A serious question about Martial Arts and sex appeal.

Bee Brian

Blue Belt
A serious question about Martial Arts and sex appeal.

Hi friends.

I wanna box. I really really do. But boxing is not my ultimate passion. My ultimate passion, even more than Olympic lifting, is philosophy. The only reason I lift weights and do cardio right now is because I believe that such activities will make me a better philosopher. Plus, they'll give me a longer life, which is what I need to keep philosophizing. But boxing, though, I wanna talk about that.

Although big muscles and low bodyfat is attractive to most women, there's an upper-limit to being as big and ripped you can get. Here's "Zyzz" in his prime: Google Image Result for https://external-preview.redd.it/RTAZQNXkHv4Tg6c5eqVyf-z-n22zt7IgkWpHOECxan0.jpg?auto=webp&s=9cd75bbbeed7d677fe5caf5fcd20c232f0e12a33

And then we got the less desirable Markus Ruhl whom I admire for his freakiness but I don't wanna emulate because it's not attractive to the female population anymore: Google Image Result for https://s1.dmcdn.net/v/AjCVa1Li2hj1Z7hpf/x1080

So muscles and leanness definitely have an impact on how attractive you are, no doubt. We also got things like social status, wealth, and charisma. But I wanna talk about fighting ability.

So... If you got two guys who are as attractive as Zyzz, and a certain woman is currently looking for a good boyfriend and meets these two guys, and somehow, in some way, this woman figures out that Dude # 1 can whoop Dude # 2's butt in a fair unarmed fight, is Dude # 1 gonna be more attractive in her eyes? Or its irrelevant?

I believe in self-confidence. I really do. But I also believe that self-confidence is relative. For example, I would feel like a worthless loser in a room full of good mathematicians. I'd feel like a worthless loser in a basketball team, or in a group of great chefs. But at the same time, take me to any gym with people lifting weights, or an English literature classroom, or a crowded bar and I'd feel at ease. With those said, I feel that deep down inside, if I know I'm a better fighter than the other men around me and I can whoop their butts in an MMA match or a boxing match, I'd feel universally confident whenever I'm around them in any situation or setting. And I think that will help me with women. So in THAT sense, I am sure my combat abilities will count to something.

But nevermind that...

Barring everything else, taking away stuff like charisma, money, whatever, and just thinking PURELY on your raw, unarmed fighting abilities (muscles and fitness included, but NEVER only for aesthetics), will you be more attractive towards women if they somehow figure out you're the top dog in that arena of life?

Here's an illustration... WW3 reduces all nations into some kind of dystopian hellhole were physical might is the law. A certain woman, despite all of that, is safe because she has a lifetime supply of food and water in a certain massive cellar where practically the only reason for her to go out is to get her Vitamin D through sunlight. She has everything she needs in that massive cellar. Not just food and water but also a ton of books and magazines, exercise equipment, a lavatory, bath soap, and lamplights. Now, she's there in that cellar and she starts getting bored. Despite the dangers of the outside world, she starts craving for companionship. Friends or a romantic partner. So with her guile, she goes outside in search of people and does it SAFELY. She meets two men who are as equally physically attractive and both seem educated and both seem self-sufficient and both seem to have a good personality. BUT, somehow, in some way, she figures out that one of them is a much better fighter. Which means she realizes that when it comes down to it, he will be able to protect her much better from real, actual danger of wild animals and wild men. Will that influence her decision of who to take as her companion in that dangerous world? To up the ante a bit, let's just say that the other dude is white and OUR dude is black, and even though they are objectively equally attractive, this lady has a preference for white men when it comes to dating... Who will she choose?

So is fighting ability attractive?

Here's Yujiro Hanma, my favorite anime character. He's the greatest martial artist in the Baki world and the strongest creature in said world. Google Image Result for http://pm1.narvii.com/7041/ddc9328c8e1705f660aa501339909ab7b77eb881r1-736-1084v2_uhq.jpg

A serious question about Martial Arts and sex appeal.

Hi friends.

I wanna box. I really really do. But boxing is not my ultimate passion. My ultimate passion, even more than Olympic lifting, is philosophy. The only reason I lift weights and do cardio right now is because I believe that such activities will make me a better philosopher. Plus, they'll give me a longer life, which is what I need to keep philosophizing. But boxing, though, I wanna talk about that.

