Another Self defence system

Doug Marcaida BIO

Just Google..............

Not a personal attack on anyone but my opinion only - To be honest and it has to be said, whats with all the I wanna see credentials like who is everyone around here the FBI Pfft LoL

Sounds very pompous and condemnatory to be frank.......tsst ........ its internet bullies that really have no clue.

So many bums teaching martial arts calling themselves Grand Masters / Sifu / Sensei and what not fat, over weight unfit, couldn't run around a block without puffing yet alone hold them selves up in a street fight, flat footed many don't have any spring in their feet or have any real attribute to a fight, they are stuck in the mud type martial artist.

Fake to some extent so trust me qualification mean crap all as a real martial artist experiential knowledge counts 100/100 every time over legit qualifications, its just a paper on the wall so to speak.

If you love the classical arts and adore your style good for you but making judgements and casting down others is uncool and you could bring judgment upon yourself on worth of your qualifications.

I have studied with people who admit they are only classical teachers not street fighters nor do they teach self defense, just for the labor of love to the art, and have advised take up other courses to sharpen skills like boxing etc

Thats a great teacher and mentor to have not this crappy lame egotistical boasting to no avail but being true to self!

Now I look back I had some real cool teachers to be honest.

This was many years ago before the internet LoL back in the 80's -90's

But to stand tall would be calling out someone to knock your head off, as for Doug Marcaida he is good at his craft and has trained with others in the circle of his art.

I mean you would not walk up to Richard Branson as an example and say why are you a CEO earning millions and not have gone through the proper university qualifications, right!

Do you know what he would say to you? LoL

Some of the richest business people don't have a Harved Degree yet are part of the billionaire club, if you get my meaning.

As for fake Grand Masters and Teachers Search Youtubes here is one...........

Its like all the Conor vs Floyd crap .......... Conor is crap and his cardio is pathetic.......just ssssshhhhoooosshh please.

Look at his career in just 4 years what he accomplished and what thats nothing.

Pfft give me a break social media nonsense everyone's entitled to an opinion I get that but c'mon its madness political correctness and egos gone bad.

What about common sense and good reasoning, give people a break pull back on negativism and judgement if anyone can understand my opinion here.

So c'mon guys cut this nonsense out of being high and mighty!

Really does spoil the Forum, I'm just here for a good chat, share stuff participate in posts, just relax time discuss an interest we all share, people need to chill enjoy the surrounds and smell the flowers LoL

But hey carry on if you must!

Umm ... what?

Firstly, I know who Doug Marcaida is. The guy teaching in the video isn't Doug Marcaida, it's Fred Mastro. What's Marcaida got to do with it?

All I know about Mr. Mastro is what I see in the video. I haven't seen him fight or spar, but in his demos his movements are smooth, fast, and precise. Those are all good things, which is why I said that he is clearly skilled in what he does.

I offered no negative judgments about Mr. Mastro or his abilities. I did offer my opinion on the usefulness of the individual techniques shown in the video for the average students self-defense needs. This is because the original post specifically asked about how useful the system might be for the OP's friend who was considering it for self-defense purposes. I made it clear that I was not judging the system as a whole, just the individual moves demonstrated in the video.

I also didn't question Mr. Mastro's credentials, as those aren't particularly relevant to the critique I was offering of specific techniques.

I'm not sure what your talk of "classical arts" has to do with anything. Silat is just as "classical" as any other art out there. Maybe Mr. Mastro has made innovations to his particular system of Silat, but many of my favorite instructors of various arts have done the same. Are you fantasizing that I am some sort of "classical art" fanatic who denigrates newer systems? If so, you didn't get that from anything I wrote in this or any other thread.

