21yr Old Hit With Taser In Campus Restaurant


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Jun 21, 2003
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Going on the video, apparently this guy was drunk, refusing to leave, and tried fighting with a few customers, prior to being hit with the taser.

IMO, I'm going to say that the tasing was justified, but I'd be interested in hearing the opinions of others.
He didn't use the magic words.... "Don't Taze Me Bro!!" :lol:

Idiot fully deserved it. He should've been charged with assault since the video clearly shows that he punched several patrons. Add that to his list of charges.
It would have taken a few officers to get him to the ground, but, the Taser saved injury all around.
Yeah... well, Here is what I think:

The video was cut so we don't know how much interaction the police had with him before it showed him Step Back the cop yell "Get on the Ground" and then fire the taser.

IF that was the cops coming in the door and confronting him, I don't think he had time (especially drunk, it takes a few seconds for things to process) to respond to the command before the Taser was fired, short of breakfalling to the floor.

I'm guessing, however, that was not the case and they had already been dealing with him. He was in an aggressive posture and already showed no reluctance to use violence. So I think the jerk is lucky it was only a Taser.
That young man brings a famous quote to mind............

"Stupid is as stupid does"......Forest Gump [1994] :bangahead:
I'd have pepper sprayed him and given a few baton strikes........so he couldn't complain he was 'unfairly tasered'.

Given the choice of being Tasered or being pepper sprayed and struck with a baton will say that they'd take the former, over the two later, any day........quite frankly a Taser is among the lowest end uses of force possible, and why it's become the Boogieman-du jour of so many folks is beyond me.

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