Ohh, I forgot to mention another very, VERY important point!
When you train with the risk of getting hit, even if it is NOT really hard, turn of on an adrenaline dump.
Training to hardwire your skills while having an adrenaline dump is very important to be able to keep your skills in a real situation where you'll suffer from the Adrenaline Stress Syndrome.
Thus it is an important part of training if the applications are for self defense.
thtas a quote from the proffessor
its also a point that sifu sinclair brings up a lot and why we need to drop into our stance,to partly help with that "fight or flee" intsinct that most of us have. esp beginners and /or someone who has never been confronted verbally or physically with violence.
not sure about any other beginners,or the rest of yous whne you began but it happens to me alot even when i,m training/sparring gently
i seem to be able to do the moves on my own or at real static pace but the minute we drill it with speed or pressure i freeze up get slow make mistakes.... the minute we go back to static and slow i,m better again.
any tips i can use to help or is it just experince and practise makes perfect.???
funny i always do reaallly crap when sifu stands next to me after 10mins of almost perfect technique dammitt!!!!!:uhyeah:
When you train with the risk of getting hit, even if it is NOT really hard, turn of on an adrenaline dump.
Training to hardwire your skills while having an adrenaline dump is very important to be able to keep your skills in a real situation where you'll suffer from the Adrenaline Stress Syndrome.
Thus it is an important part of training if the applications are for self defense.
thtas a quote from the proffessor
its also a point that sifu sinclair brings up a lot and why we need to drop into our stance,to partly help with that "fight or flee" intsinct that most of us have. esp beginners and /or someone who has never been confronted verbally or physically with violence.
not sure about any other beginners,or the rest of yous whne you began but it happens to me alot even when i,m training/sparring gently
i seem to be able to do the moves on my own or at real static pace but the minute we drill it with speed or pressure i freeze up get slow make mistakes.... the minute we go back to static and slow i,m better again.
any tips i can use to help or is it just experince and practise makes perfect.???
funny i always do reaallly crap when sifu stands next to me after 10mins of almost perfect technique dammitt!!!!!:uhyeah: