I have students - who knew

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
It has been many years since I had students and technically I still don't but this surprised me because I am a bit to traditional in my teaching method. Or at least that is what my wife tells me.

I have not been able to get to my sifu’s class early of late and help out due to work, actually I am getting there late a lot these days, again due to work (see I told you it gets in the way and must go) but about 3 weeks ago I was able to get there early and I was taking care of a small push hands class (it goes on without me by the way, another one of my sifu’s student takes it). It is just basic stationary 1 hand and 2 hand push hands

This week I got there a couple minutes early and I was sitting in my car for a minute when someone appeared at my window. It was one of the people from that small push hands class and he said they were all wondering when I was going to be back to give class again. He was apparently very happy with what I taught and my teaching style and claims the others were as well.

And to be honest I did not know exactly what to say other than thank you. But I will admit it was kind of nice to hear.
Dude, it dosen't surprise me in the least that you would have people interested in learning from you. If you didn't live so damn far away I'd be appearing at your window too.
one can find out how well they teach by the willingness of their students. By that story that you told you have a good ability to teach, that will help you go far.​
Dude, it dosen't surprise me in the least that you would have people interested in learning from you. If you didn't live so damn far away I'd be appearing at your window too.

Not if I got to your window first to learn from you

The internet is the window from which I gather Xue Sheng's training.

Thank You :asian: but I am not sure how much anyone should gather anything on the internet.

one can find out how well they teach by the willingness of their students. By that story that you told you have a good ability to teach, that will help you go far.​

Thanks, for now I am rather happy just training with my Sifu and helping out. Besides my wife has told me multiple times when places have tried to get me to teach or when I thought about it, that I am too serious and to traditional and I need to be less of both if I want to have a lot of students and make any money. So far I haven't listened, but then I don't have to :D
Xue Sheng,

Even though I've just recently registered on the forums here, in the past I have read through a lot of the posts, info, articles etc... and I would have to say you know your stuff, so you would make an awesome Sifu! By all rights. Also on a side note its suprising but a lot of Americans are actually starting to get into the "traditional Sifu-Todai" training. So you may actually find a large audience if you choose to accept students. Myself coming from an Asian/American background the traditional Sifu was a familar concept. So I readily accepted it along with the 30 minute Ma Bu's and Iron plate/pole conditioning and broken bones. Brings back great memories! Either way I wish you the best! And would say you would be an asset to the CMA community of Sifu's.
Thanks, for now I am rather happy just training with my Sifu and helping out. Besides my wife has told me multiple times when places have tried to get me to teach or when I thought about it, that I am too serious and to traditional and I need to be less of both if I want to have a lot of students and make any money. So far I haven't listened, but then I don't have to :D
As you demonstrate, *being a good teacher* and *having a lot of students/making money* don't always belong in the same sentence. Thanks for setting an example of that. :bangahead:
well, you cant really 'see' yourself.

but if others are telling you this, it must be what you are.

to them, at least.

mastery is relative, ain't it?

i have'nt been here long, but i take you as an experienced ma judging by your post content.

Dude, it dosen't surprise me in the least that you would have people interested in learning from you. If you didn't live so damn far away I'd be appearing at your window too.

With honour and humility...DITTO!


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