a 7yr old yellow belt needs your help! please take a look.


White Belt
Hello Everyone, my son needs some help. My wife and I have had some trouble with him a few years ago so we decide to enroll him into "The Kuk Sool Won Martial Art Center" here where we live. It has been the best thing that we have ever done for him. We are proud of him and the progress that he has done. My son and I hunt for hotwheels together and we open them and play hard. We have posted his recent board breaking contest here for all to see. What we need from fellow board breakers is to just look at the video! Nothing to buy or anything crazy, just encouragement by view it. Thank you for your help and for giving me a hobby that i can enjoy with " My Treasure Hunt "!
click here to view! Just watching it will help him! thanks again!
It's great to see the enthusiasm with a child that young. Glad you got him enrolled in something that helps him (and you).
Your subject and first line of the thread asks for help. What specifically does he need help in? It would help us to know... especially those in your son's art.

Thanks again for sharing.

edit: just to LOOK at the video... I take it the number of views helps win whatever contest he's in? Hmm... okay.
I just e-mailed it to my entire list of about three thousand people, hopefuuly that will help. Glad things have been working out for you all.
I'm sorry, it may be me being thick but I have no idea what is wanted here? I'd be glad to help if someone can explain please. Hotwheels?
I viewed it as well. Good job for the little guy!!! I'm glad to see martial arts having a positive influence in a childs life =)).