
Originally posted by Seig
I'm going to go play Spider Man now.

very interesting. I'm somewhat glad I wasn't down there this weekend:eek: . I mean if you are like hanging on the ceiling or the walls or something you might scare me.:rofl:
Originally posted by KenpoTess
so no possible way to get the friday off at least for the next whenever we can schedule the date?

Not if it's between now and dec 11.:(
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
very interesting. I'm somewhat glad I wasn't down there this weekend:eek: . I mean if you are like hanging on the ceiling or the walls or something you might scare me.:rofl:

he's over here <------------ playing it on his pc.. heheee.. nothing that kinky around here.. *smirks*
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
If it makes you feel any better I was doing more than growling.:)

I can't believe how the week got canned like that.. we didn't have any problems with the storm.. yet it totally messed up everyones plans...
I was doing more than growling too..

Seig took his 2 days off of work ... now he can't get anymore time off either other than what he's got scheduled for Hunting season... so this is just a fine kettle of fish.. :(
I know, I know.

I was really looking forward to my trip with Rich and doing a lot of training.:asian: as best as I could.
Originally posted by arnisador
Back on topic, does anyone know how badly Shepherdstown was hit by Isabel?

lotsa leaves and stuff from trees...

...but the football hurricane, we lost to....35-7 *sniff*
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Yep, 6 of us enjoyed the Chinese Buffet and went to see Underworld, the weather was great for the Seminar day, too bad it was postponed~!

*looks down* and i had to be at that PATHETIC excuse for a football game...

at least the crowd likes our show this year *grin*

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