A video of Zachary while he did some training with the AAU National team


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
So here is the link and he is wearing the white head gear. This was part of the prctice they was doing so he was learning some new techniques from Master Poos and Master Tubbs.
Thanks I am tiring to download some other ones but I have a computer problem that is me!!!!
Yes I know. In Olympic style sparring one does need to worry about the hands up because very few are tought that, when Zachary fights continous point or point he keeps them up. Thank you Andy
So here is the link and he is wearing the white head gear. This was part of the prctice they was doing so he was learning some new techniques from Master Poos and Master Tubbs.


At about 53 seconds or so, the center judge was tell Zachary to not do something. I am confused on what he did that was wrong.

Also, is it ok to clinch with the rules? The other kid (red head gear) clinched and then when it did not go his way he would throw his hands wide. What is up with that, was he trying to say that he was not clinching?


PS: Tell Zachary good work.
Rich what he was saying to Zach was to fire combination when he is seeing the other competitor trying to go backward. Yes they can clinch but they need to fight there way out and zachary was told not to let him get out and make him work on getting out of the clinch, Zach is real good at the clinch. Also Zachary is able to throw the backswing and heel rake from the clinch so he always has the advantage there. Thank you Rich I will.