to believe something is more important than you. We could not produce fight teams like that. Because everybody needs to sacrifice for everyone else or the job just doesn't get done.

If your training is all about you. Then why do I put in the extra time?

And everybody just holds everybody back rather than driving each other forward.

But MMA is a different culture to your Mcdojo culture you describe.
no he hasnt
Yes, I did, and you quoted it, BTW...
You seriously have no idea how belts are beneficial to individuals? I know you're sharper than that. Belts are beneficial for the individual for about as many reasons as there are people wearing them.

I used to be motivated by them when I was in my late teens-early 20s. Not so much anymore. Now it benefits me by the same reasons it benefits my organization; it makes my life easier when I'm at an affiliated dojo, and keeps competition on a somewhat level playing field if the mood should strike me. I competed in our organization's annual tourney last year, and am contemplating doing it again next month.
as a

are they motivated by pieces of coloured cloth or by having passed a test of competency?

let's make it simple, let's say there are two students attending the same class, they started at much the same time, they have passed the same grades, but one, let's call him jobo, doesn't wear his grade round his waist. whilst the other one, , let's call him JR does, what benefit does Jr get from wearing a belt, that jobo misses out on ?

I can't answer for how nor why others are motivated by belts. I've heard a lot of different answers from a lot of different people. Remember... just because something doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean it doesn't make sense to someone or anyone else.

The physical belt doesn't motivate me. Improvement motivates me. When I get a new shiny belt, it's definitely because I improved. Otherwise I either wouldn't get a new one or I would've skipped the previous one. So if that means I'm still motivated by new belts, then so be it. If there wasn't a belt but the process was exactly the same, it wouldn't change my motivation one bit. Saying "I'm a brown belt" is quicker and easier than saying "I'm a level X student." It's easier for a teacher I'm unfamiliar with to see my belt than it is to ask me what level student I am and have me explain what I know and don't know. So belts make my life easier.

If your hypothetical "Jobo" didn't wear his belt, but hypothetical "JR" wore his...

In the hypothetical small dojo the hypothetical "JR" and "Jobo" train at together, nothing. Once they step out of that hypothetical dojo and into an affiliated one, hypothetical "Jobo" would be given a white belt, be made to practice solely with the white belts, and would only work on white belt syllabus material.

In the real dojo I train at, if you decided you didn't want to wear the belt my teacher gave you (and approved gi), you would be shown the door. The rules are the rules, if you can't follow them for whatever reason, leave. No hard feelings, it's just not the right fit for you. We've got a way of doing things, and you'd be told those ways before you joined. If you can follow the rules, welcome aboard; if not, there's other places that have different rules and will gladly welcome you. They'll hopefully welcome you, anyway.

People from different organizations and styles have inquired about joining our dojo and asked if they can wear a belt from their previous/other school. The answer is always no. A guest would be allowed to wear whatever they want, a formal student isn't.
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of course it does, being a team player is a personality trait, if you don't have that trait, you can't be a team player unless you change your personality.

i cant be in a team unless I'm in charge of the team, which always happen, because I'm out for number one, not for the team, so they put me in charge,
Your understanding of social psychology is lacking.
I'm the most important thing in the world to me( with the possible exception of,some children i know)
And you clearly don't understand the benefit (to you) of a team. Nor that the person looking out for number one is actually the least well-equipped for leadership.
oh i do, they work great if i run them and not at all well if someone else is in charge of me. Then they replace the leader for not running a good team,
It sounds to me like the problem is that the team doesn't work well because of your lack of teamwork, and improves when you take a more marginal role.
It sounds to me like the problem is that the team doesn't work well because of your lack of teamwork, and improves when you take a more marginal role.
Your post reminded me of the famous Allen Iverson "Practice?" interview. Especially the "How am I supposed to make my teammates better by practicing?" line at the end. That interview never gets old.

Your post reminded me of the famous Allen Iverson "Practice?" interview. Especially the "How am I supposed to make my teammates better by practicing?" line at the end. That interview never gets old.

I hadn't seen that before. Wow.

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