Although big muscles and low bodyfat is attractive to most women, there's an upper-limit to being as big and ripped you can get. Here's "Zyzz" in his prime: Google Image Result for https://external-preview.redd.it/RTAZQNXkHv4Tg6c5eqVyf-z-n22zt7IgkWpHOECxan0.jpg?auto=webp&s=9cd75bbbeed7d677fe5caf5fcd20c232f0e12a33

And then we got the less desirable Markus Ruhl whom I admire for his freakiness but I don't wanna emulate because it's not attractive to the female population anymore: Google Image Result for https://s1.dmcdn.net/v/AjCVa1Li2hj1Z7hpf/x1080

So muscles and leanness definitely have an impact on how attractive you are, no doubt. We also got things like social status, wealth, and charisma. But I wanna talk about fighting ability.

So... If you got two guys who are as attractive as Zyzz, and a certain woman is currently looking for a good boyfriend and meets these two guys, and somehow, in some way, this woman figures out that Dude # 1 can whoop Dude # 2's butt in a fair unarmed fight, is Dude # 1 gonna be more attractive in her eyes? Or its irrelevant?

I believe in self-confidence. I really do. But I also believe that self-confidence is relative. For example, I would feel like a worthless loser in a room full of good mathematicians. I'd feel like a worthless loser in a basketball team, or in a group of great chefs. But at the same time, take me to any gym with people lifting weights, or an English literature classroom, or a crowded bar and I'd feel at ease. With those said, I feel that deep down inside, if I know I'm a better fighter than the other men around me and I can whoop their butts in an MMA match or a boxing match, I'd feel universally confident whenever I'm around them in any situation or setting. And I think that will help me with women. So in THAT sense, I am sure my combat abilities will count to something.

But nevermind that...

Barring everything else, taking away stuff like charisma, money, whatever, and just thinking PURELY on your raw, unarmed fighting abilities (muscles and fitness included, but NEVER only for aesthetics), will you be more attractive towards women if they somehow figure out you're the top dog in that arena of life?

Here's an illustration... WW3 reduces all nations into some kind of dystopian hellhole were physical might is the law. A certain woman, despite all of that, is safe because she has a lifetime supply of food and water in a certain massive cellar where practically the only reason for her to go out is to get her Vitamin D through sunlight. She has everything she needs in that massive cellar. Not just food and water but also a ton of books and magazines, exercise equipment, a lavatory, bath soap, and lamplights. Now, she's there in that cellar and she starts getting bored. Despite the dangers of the outside world, she starts craving for companionship. Friends or a romantic partner. So with her guile, she goes outside in search of people and does it SAFELY. She meets two men who are as equally physically attractive and both seem educated and both seem self-sufficient and both seem to have a good personality. BUT, somehow, in some way, she figures out that one of them is a much better fighter. Which means she realizes that when it comes down to it, he will be able to protect her much better from real, actual danger of wild animals and wild men. Will that influence her decision of who to take as her companion in that dangerous world? To up the ante a bit, let's just say that the other dude is white and OUR dude is black, and even though they are objectively equally attractive, this lady has a preference for white men when it comes to dating... Who will she choose?

So is fighting ability attractive?

Here's Yujiro Hanma, my favorite anime character. He's the greatest martial artist in the Baki world and the strongest creature in said world. Google Image Result for http://pm1.narvii.com/7041/ddc9328c8e1705f660aa501339909ab7b77eb881r1-736-1084v2_uhq.jpg


In terms of evolution, the woman would of course prefer someone who is more equipped to physical altercation. But you haven't considered one thing: even though humans are animals, humans are not beings controlled by logic or evolutionary instinct. I mean to an extent we are - every sane girl would prefer her partner to be more financially stable, strong etc more than other guys. Why? Because it's a plus. But in the end, those traits are not why relationships last.

Some relationships might have been formed purely on looks, but fizzle out because the people are compatible. What I am saying is, neither women or men completely fall for partners who meet a specific criteria in terms of attributes that are directly correlated to evolutionary concepts - no woman will fall in love with someone because of their money, muscle mass or fighting ability. As much as those things help, it's really a lot like a kitten with a string of yarn.

