Amazing feats



Would anyone like to share amazing Martial Arts feats that they have witnessed? (Or reliable sources have witnessed)

I will start with two.

Against a person standing pretty close and holding both his wrists, I saw Teruo Hayashi do a kick and planted the ball of his foot on the attackers jaw. The kick came up inside the attackers arms (an inside roundhouse kick.) The attacker was totally unsuspecting of the technique, and didn't have his jaw clenched, and the kick caught him pretty good. He turned to the side and spit out a chip of his tooth. Hayashi was about 58 at the time.

Here's one I didn't see. A former Sensei of mine, way back when, claims to have been in a dojo in Okinawa where the master was working with the sai against a senior student with a bo. They were outside. In one technique the master threw the sai at the student's leg, and the shaft of the sai was so close to the foot that the tyne (side extension) of the sai wrapped around his ankle.
i dont want to mention any names here, but I was at a tournament here in detroit area, and the host had invited one of the Kims (C.I or JJ) can't remember which one it was, to the tournament.
Anyways....They asked him to perform. He did Kang San Kong. The crowd gave its obligatory clap, and the host (4th dan at the time) went out and did a brick break over his chest (sledge hammer parlor trick). Kim got insulted. I was standing next to him and he looked to me and said "never try to show up a higher belt". With that, he grabbed 1 of the hosts senior students, a random man from the crowd, a pencil and the can of coke he had been drinking from. He placed the can of coke on the senior student (3rd dan) head, and walked the random fellow about 15 years across the floor. He put the pencil in the guys mouth, blindfolded himself and did a spinning back hook kick which knocked the pencil out......he ran across the floor and did a jump round kick (still blindfolded) and hit the coke can directly at the tournament director (which had a few remaining drops of pop which splashed out). As everyone was cheering exremely loud, he took off his blindfold, walked to his bag, and left the gym floor.
The tournament director switched orginizations about 1 month later!
One story my instructor likes to relate about his instructor was the time he found himself fighting a few soldiers in the middle of the night. He faced off with the biggest guy and on his very first move he, literaly, burried his foot into the guys groin. The guys pubic bone actualy collapsed. He then had to fight a second guy while still attached to the first guy. I don't know how true the story is but that is the result my instructor always wanted us to try for on a groin shot.
makes me want to kick someone just reading the story!!!
I better go post on that "training partner needed" thread.....see if i can get any volunteers!!!!!!
Originally posted by progressivetactics
I better go post on that "training partner needed" thread.....see if i can get any volunteers!!!!!!
Well you know, some people volunteer without actualy volunteering.
Originally posted by progressivetactics
I better go post on that "training partner needed" thread.....see if i can get any volunteers!!!!!!

Talk To Seig and his Patented Move

"Boot To the Groin" :btg:

Amazing things.

I get up and go to work ;)

Seriously, I will post when I can put one together nicely.
I seem to remember having a picture around that showed a certain instructor breaking a concrete block with his head, just because somebody dared him to do it... wish i had been there to see it at the time.. do not think he will do it again anytime soon! :idea: :hammer:
Whenever I hear about amazin' feats, I recollect the infamous cucumber-and-sword trick at the LB Internationals.
I recollect the infamous cucumber-and-sword trick at the LB Internationals.

Was that the one where the student got his throat opened up onstage, thanks to "sensei"'s poorly placed second cut? Eeeesh, that musta hurt.......:eek:

I remember watching one of those competitions on ESPN, and saw a man in one of the breaking competitions do a break on a large block of ice, using a ridge hand strike. He did the break, but it was extremely obvious that he dislocated his shoulder as he did it. After his break, he bowed calmly to the judges, waited until he was dismissed, walked calmly out of the ring, and had some of his students reset his arm.

I thought that was mighty impressive.

Aside from that, I think that I would have to say I see impressive stuff or "amazing feats" just about every day in class. Some people that I thought would have quit by now progressing by leaps and bounds, people overcoming pretty overwhelming name it, it walks through the door just about every day.

Good stuff, all around!!!

If anyone has seen any Ueshiba videos, you will see the following. A student charges in, arm high in the air simulating the downward cut of the sword. Ueshiba steps slightly forward, and pushes an open hand out towards the neck. Typically the counter strike uses the ulna forearm (thumb side) bone to the side of the neck, but there are other strikes as well.

With up to a foot of space between the hand and the neck, the attacker's forward momentum is completely reversed and he shoots backwards like he was fired out of a cannon. When I first saw this many, many years ago, I thought it was really a bunch a hooey, this little old man knocking these guys down without touching them.

But then I got an opportunity to study Aikido and began to learn about body mechanics, and rootedness and ki. And the Aikido master I studied under had trained briefly with Ueshiba in Japan many years ago. I kind of knew the answer when I asked him about this. He said Ueshiba's students learned early on that to get hit in the neck by him was something to be avoided wherever possible, especially those techniques that caught the trachea.

As a youth Ueshiba was a bull, and his years of training gave him extraordinary power, that lasted all throughout his old age.
Originally posted by progressivetactics
makes me want to kick someone just reading the story!!!

Makes me want to go invent a "cup" made of steel!:eek:
I have seen kevlar cups for sale in some ad in a magazine.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
One story my instructor likes to relate about his instructor was the time he found himself fighting a few soldiers in the middle of the night. He faced off with the biggest guy and on his very first move he, literaly, burried his foot into the guys groin. The guys pubic bone actualy collapsed. He then had to fight a second guy while still attached to the first guy. I don't know how true the story is but that is the result my instructor always wanted us to try for on a groin shot.

Mabey I'm being nitpicky or mabey I'm just mistaken, but i don't think men have a pubic bone. I think that is exclusivly found in the female anatomy. But I have to agree that a good strong groin kick is the best way to start and end an unavoidable fight.
Originally posted by Wmarden
I have seen kevlar cups for sale in some ad in a magazine.

Can't say I'm surprised. Thanks for the heads up!:)
Originally posted by theletch1
Kevlar cup.... heads up:rofl: I can't supress an ever so slight chuckle.

Yep, for those of us that still can "rise to the occasion?:eek:
My cup was run over by a truck!

I still laugh about this one! I was climbing out of my full size 6500 lb van with my uniform and jock all nicely folded in my arms, when the jock cup fell out of the supporter and on to the pavement behind one of the wheels. At this point I did not realize it and went merrily into the office. When I went to leave at the end of the day, I climbed into the van and backed up. I felt a liitle bump, then much to my horror, THERE IT WAS! Squashed! I jumped out and retrieved it. It was not in good shape. The amazing feat here is, I was stilll able to wear it, but it was not pretty.

So the next day I got the nice folks from Century on the line. The girl that answered the phone was right on the ball of course. I said "my jock got run over by a truck, and I need to replace it!" She giggled, then pauses... then says " Are you bragging?" Need less to say the conversation was tough after that because all we did was laugh. I told her I would send it to her to add into the "Century hall of Fame" as the toughest jock around!:rofl:

P.S. they would not send me out a free one for being a jock tester either!:rofl:
Aye, both males and females have pubic bones- and it hurts us females to get kicked there too!! Maybe not as much as you guys, but yes, still hurts

:asian: :karate: