If you could train with anyone for a day, who would it be?


2nd Black Belt
Sep 16, 2010
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If you could train with anyone for one day, that's outside your own art, for a day, who would it be? I'll give you 2, one living and one dead. Go.
If you could train with anyone for one day, that's outside your own art, for a day, who would it be? I'll give you 2, one living and one dead. Go.

Master Shimabuku Tatsuo, Soke of Isshin-Ryu karate.
Master Harold Mitchum, 10th Dan, Isshin-Ryu karate and 1st Generation student of Master Shimabuku. I have met Master Mitchum, and he signed my UIKA certificate listing my belt status, but I have never trained with him.

I am fortunate to be able to train under one of Master Mitchum's students, so I feel extraordinarily privileged already.

EDIT: Sorry, I missed the 'outside your own art' bit. In that case, I'm afraid no one that I can think of. I'm very much invested in learning all I can doing what I do.
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Outside my art?

Dead: Choi Yong Sul, the man many count as the founder of Hapkido. Alive: Don Angier, the noted jujutsu expert.
Living, I'd settle for Iain Abernethy.

From the spirit world I'd seek out Bushi Matsumura.
I am intrigued to ask why I would want to train with someone outside of my own art? As a neophyte to a system I would get very little from someone no matter how inspirational or skilled a teacher they were.

So, being a bit naughty and casting aside the 'other arts' part of the question, if I could spend a day training with someone it would either be my Sensei (obviously living :D) {https://sites.google.com/site/budoinuk/instructors/john-lovatt} or Sensei Iwata {http://www.roshukai-ireland.org/iwata.html}.
Dead - Bruce Lee

Alive - Amanda Peet.
Outside of my art? That's a tough one.

Dead: Choi, Yong Sul, founder of Hapkido.
Living: Lim, Hyun Su, one of Choi, Yong Sul's top students.


Yep, hard to choose outside your own art. Of course most would pick their sensei/grandmaster/founder IF their own were allowed.

Alive: Grandmaster Skålberg comes to mind. I`ve only had the pleasure of attending a few of his classes at a camp, but the Kali (I think it was Kali, extremely impressive) seems to build upon the same principles as what training I have in other arts.

Dead: I`d like to say Bushi Matsumura but since I am a karateka he is probably not allowed. I guess I`ll have tea with Miyamoto Musashi and receive insight on the Book of five Rings.
Dead: I`d like to say Bushi Matsumura but since I am a karateka he is probably not allowed. I guess I`ll have tea with Miyamoto Musashi and receive insight on the Book of five Rings.
Well the OP just said 'outside your own art'. So, by stretching it a bit Shuri-te is not Naha-te and I would dearly love to know what those guys were teaching when they first came back from China. So much has gone missing, it would be fascinating to see what they had learnt. But I do agree with you on Musashi. If I had to step outside of Karate totally, then he was my first choice also. However, I would just play with the sword. I'm not sure I would understand the Book of Five Rings, even if Musashi himself was explaining it to me. :asian:
Sorry, but like others, I would not have much reason to seek anyone outside my art of Hapkido. Of those who have passed, I wish I could spend a day with my Grand Master, Lee Chong Moon (or Yi Chong Mun). I would enjoy learning anything he wished to teach, or just spending time with him and talking and being a friend. He was a good man as well as an accomplished martial artist.

Living, perhaps his son to brush up on things, and talk of his father and his Kwan.
A lot of us would immediately think of our own art. I didn't ask that question, because we should all get out of our comfort zone once in a while to learn something new. I don't know the first thing about grappling arts. If I was ever out of town for business in an area on of the judo/jujistu guys on here live, I'd be asking to work out for a night for the new experience. Same with anyone else with any art, even my own. Unless you are a jerkface, then I don't want to meet you ;)