students of sanchin-ryu



Just wondering if there are any other sanchin-ryu students in M.T. and if so where there are located and who is their sensei?
Yes the same sanchin-ryu that is talked about in the other threads, I have read these and find them to be somewhat unfair to the style, our dojo is very traditional and respect is paid to all students not just black belts and masters and we kumate in class and at our belt promotions.
sanchinka said:
1) I have read these and find them to be somewhat unfair to the style,
2) our dojo is very traditional and respect is paid to all students not just black belts and masters and we kumate in class and at our belt promotions.
1) Really? How so?
2) And this alone makes sanchin ryu a "traditional" style/Org. ?
1. seems to me that all the comments have been negative and that sanchin-ryu is a "belt facory" I beleive that was stated in one thread.

2. I'm not sure what you mean by "traditional" but from my understanding our style, formed by Cheif Grand Master Robert Dearman, he studied, and is ranked in various types of martial arts and took pieces from each and formed our style.
I dont want to argue about any style all I was asking if there were any other students of sanchin-ryu.
In regards to the first thread listed, I think we can all agree to disagree so why waste any more time and energy on it.

In regards to the 2nd thread listed, the person that started the thread apologized for making a mistake. The school in question was not Sanchinryu, but was a TKD school in the area claiming that it was teaching karate.

To Sanchinka--check your private messages
sanchinka said:
I dont want to argue about any style all I was asking if there were any other students of sanchin-ryu.
We've had a discussion(s) about it before, but I am not sure that there is a current practitioner of it on the board.
sanchinka said:
2. I'm not sure what you mean by "traditional" but from my understanding our style, formed by Cheif Grand Master Robert Dearman, he studied, and is ranked in various types of martial arts and took pieces from each and formed our style.

I said “traditional” because according to your post below you said sanchin ryu was “traditional”…..but didn’t explain how it is traditional. From what I have read on sanchin ryu websites about the style it is far from traditional.

sanchinka said:
our dojo is very traditional and respect is paid to all students not just black belts and masters and we kumate in class and at our belt promotions.
Sorry to be blunt but I have yet to see a style that was founded by a “grandmaster” that has studied, and is ranked in various types of martial arts and took pieces from each and formed his own style that wasn’t poorly thought out. Most of the time these so called “grandmasters” that have flung together some sort of “art” are very low ranked in several arts and have not managed to learn the techniques in any one art well enough to instruct others.

For example: Take a look at this sanchin ryu practitioner’s website and you will see a rather large photo of him try to do a typical Aikido technique…..done extremely poorly I might add too.

click here:
Sanchin-ryu Okinawan Karate Organisation
[size=-1]... Sanchin-ryu has 15 empty hand Kata,14 of which are to help you understand
Sanchin Kata ... Empty hand Kata practiced in Sanchin-ryu Okinawan Karate:- ... __121b_JcjnWgNsadZhAQlOOA9r0pXSv84ifmKr3y6hscbrwHgfcwqlF59eCg== - 8k - 18 Mar 2005 - [/size]
Well, opinions are like arseholes everybody has one.
Yes, and here they share them...that's the idea, no?

But in fact, you did ask after like-minded souls, not to defend your style.
the forum is about discussing topics. If you say something is traditional someone may well ask how and why thats where the discussion comes in.
Makeing rude comments and calling people names is not what this forum is about.
You may disagree or agree on statements given by others but please be polite in doing so.
I know next to nothing about your system so perhaps you would explain what sets it apart other than haveing 14 forms to help learn sanchin. Sanchin is a basic kata of many schools/systems and I have never heard of a school haveing more than a couple sanchin like forms befor. How do these other forms help lean that kata?
Well Im a new member here and I was just trying to find other sanchin-ryu students,I wasnt looking to defend anything nor was I looking to have negative comments thrown at me or asked the hows and whys of my choosen style. My 7 year old son and I started in september so I dont know everything about sanchin-ryu, but I do know we enjoy class together and are learning a martial art.
sanchinka said:
Well, opinions are like arseholes everybody has one.

Obviously a well thought out response on your part but hardly answers any of the questions that have been raised about sanchin ryu
For example: Take a look at this sanchin ryu practitioner’s website and you will see a rather large photo of him try to do a typical Aikido technique…..done extremely poorly I might add too.

click here:
Sanchin-ryu Okinawan Karate Organisation
[size=-1]... Sanchin-ryu has 15 empty hand Kata,14 of which are to help you understand
Sanchin Kata ... Empty hand Kata practiced in Sanchin-ryu Okinawan Karate:- ... __121b_JcjnWgNsadZhAQlOOA9r0pXSv84ifmKr3y6hscbrwHg fcwqlF59eCg== - 8k - 18 Mar 2005 - [/size]

That is not the same style of Sanchinryu. That style was founded by someone else and I believe that one of their students posts on this board (or at least used to). I have talked with that individual and he was very nice and gave some background to the style and it does use many aiki principles.
There are two Sanchin-ryu styles? I'd like to hear more. I only know about one (and not much about that).
Please, keep the conversation on topic. Please start another thread if the old debate is going to heat up again. I do not want it on this thread.

I believe the original topic was a simple inquiry by sanchinka, and now there is some "bait and switch" going on. Sanchinka attempted to return to topic, and other's continued. Please monitor yourselves on this as you are on notice that staff will intervene.

-Michael Billings
-MT Super Moderator-
Yes there are students of the "true" Sanchin-Ryu system here at M.T, as for the the existance of a style known as "Sanchinryu" I'm not overly sure. Far as I know, that's simply some lazy way of excluding the '-' character and that when one refers to Sanchin-Ryu it encompasses Sanchinryu as well. If you look at our emblem, you'll see that the outer ring has it Sanchin-Ryu, while the inner does not, I think that was simply a space issue for the inside of the patch however heh. I did note there is another person claiming to be founding a style with the same name, this however is -NOT- Sanchin-Ryu, if you are keen on detail, the instructor is pictured with what appears to be a standard/generic Okinawan emblem patch, he's using a stance we do -NOT- use, and a 6th Dan would not be wearing a plain Black Belt with no markings in our style.

I've been talking with Chief Instructor Joe Dearman about the possibility of adding forums for our members to the website, he had said he was planning on it, kinda hoping it's sooner rather than later though.

I was tested up to the rank of Purple Belt in the system before taking about a 13 year hiatus from Sanchin-Ryu after a lengthy enlistment into the army and studying a few other styles. I've recently returned to it and will be coming back as a green belt until *I* feel I am ready to request testing. I have a lot to catch up on and to refine to get back into the art. I've got bad knees, a bad back, I'm 310lbs and 5'11, in terrible shape, about as flexible as a board, so as you can imagine, I'm home studying and getting back into shape before I return to actual weekly classes.
.....I am confused. I thought that sanchin was a form of breathing. It is actually a style, too? Now that is interesting. I am looking forward to learning more about it:asian:.
There are actually (2) martial arts named Sanchin-Ryu, but yeah we get that quite a bit. If you would like to learn more about the art of Sanchin-Ryu, feel free to visit:

We are a relatively new art in comparison, but as a student of this art I will personally vouch for the training and the personal growth the system offers. It truly is a great art to study and your surrounded with good people to train with.