230 lb. legislator says feeding the obese should be illegal

I find the logic strange... because, by precisely the same reasoning, it should then be illegal for stores to sell food to obese people. The combination of such laws would then seem to force legally obese people to live off their own fat until such time as they ceased to be obese... doesn't that seem a bit, um, draconian??
Yah. Just a bit.

He claims this is Mississippi's "Number 1 problem"

Ummm...yeah, while Mississsippi scores darn near first in corruption and shows many other struggles from having a "perpetually undereducated populace", this law maker says his state's biggest issue is its collective BMI.

If everyone in Mississippi jumped at the same time, would it throw the earth's orbit off?

It shouldnt be illegal to sell food to fat people... it should just be illegal for a legislator to feed them ********.
Well he got what he wanted now lets see him do something about it.

Why is 230 lbs being brought up?

Is some magic number make someone Obese or Fat?

I know many people at 230 lbs who are healthy. I know I could loose some at 292, but I am working on it.
Its a reference on one of the linked articles:

"I was trying to shed a little light on the No. 1 problem in Mississippi," said Republican Rep. John Read, who acknowledges that at 5 feet 11 inches and 230 pounds, he'd probably have a tough time under his own bill.

What bothers me is not whether 230 pounds is or is not obese, its that the legislator is admitting to being a "do as I say, not as I do" type of lawmaker.
Its a reference on one of the linked articles:

What bothers me is not whether 230 pounds is or is not obese, its that the legislator is admitting to being a "do as I say, not as I do" type of lawmaker.

I detest that attitude as well.

I just think that too many people put a number on health.

I know some smaller sized people who have no flexibility, No strength, Injuries, and also blood work that would make a person twice my size sit up and take notice.

On the other hand I have low Cholesterol and take meds to raise my HDL. I am 292 obs but I am also about 22% fat. I know I need to loose weight not because of some image I have but that my knees hurt after a long day of walking at work and or climbing lots of stairs. So I realize that the stress loads are not good so I am trying to decrease. I started at 299,

I also hear some women get upset if a person guess more than 115 lbs for their weight. I mean if she is 5'9" and has a body that is more than air then I can guess she is more than 115 lbs. But if you say something like 150 lbs they all freak out and act like you called them fat and they need to loose weight. (* Not my type of person. BTW *)

I was not trying to pick on you Carol. I was just curious and I explained my point of view.

If everyone in Mississippi jumped at the same time, would it throw the earth's orbit off?

It shouldnt be illegal to sell food to fat people... it should just be illegal for a legislator to feed them ********.

Let's send that one in to Mythbusters ;)
I detest that attitude as well.

I just think that too many people put a number on health.

I know some smaller sized people who have no flexibility, No strength, Injuries, and also blood work that would make a person twice my size sit up and take notice.

On the other hand I have low Cholesterol and take meds to raise my HDL. I am 292 obs but I am also about 22% fat. I know I need to loose weight not because of some image I have but that my knees hurt after a long day of walking at work and or climbing lots of stairs. So I realize that the stress loads are not good so I am trying to decrease. I started at 299,

I also hear some women get upset if a person guess more than 115 lbs for their weight. I mean if she is 5'9" and has a body that is more than air then I can guess she is more than 115 lbs. But if you say something like 150 lbs they all freak out and act like you called them fat and they need to loose weight. (* Not my type of person. BTW *)

I was not trying to pick on you Carol. I was just curious and I explained my point of view.


Never took it as being picked on Rich but I didn't want it to sound insulting either. And actually, I agree completely with what you are saying...especially as someone that would like to get down to 150. :D Numbers don't tell the whole story but they seem to be what grabs a lot of people.

Which is a shame because that tends to cloud more intelligent advice such as going by how your clothes feel, etc.
Is some magic number make someone Obese or Fat?

Yes, by defn., BMI=25 is Overweight, BMI=30 is Obese, BMI=35 is (Clinically/Morbidly) Obese.

But having met Mr. Parsons, it's clear that numbers don't tell the whole tale! I'm always surprised to hear a number like 292 lbs. for him because he just looks like a big guy via bone structure, not weight.

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