If you have disagreements with any of the specific opinions I wrote about particular parts of the video, then feel free to post them. They're based on my perceptions and understanding developed from 36 years of training in a variety of systems, but I could easily be wrong on any of them. I frequently am wrong. If you have arguments to the contrary, then make them and we can have a productive discussion. Ranting about stuff I didn't say or the credentials of a martial artist who isn't being discussed doesn't lead to any kind of helpful conversation.
Perhaps pay more attention to the actual comments. There are good points in there, and Tony closes with a comment that the teaching may be very different from what's in the video - which several of us have commented appears to be designed to demonstrate, and most demonstrations (my own, included) are designed to get the attention of the audience, not to teach.

Nobody has said the guy is crap. Some have had issues with what's in the video. If you have some counter-points, why not post them? I (and I know I can vouch for Tony on this, too) am always open to finding out my interpretation is shaded by my own ignorance of some principle being applied.
One can be famous within a particular group or particular groups. One may not be famous world wide but can be within a smaller group. Famous simply means to be known or recognized by many persons. There is no specificity as to what constitutes many. So within your example of 100 players if one is know by many within the group who follow snooker that one is famous...within the particular group.

Your opinion on the definition of famous is a good is wrong but a good far as opinions go.
but that's a silly line of reasoning, a few dozen people round here know me, that would mean that i could claim to be famous, in fact using that reasoning everybody could
@gpseymour and @Tony Dismukes,

Well I did delete part of the message but you copied it oh well.

Although I was pointing more towards some other threads in Forum sadly where people just shut down anything for really no reason at all or poor understanding.

I apologise no offense intended was a little frustrated on other areas of the Forum that's all, I also misinterpreted your post as it was like some of the other posts that have been derailed and off topic and made a mess of, sure I jumped the gone and I am sorry for that!

I hope you understand.
but that's a silly line of reasoning, a few dozen people round here know me, that would mean that i could claim to be famous, in fact using that reasoning everybody could
And by your reasoning, everyone on MT is famous (because you are a common guy, and you are aware of them).
And by your reasoning, everyone on MT is famous (because you are a common guy, and you are aware of them).
why do you keep misquoting me, i said average not common, once we are using the correct terminology that maths applies.

in order to count as average my knowledge of things ,in this case who is famous, must be the same as a majority of the population, my knowledge of the posters on here is not averagely held infomation, so you don't count as famous, at least not yet
@gpseymour and @Tony Dismukes,

Well I did delete part of the message but you copied it oh well.

Although I was pointing more towards some other threads in Forum sadly where people just shut down anything for really no reason at all or poor understanding.

I apologise no offense intended was a little frustrated on other areas of the Forum that's all, I also misinterpreted your post as it was like some of the other posts that have been derailed and off topic and made a mess of, sure I jumped the gone and I am sorry for that!

I hope you understand.
Cool. Always a good idea to read carefully before responding, but I'm glad you re-read and realized I wasn't saying what you thought I was.

The part of your post that you left up after editing still references Doug Marcaida. Any reason you're posting his bio when the video being discussed is of Fred Mastro?

(BTW, I've never met Doug Marcaida, but I've heard good things and his videos look interesting. I would be happy to check out his teaching if I have the opportunity some day.)
Cool. Always a good idea to read carefully before responding, but I'm glad you re-read and realized I wasn't saying what you thought I was.

The part of your post that you left up after editing still references Doug Marcaida. Any reason you're posting his bio when the video being discussed is of Fred Mastro?

(BTW, I've never met Doug Marcaida, but I've heard good things and his videos look interesting. I would be happy to check out his teaching if I have the opportunity some day.)

Sorry I don't understand your question

But this is Doug Marcaida on the left.


And this is his training center and webpage - About | Doug Marcaida

He developed the style from other roots for military use and other applications etc.

There is a great review online about his development style I might dig online and post it here.
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Sorry I don't understand your question

But this is Doug Marcaida on the left.


And this is his training center and webpage - About | Doug Marcaida

He developed the style from other roots for military use and other applications etc.

There is a great review online about his development style I might dig online and post it here.

Yes, I know who Doug Marcaida is. I've watched a bunch of his videos and I have friends who have trained with him.

