Guns To Be Allowed In AZ Bars

Now my knock on this is you are not supposed to drive a car when you have been drinking. I imagine one should not be drinking when carrying a firearm. As it does impair judgment. Now if someone wants to go to a bar/restaurant serving liquor and not drink but still carry then that should be okay in my mind.

I don't agree 100% with the car/gun analogy. If you are going to drink, there are other methods of transportation, even a designated driver.

In the case of self defense, no-one can do that "for" you. Unless we are to hire body guards every time we want a couple of pints.

Common sense would say, if you are going to go out and impair your judgement, in a setting typically known for bad behavior (a bar), then you are asking for trouble. You might end up having your weapon used on you.

But I've been of the mind, people should be free to do whatever so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

Still a good analogy, but not 100%...IMHO.... :asian:
But I've been of the mind, people should be free to do whatever so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. :asian:

I live in Arizona, and as many of you know, I'm a wild-eyed liberal. So here's my take on it...

The law supposedly stipulates that if you are carrying, you can't drink. However, since your weapon is concealed, how does the bar-tender know? But regardless, the bar owner has the option of posting "no firearms" signs if he doesn't want guns on his property. So he's got the choice whether he allows guns or not. And the customer has a choice to frequent his bar or not.

Now choice is good. I'm very liberal about that.
No bigger with guns in bars. Vermont has been like that for ages.

You guys hear of shootouts in Vermont? Did you know you don't need ANY license to pack heat in Vermont, and that includes the bars and that includes either concealed or unconcealed?

And yet, people are not having shootouts in Vermont. Strange, considering what all the anti-gunners are saying.

Here in Texas as long as the bar gets more than 51 percent of their income from other things than booze, if you have a CHL (concealed carry license) you can pack heat (but don't get drunk!!)

Funny, we don't have a bunch of shootouts in restaurants either.

The catch here in Texas is.... if you wave a gun around in a bar, a whole bunch of cops are coming. And the owner may just whip out his roscoe and shoot to!

No, I'm not worried about guns in bars carried by decent folk.

So I looked at this more carefully and the Arizona law does say you cannot drink while in the bar. So I am okay with this law.
Here is to responsible law abiding people being able to protect themselves in the moment!
With the limit on actually drinking, I don't have a problem. A Virginia CCW actually doesn't permit you to carry a gun somewhere that alcohol is served (18.2-308 section J3) which is a real impediment for people with CCWs who want to do something wild and crazy like have dinner in a nice (or even semi-nice) restaurant.
I have no prolem with it. There are states that have had this law for years. I prsonally would not carry in a bar. It doesn't take much to get me rat assed drunk and I'd be afraid that in a drunken stupor I'd blow my own bollocks off.....but that's just me!!

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