An opinion please?


Black Belt
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ponca City, Oklahoma
Apart from the fact that I don't believe it is a real exam, but something staged, can I have some qualified technical opinion? I get excited too easily and all that movement gets too much into me so I can't tell if it is really as good as it seems.
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I would say rehearsed, but a damn good showing. Seems to me that uke's attacks are not Aikido, ie that he's kicking like a karateka, etc. Never seen that in Aikido. Is this common?
I vote rehearsed - if it's not, I'm more impressed with the uke being able to keep up. I've done kick defenses in Hapkido that are very similar and pulled them off in sparring. These flow like a demo ( the uke isn't being cautious as one would be in sparring situation) but then again what is a test but a demo. i.e. demonstrate x technique from y attack. They didn't label it as randori.
I would say rehearsed, but a damn good showing. Seems to me that uke's attacks are not Aikido, ie that he's kicking like a karateka, etc. Never seen that in Aikido. Is this common?


From what I remember, at least one of the schools (Tomiki maybe? Or possibly Yoshinkan. If anyone remembers, please help...) used to practice against karate attacks, the idea being that the Aikidoka uses a circular, grappling-style response against karate's straight-line, striking-style attacks. This idea is another expression of dualities, Yin-Yang, In-Yo (in Japanese), hard-soft etc. So while it isn't necessarily common, it is not unheard of. I think there was some examples of it in "Budo: The Art of Killing" from the 70's. You know what, I'm pretty sure it was Tomiki Aikido. Probably. I think.
Demo, exam whichever it was still pretty damm good. The Uke was excellent and the timing was great.
This may be rehearsed, but the ukemi is quite real IMO.

You can't fake ukemi :p but there is a difference between falling for something you know is coming and something you are surprised by.
We have several folks in our school that came from karate backgrounds and they often attack like that. Good showing.
You can't fake ukemi :p but there is a difference between falling for something you know is coming and something you are surprised by.

Quite so. I guess I was splitting hairs. Merely trying to say that uke didn't look to me like he was just taking a dive.
yes that was quite an impressive display of aikido. Even though it was likely a demo it does show how aiki principles can work in a real fight. Uke and tori both showed a high degree of control and skill in both ukemi and execution of technique in my opinion.
The uke was impressive.
Apparently this footage was shot in Vietnam?
Apart from the fact that I don't believe it is a real exam, but something staged, can I have some qualified technical opinion? I get excited too easily and all that movement gets too much into me so I can't tell if it is really as good as it seems.
Hey charyuop :) why do you think this is NOT an examination? Set syllabus run-through, good uke of comparable grade? Seems to make sense to me. I have seen clubs before treat their shodan test as a demonstration where the juniors are encouraged to watch and to show appreciation - I like that - it gives the testing more of a 'one big family' feel and which is great for the spectators and can alleviate pressure from the candidate. My own style grades in the exact opposite way: formal and more, um, dignified. I would have preferred the other way :). And but nothing seems too out of place here for me watching this as an examination :)
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
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