Ok, so who is present and accounted for?

ok........ we have 2 so far........LOL now have all those that are supposed to be her chime in so we can start this off........ slowly of course but a start

Rich Parsons - Favorite White belt to receive the cup check or Boot to the Groin. ;) :D

so if i say present am i going to start getting questioned again? :uhyeah: if so i'm gonna go run and hide. :wink1: but i think i'm present most of the time, at least physically, we're not even going to the mentally present
FUZZYJ692000 said:
If I say present am I going to start getting questioned again? :uhyeah: If so I'm gonna go run and hide. :wink1:

Maybe....... I have to ask you questions....... don't I? No, you better not go run and hide!! Im great at hide and seek!

Stick Dummy present and accounted for..............

Have chopsticks, will spar!

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