Arnis at Disney???


Master Black Belt
Feb 22, 2002
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I just got an email from Datu Shishir. He has set up a training center in Kissimmee/Orlando Florida area where he will be holding regular classes. In two weeks he will start teaching at the Disney Celebration,. He said "Arnis is now a part of thier program" (I have to get clarification on this). He is also starting a video production group and Arnis Demo Team which he invited me to be a part of. In June he will be organizing/hosting a Modern Arnis Camp in Orlando, he is affiliated/associated with the IMAF (the one with Chuck Guass and Randi Schea) so it should be a pretty big turnout.

I am meeting with him this weekend to go over my certification. If anyone in the area is interested in training in Kissimmee/Orlando area you can contact me at [email protected] and I'll connect you with Datu Shishir.


I've also got a friend in the Orlando area who teaches some FMA as part of his JKD curriculum. That's 2 options in the Orlando area (and I'm pretty sure there are a few others that I've heard of but can't remember right now).

Orlando seems to be a budding FMA hotbed :)

Originally posted by pesilat
I've also got a friend in the Orlando area who teaches some FMA as part of his JKD curriculum. That's 2 options in the Orlando area (and I'm pretty sure there are a few others that I've heard of but can't remember right now).

Orlando seems to be a budding FMA hotbed :)


Raffy Pambuan and Mike Sayoc are also in the Orlando/Kissimmee area as well!
If I go there to beat up the mouse will a bunch of dwarf hitmen take me out ?

That Disney is a shadey organization !

:D :D :D