How dangerous is a typical street fight?

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Master of Arts
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Feb 18, 2012
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Knoxville, TN
Unarmed street fights don't tend to get dangerous until it goes to the ground. Most people don't get seriously injured standing up, they get seriously when someone is on top of them smashing their head into the concrete.
That happened to me once.... Still alive Thank God. But it didn't do much for my memory.

Tony Dismukes

MT Moderator
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Nov 11, 2005
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Lexington, KY
The "typical" street fight doesn't lead to injuries more serious than bumps and bruises. I've been in friendly sparring sessions that were way more brutal than many actual fights I've seen or been in.

The problem is that any fight can potentially escalate to something much more serious at a moment's notice. All it takes is for someone to get scared of losing and pull out a knife ... or have three buddies jump in and administer a curb stomping ... or just fall down the wrong way and crack his head open on the curb. It's definitely not worth the risk if you have any choice in the matter.


The Dark Often Prevails
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Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
So is self defense allowed in the UK?

Yes. You can use reasonable force to protect yourself, your property, and other people.

As HKP say's. However, it is a muddy field to wade through in sinking wellies as it were. Depends on whether the CPS actually don't f### up, the arresting police does not automatically hate you, and you don't get back up through the courts. If you are lucky enough, you counter the strike as SD. You guys would probably do that easy enough with poise, but you would get fried. Reasonable force, yeah right, that it is not a disparaging comment Hong Kong Pooey, just an old man's cynicism born out of experience. There are still some very good coppers out there though, that see the "reasonable force" for what it is.


Senior Master
Mar 20, 2004
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I understand when people ask questions like this, but it is too non-specific.

There are too many "types" of fights that can happen. You can have a set-up where one person just likes to fight and will pick someone. You can have the perceived "insult" where one just wants to "look tough" and will try and provoke you, but doesn't really want to fight. You can just have two drunks who aren't thinking straight both go at it for ANY reason. You can have a person pick a fight with you just because they don't like X, Y or Z about you and nothing you say is going to change that. There are lots more reasons as well, and each one has their own type of "flavor" to them.

You will have the whole spectrum of responses to the outcome of the fight too. If you could graph it on a bell curve, you would have the bulk of fights resulting in minor injuries (black eyes, bruises etc) then at one end, you would have no injuries and it was just a pushing match, then at the other end of the spectrum you would have serious injury and/or death occur. But, you are playing the odds at which one you could end up at.

If all the places that you can go to have fights all the time, then I would suggest finding a different way to relax and let off steam.


The Dark Often Prevails
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Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
punisher73 said:
There are too many "types" of fights that can happen. You can have a set-up where one person just likes to fight and will pick someone. You can have the perceived "insult" where one just wants to "look tough" and will try and provoke you, but doesn't really want to fight. You can just have two drunks who aren't thinking straight both go at it for ANY reason. You can have a person pick a fight with you just because they don't like X, Y or Z about you and nothing you say is going to change that. There are lots more reasons as well, and each one has their own type of "flavor" to them.

As I said from experience. I just got past that bit, sorry.

punisher73 said:
You will have the whole spectrum of responses to the outcome of the fight too. If you could graph it on a bell curve, you would have the bulk of fights resulting in minor injuries (black eyes, bruises etc) then at one end, you would have no injuries and it was just a pushing match, then at the other end of the spectrum you would have serious injury and/or death occur. But, you are playing the odds at which one you could end up at.

Yeah concur with that.


The Dark Often Prevails
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Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
punisher73 said:
If all the places that you can go to have fights all the time, then I would suggest finding a different way to relax and let off steam.

Also concur, but you're position is not shared by the club going crowd.


Senior Master
Mar 20, 2004
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Also concur, but you're position is not shared by the club going crowd.

I know. It's just always seems weird to me when people complain about the fights to places they go, but still choose to go there. IF self-defense is truly your goal, then it seems an obvious choice to me.

I'm not singling you out, just expounding on this idea. Following the same "logic trail", I'm sure we would all tell someone cutting through a dark alley at night by themselves is a good way to get mugged and we would all probably not be surprised if someone continuted to choose to do that and then told us they got mugged.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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Someone jumped guard on me in a fight last night.

Pretty funny actually.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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That's bizarre. What happened?

Sorry pulled guard. I was kicking him out he got all emotional and I wound up tackling him. He pulled guard I head ground him for a bit. He eye gouged me. I kept head grinding him. And eventually we were pulled apart.

Eyegouges are pretty crap from underneath.

Mostly a non event. We chucked him out and that was pretty much the end of it.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
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Sorry pulled guard. I was kicking him out he got all emotional and I wound up tackling him. He pulled guard I head ground him for a bit. He eye gouged me. I kept head grinding him. And eventually we were pulled apart.

Eyegouges are pretty crap from underneath.

Mostly a non event. We chucked him out and that was pretty much the end of it.

Where is the YouTube link? You must have proof after all it was you that said we can't just take people at their word

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Where is the YouTube link? You must have proof after all it was you that said we can't just take people at their word

I am not expecting you to. That is anecdotal take it as that. Which is an unreliable statement.


The Dark Often Prevails
Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
I know. It's just always seems weird to me when people complain about the fights to places they go, but still choose to go there. IF self-defense is truly your goal, then it seems an obvious choice to me.

I'm not singling you out, just expounding on this idea. Following the same "logic trail", I'm sure we would all tell someone cutting through a dark alley at night by themselves is a good way to get mugged and we would all probably not be surprised if someone continuted to choose to do that and then told us they got mugged.

Oh yeah, I see the point you are trying to make. The biggest aspect of the clubbing scene down here is that two mindsets seem to exist. The first one is that in general, most clubbers still go out with the intention of having a good time. Hence they will go to venues that are relatively trouble free. The second is what belongs to the 15 minute heros that go out, maybe not with a direct intention, and don't shy away from the confrontation. The two bonded together and pretty seen as normal behaviour. I can only convey what I have seen working out there and seen people hurt themselves more than anybody else. One bloke I saw once was so inebriated, he tried to throw a right and fell over. Of course, incidents like that are just laughed off and become social media fodder.


Senior Master
Mar 20, 2004
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Drop Bear's fight was caught on tape. :hmm:
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Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
Reaction score

Drop Bear's fight was caught on tape. :hmm:
Knock knock?
Whos there

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