

Master Black Belt
Feb 22, 2002
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Hello All,

I am proud to announce that I have been promoted to Instructor level 1 by Datu Shishir Inocalla. My testing was last Sunday and took pretty much the entire day. This is a big personal accomlishment that I have put on hold until now. My certificate is pretty cool, its the Modern Arnis Philippines one and is signed by Remy Presas. Datu Incocalla had the Professor sign a few of them the last time he visited him before his death. I am not sure to what extent I will get involved in the political aspects of Modern Arnis, but Datu Inocalla requested that I register our school with the IMAF. I am involved with other organizations and our club represents other FMA styles, so our school will not be "pure" Modern Arnis, but I will do my best to represent Datu Inocalla, Professor Presas and Modern Arnis.

Thanks and its good to feel part of the family again.



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Congratulations on your achievement !! I had the fortune of meeting Datu Shishir Inocalla last October at the IMAF Chicago camp and came away very impressed with Datu Shishir. Nice pic of you and Datu Shishir !!

Brian Johns
Columbus, Ohio
Nice Job!

Thanks everybody,

One of the nice things about the testing was that Datu Inocalla pointed out the "original" core techniques from older Modern Arnis and also showed the "inovations" that was made (some by him and by others) which was encouraged by the professor.

I kind of see it as the core techniques being the roots/trunk of a tree...and everyones inovations and different directions that they have taken as branches, no two are exactly alike, but they all share the same roots.

firstly i would like to say congrats on reaching that level for your art. you did the time now you got the rewards..

i just have 1 question now this is not meant to be political and i dont want people to take this the wrong way..

My certificate is pretty cool, its the Modern Arnis Philippines one and is signed by Remy Presas. Datu Incocalla had the Professor sign a few of them the last time he visited him before his death.

this is my question, your certificate is signed by the prof. (R.I.P) but he never tested you??
How does this workout? With all due respect for incocalla it was he that graded you.
also are the certificates only for level 1s or could they be for any level.?

Congrats! May you enjoy the teaching even more than the road to this point traveled.

Originally posted by moromoro
this is my question, your certificate is signed by the prof. (R.I.P) but he never tested you?? How does this workout? With all due respect for incocalla it was he that graded you.

I hate to admit to this, but I agree with moromoro. I don't want to take away from your accomplishment, but I do question the wisdom of Datu Shishir using diplomas that GM Remy signed now that he is gone. I have the same blank diplomas sign by GM Remy. I wouldn't feel comfortable using them for anything more than replacing a damaged diploma. No disrespect intended.
The Certificate being signed by the Professor was very significant to me and a pleasant surprise. I hope others do not take this the wrong way, but when I first met the Professor I felt very special in the fact the he did take pride in helping young Filipino Americans get in touch with there culture and I feel he did pay special attention to me as well as others because of our nationality. When he passed away, like many, I felt like my uncle had died. I no longer felt like achieving in Modern Arnis although I still practiced it. Again I hope nobody takes this the wrong way, but who was going to be my sponsor? Definately not Delaney. I’ve stayed with Ray Dionaldo (another Pinoy) ever since and although he is a great Arnisador and teacher, he was taking his own path. When I met Shishir, he had a similar demenor as the professor, in that he really enjoyed passing the art to young Filipinos.

The signature of Remy Presas has personal meaning to me and I do not intend to mislead anyone and say that he tested me or was present for the testing, although I can see how someone might exploit this. Certificates usually do have the name of the Art and the GrandMaster on them, correct? It is a certificate of lineage from student to Datu to Grand Master. It is my guess that this was Datu Shishir’s intent as well. I am sure he is careful to who he gives remaining signed certificates out to.

Hope this answers your questions and I hape not to offend any non-filipnos. In the end it is still just a piece of paper, but it is what the piece of paper means to me that is important, not to anybody else.

The certificate is used only for level 1 (instructor) and level 2 (senior instructor).
Like I said, I have no problem with you and your accomplishment. I wouldn't have said a word if someone else didn't mention it first. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't have felt comfortable doing that myself. I wish you luck and hope that you can help ALL of us in the Modern Arnis community carry on GM Remy's work.

Your brother in Modern Arnis,
Datu Tim Hartman
World Modern Arnis Alliance
Originally posted by Renegade
Like I said, I have no problem with you and your accomplishment. I wouldn't have said a word if someone else didn't mention it first. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't have felt comfortable doing that myself. I wish you luck and hope that you can help ALL of us in the Modern Arnis community carry on GM Remy's work.

Your brother in Modern Arnis,
Datu Tim Hartman
World Modern Arnis Alliance

I have no problem with anybody questioning the signed certificate, it is a valid and very good question! I can only hope they are given out is "special" instances. Datu Shishir did have 2 versions of the certificate (the other had Remy Presas' name typed in only). In any case I will (carefully and respectfully) try to speak with him about it.
