Guns To Be Allowed In AZ Bars


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Jun 21, 2003
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PHOENIX - A new Arizona law allowing people with concealed weapons permits to carry their guns into bars takes effect Wednesday. But many bars are pulling in the welcome mat.
The law allows bar and restaurant owners to post signs barring guns.
There's no official tally on how many of the 5,800 establishments that sell alcohol have posted signs, but the state says it has provided at least 1,300 laminated placards so far, and the signs are also available over the Internet.
i'm thinkin not such a good idea. alcohol impairs judgment.
Its legal to carry anywhere in my state, except courthouses. I have yet to see a no guns allowed sign anywhere. (Granted, I've never been to an NH court house, and hope to never have to be there...LOL)

We've got the lowest violent crime, per capita, of any state in the union. :idunno:
I think carrying in a bar is fine, there are plenty of things that can impair judgment while one carries... including having naturally poor judgment. ;)

Lots of people can go to a bar to play pool, and not drink. I don't think it's often a good idea to try to legislate common sense.
The Wild West is baaaccck! Yeeehaw!

However I agree, alcohol and firearms... not good bedfellows... or drinking buddies either.
Wonder how long it'll be before a gunfight gets the ordinance (pun intended) pulled off the books.

However it might work out alright if they allow a judge like ole' Roy Bean to take the bench again.
Working in and out of the bars in STL when the concealed-carry debate settled and gun owners were allowed to carry in public places (unless otherwise posted), I haven't seen a problem.

Out of all the bars I've visited in this city, I've maybe seen one or two signs that say "No Firearms."

I don't mind it. Way to go AZ.
In case you were wondering, THIS is the comment that got you called to jury duty...

I thought it was because I registered to vote ;)
Usually the people with concieled permits are not the ones doing crimes. Not that I have any statistics to prove it but The person who takes the time to legally carry a firearm isnt the one stickin up people. JMO.

Having said that, I have been in bars were plenty of people in there had guns... they were cops. And a only once Have i seen a dumbass get pissed and pull out his gun and slam it on the counter. THAT WAS DUMB. The guy he was arguing with backed off but everyone else grabbed his *** up and walked him out. "Time to go home" they said.

I guess my point is... Most people who legally carry guns have enough common sense not to do something stupid, but there are always those one or two......
Mark Chestnut:
We were all down at Margie's bar
Telling stories if we had one
Someone fired the old jukebox up
The song sure was a sad one
A teardrop rolled down Bubba's nose
From the pain the song was inflicting
And all at once he jumped to his feet
Just like somebody kicked him

Bubba shot the juke box last night
Said it played a sad song it made him cry
Went to his truck and got a forty five
Bubba shot the juke box last night

Bubba ain't never been accused of being mentality stable
So we did not draw an easy breathe
Until he laid that colt on the table
He hung his head till the cops showed up
They dragged him right out of Margie's
Told him "Don't play dumb with us, son"
"Know damn well what the charge is."

Bubba shot the juke box last night
Said it played a sad song it made him cry
Went to his truck and got a forty five
Bubba shot the juke box last night

Well, the sheriff arrived with his bathrobe on
The confrontation was a tense one
Shook his head said, "Bubba Boy,"
"You was always a dense one."
Reckless discharge of a gun
That's what the officers are claiming
Bubba hollered, "Reckless! Hell!"
"I shot just where I was aiming

Bubba shot the juke box last night
Said it played a sad song it made him cry
Went to his truck and got a forty five
Bubba shot the juke box stopped it with one shot
Bubba shot the jukebox last night
Well he could not tell right from wrong
Through the teardrops in his eyes
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
It was justifiable homicide
Bubba shot the juke box stopped it with one shot
Bubba shot the jukebox last night
The law, however, prohibits gun-carriers from drinking alcohol in the establishments.

I don't see a problem. I don't know what the AZ law was (too lazy to check), but there are/have been states that prohibit the carry of firearms anywhere alcohol is served. This even rules out places like TGI Fridays or whatever.
I have mixed feelings about this... but I can tell you from experience here... there are already Idiots carrying guns to bars, so I suppose having LAW ABIDING folk with them there is probably a good idea.
I have mixed feelings about this... but I can tell you from experience here... there are already Idiots carrying guns to bars, so I suppose having LAW ABIDING folk with them there is probably a good idea.

that's a good point.
Here are a few things I found:

As I've always said, I have no issue with anyone carrying or owning, providing they're responsible about it. By responsible, I mean, proper handling, storage, carry, is responsible when it comes to SD purposes. Regarding alcohol while carrying...I see their you want someone who's drinking, to carry? Will they be responsible? Will that alcohol take over their proper judgement? This is something that can be 'what if'd' all day long.

I suppose time will tell. I this just for bars? Can someone go to a restaurant, and order a beer, with the gun strapped to their hip? If so, then IMO, it shouldn't make a difference if they stroll into a bar.
Truthfully I am all for carrying everywhere. Nothing is more annoying than all the places you cannot carry. It makes it very difficult at times for a law abiding citizen.

Now my knock on this is you are not supposed to drive a car when you have been drinking. I imagine one should not be drinking when carrying a firearm. As it does impair judgment. Now if someone wants to go to a bar/restaurant serving liquor and not drink but still carry then that should be okay in my mind.

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