You can dangle the yarn in front of the kitten and he will constantly jump up to attempt to reach it. But once you actually give the kitten the yarn, it sees it's really quite superficial and uninteresting. Thus, sexual attraction is, to an extent, based on those attributes. However, love and other long lasting relationships are not.

As for sex appeal, the girls in my life have all I said they would prefer a guy who goes to the gym, but don't find guys with extreme muscular mass attractive.
In terms of evolution, the woman would of course prefer someone who is more equipped to physical altercation. But you haven't considered one thing: even though humans are animals, humans are not beings controlled by logic or evolutionary instinct. I mean to an extent we are - every sane girl would prefer her partner to be more financially stable, strong etc more than other guys. Why? Because it's a plus. But in the end, those traits are not why relationships last.

Some relationships might have been formed purely on looks, but fizzle out because the people are compatible. What I am saying is, neither women or men completely fall for partners who meet a specific criteria in terms of attributes that are directly correlated to evolutionary concepts - no woman will fall in love with someone because of their money, muscle mass or fighting ability. As much as those things help, it's really a lot like a kitten with a string of yarn.

You can dangle the yarn in front of the kitten and he will constantly jump up to attempt to reach it. But once you actually give the kitten the yarn, it sees it's really quite superficial and uninteresting. Thus, sexual attraction is, to an extent, based on those attributes. However, love and other long lasting relationships are not.

As for sex appeal, the girls in my life have all I said they would prefer a guy who goes to the gym, but don't find guys with extreme muscular mass attractive.

Great insight. Thanks.

I can't believe you are the same Ivan who seriously considered brining yourself. Please don't take it as an insult. It's just my opinion.

But yeah dude, great insight. Thank you.
You're a nice guy, but you drink too much.


I've never had a hangover in my life.

I'm crazy is what it is. But I learned to temper it.

Seriously though, Jim Carrey, your answer please?

Coincidentally, Jim Carrey is one of my top favorite celebrities and undoubtedly my favorite actor. No joke.
A serious question about Martial Arts and sex appeal.

Hi friends.

I wanna box. I really really do. But boxing is not my ultimate passion. My ultimate passion, even more than Olympic lifting, is philosophy. The only reason I lift weights and do cardio right now is because I believe that such activities will make me a better philosopher. Plus, they'll give me a longer life, which is what I need to keep philosophizing. But boxing, though, I wanna talk about that.

Although big muscles and low bodyfat is attractive to most women, there's an upper-limit to being as big and ripped you can get. Here's "Zyzz" in his prime: Google Image Result for https://external-preview.redd.it/RTAZQNXkHv4Tg6c5eqVyf-z-n22zt7IgkWpHOECxan0.jpg?auto=webp&s=9cd75bbbeed7d677fe5caf5fcd20c232f0e12a33

And then we got the less desirable Markus Ruhl whom I admire for his freakiness but I don't wanna emulate because it's not attractive to the female population anymore: Google Image Result for https://s1.dmcdn.net/v/AjCVa1Li2hj1Z7hpf/x1080

So muscles and leanness definitely have an impact on how attractive you are, no doubt. We also got things like social status, wealth, and charisma. But I wanna talk about fighting ability.

So... If you got two guys who are as attractive as Zyzz, and a certain woman is currently looking for a good boyfriend and meets these two guys, and somehow, in some way, this woman figures out that Dude # 1 can whoop Dude # 2's butt in a fair unarmed fight, is Dude # 1 gonna be more attractive in her eyes? Or its irrelevant?

I believe in self-confidence. I really do. But I also believe that self-confidence is relative. For example, I would feel like a worthless loser in a room full of good mathematicians. I'd feel like a worthless loser in a basketball team, or in a group of great chefs. But at the same time, take me to any gym with people lifting weights, or an English literature classroom, or a crowded bar and I'd feel at ease. With those said, I feel that deep down inside, if I know I'm a better fighter than the other men around me and I can whoop their butts in an MMA match or a boxing match, I'd feel universally confident whenever I'm around them in any situation or setting. And I think that will help me with women. So in THAT sense, I am sure my combat abilities will count to something.

But nevermind that...

Barring everything else, taking away stuff like charisma, money, whatever, and just thinking PURELY on your raw, unarmed fighting abilities (muscles and fitness included, but NEVER only for aesthetics), will you be more attractive towards women if they somehow figure out you're the top dog in that arena of life?

