
Had Acupuncture

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Good Results

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • No results

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Would Consider

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Never Consider

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
1.Has anyone here beside myself had acupuncture?

2.What were your results?? (Mine were EXCELLENT)...

3.Have you ever told an MD about your visit??

4.What was his reaction
1.Has anyone here beside myself had acupuncture?

Well Drac that seems like an AWFULLY personal question :D

I have been to two actually but I am married to the second one :)

2.What were your results?? (Mine were EXCELLENT)...

Yes, multiple treatments

3.Have you ever told an MD about your visit??

Yes and 4 out of 5 were very interested and wanted my wife's business card. And many MDs in the area refer their patients to my wife's office and many of those are pateints of hers that told thier MD.

4.What was his reaction

Well for 3 "his" and 1 "her" the reactions were all positive all wanted my wife's card and one is planning on making an appointment others refer patients to her. The other (his) however gave me a lecture (twice) and the second time, last week, I got sick of it and told him

My wife was a graduate of a rather high level TCM college in China (think Harvard as to level and she graduated #1 in her class) She spent many years working at the hospital in Beijing that the government uses (thing Hu Jintao and friends) and was the acting head of the acupuncture department before she left.... He finally shut up.

And yes I am bragging and damn lucky to have her, TCM doc or not.

It was excellent and I recommend it to everybody

Yes and he was shocked but said if it made me feel better than do it.
1.Has anyone here beside myself had acupuncture?E]

Yes I have had Acupunture done.

2.What were your results??

It did not hurt. And I felt much better.

3.Have you ever told an MD about your visit??

Thats funny I was recommended to go to one by an MD

[QUOTE4.What was his reaction ][/QUOTE]

Oh good that will be a $20 co pay:lfao:
I had acupuncture many times and i got decent results for some problems. I think it is a good supplement to an overall healthcare regimen but I wouldn't only rely on accupuncture for all issues.
Had acupuncture many times. Results were great. Haven't discussed it with an MD but only because the acupuncture cleared up the pain to the point that I didn't need to see an MD for it.