arts are ineffective?

Originally posted by hand2handCombat

scroll down and see what it says about how some arts are ineffective

In my opinion, some are--but MMA still isn't the only way to go.
I think all arts are effective, there just effective in differant area's.
I feel and truly believe from hand to hand, toe to toe and somes toe to heel experience that the practitioner makes the style effective; not the opposite!
Sincerely, in Humility;
Originally posted by Deathtrap101

I think all arts are effective, there just effective in differant area's.

For the most part I agree; but I do think there are some loser arts out there. Not every art's founder was a genius after all.
I think you have to take the statement on that board in context, if you went into the forum you would notice that there have been some good discusions on there, it's moderated by people of fair experience and it realy isn't a mud slinging board (actualy I hanv't been in there for a couple months, so that's what it was like a couple months ago). Also there are a few people on the board that practice one or more of those styles that they say MMA was rooted in, in that context I don't think they are realy bashing any one system but rather the instruction and training that is prevalant in some systems.
I think that all martial arts are good in some areas and not in others for instance./ if you just took boxing lessions you wouldnt be good at kicking proble. So what i did is i cross train between Judo/Jujisu wrestling boxing and karate , that seems to work out the best for me. I feel i can handle any kind of fight with any rules now. Feels good to be ready for the days to come.
Originally posted by arnisador

For the most part I agree; but I do think there are some loser arts out there. Not every art's founder was a genius after all.

LMAO :D How true!!

Care to enlighten us with some examples? lol
Originally posted by KennethKu

Care to enlighten us with some examples?

I think it would be diplomatic of me to chicken out on this one! I studied an American Self-Defense art for six months when I was starting out. As I look back at some of the nonsense--the key technique was the slap punch (shuffle in, slap the front off the face in a downward motion to temporarily obscure the vision, then punch to the nose, and shuffle back)--I am less than impressed.
i think pretty much all arts are effective against no art. because you're taught the defense against a punch. then counter. most non MAist, all they really can do is punch.

but art vs art is different. an art might be effective against no art. but some arts are ineffective agianst different ones