This thread (if you look back to page one) was created to discuss a video showing what appears to be footage from a seminar taught by Fred Mastro. Mr. Mastro is a Silat practitioner who has created his own art - the Mastro Defence System. His website is here. Mr. Mastro and Mr. Marcaida are not the same person. They don't even look alike or practice the same art.
Yes, I know who Doug Marcaida is. I've watched a bunch of his videos and I have friends who have trained with him.

This thread (if you look back to page one) was created to discuss a video showing what appears to be footage from a seminar taught by Fred Mastro. Mr. Mastro is a Silat practitioner who has created his own art - the Mastro Defence System. His website is here. Mr. Mastro and Mr. Marcaida are not the same person. They don't even look alike or practice the same art.

i will take a guess that part of the confusion is that Fred did some videos with Doug. there were parts of the video that the OP posted that came from the videos that Doug produced.
So ... like Rugby, then?
well no, people,who are caught subjecting others to gross violence are remove,from the arena and possibly banned for other games.

there is quite a,difference to sports where people are hurt and sports where the objective is to cause as much damage,as possible
why do you keep misquoting me, i said average not common, once we are using the correct terminology that maths applies.

in order to count as average my knowledge of things ,in this case who is famous, must be the same as a majority of the population, my knowledge of the posters on here is not averagely held infomation, so you don't count as famous, at least not yet
Okay, so let's use your word, not mine (not sure why that matters so much, but fine). You claim to be average, yet claim that if I don't know someone famous, I am by definition not average. So, if you don't know someone famous, are you still average?

See the logic issue? Whether you or I, as individuals, know of someone doesn't determine their famousness. Whether many people do is the measure (again, vague, but clearly NOT defined by a single un-knowing individual).
but that's a silly line of reasoning, a few dozen people round here know me, that would mean that i could claim to be famous, in fact using that reasoning everybody could
You could then be classified as famous...within that small group.
Have you never heard a phrase similar to, "he's quite famous in his area of expertise" or "that restaurant is famous for its Mediterranean Cuisine"?
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Cool. Always a good idea to read carefully before responding, but I'm glad you re-read and realized I wasn't saying what you thought I was.

The part of your post that you left up after editing still references Doug Marcaida. Any reason you're posting his bio when the video being discussed is of Fred Mastro?

(BTW, I've never met Doug Marcaida, but I've heard good things and his videos look interesting. I would be happy to check out his teaching if I have the opportunity some day.)

He threw a video up of Doug before you did the critique of the the OP. Thinks you are discussing his video?
well no, people,who are caught subjecting others to gross violence are remove,from the arena and possibly banned for other games.

there is quite a,difference to sports where people are hurt and sports where the objective is to cause as much damage,as possible

He threw a video up of Doug before you did the critique of the the OP. Thinks you are discussing his video?

Ahuh, yes thats where I got it wrong again sorry guys thx m8

Good catch though, I did not realize either LoL

Thats what we need around here is people helping each other out good sportmanship and no egos policy always works best.

Sorry again for my unintended interruption!

Well done M8
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He threw a video up of Doug before you did the critique of the the OP. Thinks you are discussing his video?

Ahuh, yes thats where I got it wrong again sorry guys thx m8

Good catch though, I did not realize either LoL

Thats what we need around here is people helping each other out good sportmanship and no egos policy always works best.

Sorry again for my unintended interruption!

Well done M8

That explains it, although if you read any of my critiques it would have been clear they had nothing to do with the Marcaida video.

For what it's worth, I like the video you posted much more than the original video being discussed. Marcaida isn't working from the assumption that he's 5 times faster than his opponent or that his opponent will instantly drop from any empty hand strike. He's teaching, not showing off.
You start with works somewhere though. Before you get to I can learn to do that.

Mostly. I mean taking out the innovators.
You get to a level of competence that is beyond application and you will naturally start to innovate. Problem with some MA training is that they don't even get to application, much less beyond into more advanced stages of expertise.

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