


im looking into serious arts that work. im interested in grappling, sword, and knife arts. can someone recommend me some veery effective style?
Originally posted by hand2handCombat

im looking into serious arts that work. im interested in grappling, sword, and knife arts. can someone recommend me some veery effective style?

If you want something effective, why are you looking into sword and knife arts? Do you take your sword on nights out with you in case you get jumped?

Hehe, I'd look into decent hand to hand systems first, if you want something that can be effective. My vote would be for kenpo.

Hey, I take offense to that! Kali is a sword and knife art. Anything I can do with a knife is just as effective with a fist! And as I have been told by numerouse people you are never without a weapon unless your fighting in a padded cell with nothing in it. And as for carrying a knife or a sword around, my teacher carries a small stick, cant remmember the name of it, which is what the Boken is to a sword. That cant get you arrested, can be concealed and is very hard to kill or harm anyone badly with, unlike the knife. But still its always good to do more then one martial art! JKD is good because it is built mainly on the basis of Kali and Wing Chun which is both Weapons and Open hand. But hey if you dont trust me check it out.
Originally posted by Master of Blades

Anything I can do with a knife is just as effective with a fist!

Just as effective? I practice FMA myself and understand what you're getting at, but this is much too hyperbolic!

I have to agree with the comment about the swordwork. Also, the looking for environmental weapons is good advice but somewhat overrated--how often when an encounter goes down do you have time to look for a weapon? You may not even have time to draw one that's on you--standard police advice is to not draw their sidearm if your attacker is within about 18' of you as they'll get to before you can safely employ it.

Is the stick you're thinking of Kubotan (yawara)?
If you want something effective, why are you looking into sword and knife arts? Do you take your sword on nights out with you in case you get jumped?

hello?i do hand2hand arts. when i say effective, i mean an effective sword art, effective knife art. i didnt phrase it "i want an art that i will use everywhere i go"
Effective sword art is much too general. What would be effective against a Frenchman fencing with a foil wouldn't work against a samurai in wooden armour, and so on.

Note that we also have Sword Arts and Fencing fora, as well as fora for general Japanese, Filipino, etc. arts that would be appropriate for discussing their swordwork.
ok let me rephrase that to "almost" as effective. You know what Im gettin at tho! Hes just knocking off arts. sure he has a point but you could have rephrased it.
diffrent swords act diffrent and the various arts that utalise them tend to be the best at putting them to use in my opinion. that is to say I wouldn't go to a european system to learn how to use a katana, and I wouldn't go to japanese system to learn small sword.
hmm....i suppose you right. im looking into a combat sword art that was used in the battlefield and has a good name.
Iaido is loads of fun but kenjutsu is it's typical battlefield application. European fencing needs more bodies! See our Fencing forum for links to lists of local clubs for both sport and historical fencing.

The Filipino arts have swordwork that was influenced by Spanish fencing; Indochinese arts have the kukhri (Bando) and other types of swords.

There's a lot yet to be done in narrowing down your search! See also the links to other sword boards in our Sword Arts and Knife Arts fora.