Who would you choose to be your bodyguard?

Tames D

MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
If you could choose any living person to be your personal bodyguard, who would you choose? This person would be responsible for your personal protection 24 hours a day under any circumstances.
if i chose someone, it would be my hwarang do instructor..he's been there done that. Army, Bouncer, Security, ext.

i love to sit around after class and listen to him rehash all his experiences.
Geoff Thompson, Peyton Quinn, or Iain Abernethy—no question!
The Transporter, (whose real name escapes me)..
I've been hearing alot about Geoff Thompson lately. I hear that he can be a bad dude...

He's a celebrated bouncer with an extensive background in JMA and CMA. His book on streetfighting reality, The Pavement Arena, is considered a masterpiece and an all-time classic in the very tough world of British real-world combat. Peyton Quinn is another such, and IA is maybe the leading exponent of combat applications of kata techniques. These are three guys no one in his right mind would want to be on the wrong side of. So I figure, if any of them is my bodyguard, my potential assailant pool just... um, dried up!:D
Easy... Joseph "KenpoJoe" Rebelo. I've seen his scars and seen official accounts of what happened. The guy may be like a big teddy bear most of the time, but attack him or someone he cares for and he is one badass mofo.
Probably the head of our organization...
His name is Tristan Sutrisno...Has a Godan in Shotokan, is a Pak(?) in Tjimande Silat, and has extensive knowledge of Aikido, as well as various and sundry weapons...Can't go wrong with the guy who "pays the bills", as it were...
Michael Clarke Duncan - who cares if he can fight or not....he's freaking huge. that's enough of a deterrent right there.
The man who's good enough to be standing right next to the President.
tom patire. the cdt guy. i've worked with the man, and he's everything you'd want: crazy skilled, extremely knowledgable, spot-on professional and a funny guy in a conversation.

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