Here's an illustration... WW3 reduces all nations into some kind of dystopian hellhole were physical might is the law. A certain woman, despite all of that, is safe because she has a lifetime supply of food and water in a certain massive cellar where practically the only reason for her to go out is to get her Vitamin D through sunlight. She has everything she needs in that massive cellar. Not just food and water but also a ton of books and magazines, exercise equipment, a lavatory, bath soap, and lamplights. Now, she's there in that cellar and she starts getting bored. Despite the dangers of the outside world, she starts craving for companionship. Friends or a romantic partner. So with her guile, she goes outside in search of people and does it SAFELY. She meets two men who are as equally physically attractive and both seem educated and both seem self-sufficient and both seem to have a good personality. BUT, somehow, in some way, she figures out that one of them is a much better fighter. Which means she realizes that when it comes down to it, he will be able to protect her much better from real, actual danger of wild animals and wild men. Will that influence her decision of who to take as her companion in that dangerous world? To up the ante a bit, let's just say that the other dude is white and OUR dude is black, and even though they are objectively equally attractive, this lady has a preference for white men when it comes to dating... Who will she choose?

So is fighting ability attractive?

Here's Yujiro Hanma, my favorite anime character. He's the greatest martial artist in the Baki world and the strongest creature in said world. Google Image Result for http://pm1.narvii.com/7041/ddc9328c8e1705f660aa501339909ab7b77eb881r1-736-1084v2_uhq.jpg

no mate its not relevant,

brain dead moron with big biceps and flat nose , ambles up to atactive girl, and says im the hardest man in the town, do toh want to come home with me

how do you think that works out ?

big muscles and low body fat dont matter much either
no mate its not relevant,

brain dead moron with big biceps and flat nose , ambles up to atactive girl, and says im the hardest man in the town, do toh want to come home with me

how do you think that works out ?

Jobo, RELATIVISM. That's not the illustration I'm proposing.

Two guys, same personalities, same looks, but one is the better fighter. Who'll get the girl?

THAT'S what I'm proposing. Like I said, RELATIVISM.
Jobo, RELATIVISM. That's not the illustration I'm proposing.

Two guys, same personalities, same looks, but one is the better fighter. Who'll get the girl?

THAT'S what I'm proposing. Like I said, RELATIVISM.
are they twins ? thats the only way that works, but they are also likely to be the same race

no it dorsnt matter much at all, some girl like a hard bad boy, most dont, they are all ibdeviduals and like different things in their men, make em laugh, thats worth 4 inches on your biceps
I particularly like beautiful somewhat petit women...some like me, some don't. I've never settled for less. Problem is, they tend to be spoiled, think I'm gonna be P-whipped (nope), or they want to drive my car. That ain't happening either. I like my car better than them.

I live by myself. Lots of things to do.

I would say, live the life you think is right and if you meet the right one, count yourself as fortunate. Or just go thru a bunch that aren't right and see how that works for you.
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Jobo, RELATIVISM. That's not the illustration I'm proposing.

Two guys, same personalities, same looks, but one is the better fighter. Who'll get the girl?

THAT'S what I'm proposing. Like I said, RELATIVISM.
There’s no such thing as the exact same personality or same looks. Most certainly don’t care who’s the better fighter...the ones that do...well frankly they’re not worth it. If you get a woman just because she thinks your a better fighter then that shows she doesn’t care about you and will ditch you the moment she finds someone better. But for the majority no one cares
No it’s not. Maybe in high school have that ridiculous belief that only people with muscles and get into fights attract women. But that’s just nonsense. In reality people are attracted to anyone. Fat people have got girlfriends, weak people have girlfriends, nerds have girlfriends and any decent girl isn’t going to get with you just because you can fight
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Great insight. Thanks.

I can't believe you are the same Ivan who seriously considered brining yourself. Please don't take it as an insult. It's just my opinion.

But yeah dude, great insight. Thank you.
I get that, no offence taken. I just like to take these things to the extreme.
Jobo’s right. Women like humor, confidence, and security. Make them laugh, make them feel safe, and show that you take care of yourself, and you’ll be fine. You don't need huge muscles for any of that.

As my uncle would say; Keep your clothes washed, your hair cut, your teeth white, and your *** clean, and someone will like you.

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