
I have 4 kids -- a 7 year old daughter, 3 year old son, and twin 22 month old daughters. None of them are taking formal martial arts lessons yet -- I have been showing my daughter basic arnis strikes, and we play around a bit -- she really doesn't want to learn yet, but does like just hitting the sticks together, and can do the first 5 basic strikes pretty well. Every once in a while when my daughter and I are play-wrestling, I'll tell her whether we're in the mount or guard, and show her things to do to get out. I just showed my son the first two stick angles the other day. The 22 month olds I'm leaving alone (for now). :)
I have an 8 year old daughter, 6 six year old son, and a 4 year old son. My daughter tried TKD, but wasn't mature enough to stick with the class, we have only an adult class at this time. When I reach BB, teaching a kids class is going to be my job. mY 4 year old will be ready first, he's tough than a baked owl and love to kick, punch and scream.

I have a 9 year old daughter who started karate a little over a year ago. I started in part because of her. It's the best thing we've ever done.
Two Sons, 15 and 11...

The younger one started Shotokan, and I soon followed.
He's a green and I'm purple. We went up the ranks together til the last belt.

My oldest thinks all you need is a good right hand.... (shaking head and walking away...)
boy 10, girl 8, boy 3. The oldest was in JJ for about a year or so. He didn't like it so I took him out. I doubt that he will want to do it again.:(
5 kids here. 14 girl, 12 girl, 12 girl, 9 girl, and (finally) 3 boy.

All of my girls have studied MA. The 14 yr old stopped training when we left our kenpo school. She was just too disillusioned with MA after that. Both of my 12 yr olds and my 9 yr old have begun the study of aikido. They started at the same school that I train at after I had a couple of months to check out the instructor and how the kids class went. My son will eventually begin formal training. He likes to get into wrestling matches here and punch and kick. He knows how to bow and yell "tap! Tap!" when you get him wrapped up so that he can't move.
Originally posted by theletch1
5 kids here. 14 girl, 12 girl, 12 girl, 9 girl, and (finally) 3 boy.

Finally, someone with more kids than me! :D
Two kids, a 13 y.o. boy and a 9 y.o. girl. I work with my son about a half hour every night and will start doing so with my daughter in a year or two.
Two sons (10 & 8) and two daughters (3 & 1). My sons and I are in American Kenpo. Byron is blue belt. Gary and I are purple belts.

Shauni, my 3 year old, wants to be in karate too, but she isn't ready yet. She tries to practice when we do.

- Ceicei

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