Grasp Of Death


MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
N.C. Ohio
Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with the technique of the week theme. I've been really busy at home lately with a few personal things at home. As best as I can tell the next on the list to discuss is the Grasp of Death. Does anyone have any good ideas to add to and share with the rest of us? Are there any (dis)likes to this technique? Thank you to all who participate.
Jason Farnsworth
The leg pinch. I did this and got a knee in the face for my effort. It was in class, but the student brought their knee up in reaction to the leg pinch I did. As an alternative I was told to grab right behind the right knee, then step forward and put the arm in the arm bar.

Originally posted by Klondike93
The leg pinch. I did this and got a knee in the face for my effort. It was in class, but the student brought their knee up in reaction to the leg pinch I did.

Ouch....... lol..... did you forget to check the opponents leg with your leg on the first move....

at least you know why we have "checks" now 1st hand...


Experience is the best teacher they say..

Originally posted by jfarnsworth

Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with the technique of the week theme. I've been really busy at home lately with a few personal things at home. As best as I can tell the next on the list to discuss is the Grasp of Death. Does anyone have any good ideas to add to and share with the rest of us? Are there any (dis)likes to this technique? Thank you to all who participate.
Jason Farnsworth

I've seen the "Pinch" done a few different ways.

#1. Pinch to the inside of your opponent's thigh... Ouch!

#2. Horse Bite to the inside of your opponent's thigh... Ooouch!!

#3. Grab your opponent's testicles and smash them in your hand... Ooooooooooooooouch!!!

I know that the basic technique calls for a simple pinch on your opponent's thigh, but I'll go for the groin, especially if the guy (someone other than my drunk uncle Bob) is really trying to harm me.

What is your preference?
I've never pinched or bitten anyone on this technique, maybe I do it differently to everyone else.

Here's how we do it:

from a right headlock:

1. immediately turn the head to the left
2. step forwards with the right foot and plant it on an angle, and shuffle with the left foot so the left knee impacts the back of their right thigh
3. simultaneously strike the groin and left kidney with 2 inwards hammerfists
4. slide the left hand over the shoulder and under the neck, then lever the head backwards as you straighten up
5. palm heel to the chin

that's nothing official, I just typed it. Where do you guys insert a bite or pinch?

Originally posted by satans.barber

I've never pinched or bitten anyone on this technique, maybe I do it differently to everyone else.

Here's how we do it:

from a right headlock:

1. immediately turn the head to the left
2. step forwards with the right foot and plant it on an angle, and shuffle with the left foot so the left knee impacts the back of their right thigh
3. simultaneously strike the groin and left kidney with 2 inwards hammerfists
4. slide the left hand over the shoulder and under the neck, then lever the head backwards as you straighten up
5. palm heel to the chin

that's nothing official, I just typed it. Where do you guys insert a bite or pinch?


That's an orange belt technique called GRIP of Death. They are two seperate techniques.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by satans.barber

I've never pinched or bitten anyone on this technique, maybe I do it differently to everyone else.

Here's how we do it:

from a right headlock:

1. immediately turn the head to the left
2. step forwards with the right foot and plant it on an angle, and shuffle with the left foot so the left knee impacts the back of their right thigh
3. simultaneously strike the groin and left kidney with 2 inwards hammerfists
4. slide the left hand over the shoulder and under the neck, then lever the head backwards as you straighten up
5. palm heel to the chin

that's nothing official, I just typed it. Where do you guys insert a bite or pinch?


The technique you are talking about is GRIP OF DEATH... a different technique all together...

A horse bite is an actual pinch utilizing the enitre hand instead of just the index finger and thumb.
Grip of Death like the others have said....

The pinch is for GRASP of Death -

Back to the "Grasp."

As far as the knee in the face, well - "Time heels all wounds."
I like to land in a wide kneel with my rear leg across their calf muscle. This prevents their leg from disengaging from the gound.

Also, the pinch is effective. I have also executed a snapping ridge hand (reverse hand sword) to the Testicles. This strike hinges at the elbow. The elbow hinge is the key. If you don't, you will be blocked by the buttocks - or Coccyx (base of the spine). If you extend the crook of your elbow into the Coccyx, and naturally bend the elbow up, you will, incidentally, run into the Testicles.

I enjoy stepping around onto the lead leg of your attacker. Then, when shifting into your forward bow for the punch, you can dislocate the knee as your lead leg delivers pressure into the inside of the knee.

Just a thought...
This is what I worte, s Chronuss. I didn't realize he was logged onto my system.
In Grip Of Death, I use the horse bite to the upper inner thigh. What I use for the pinch is what I think is a slight variation. I use a technique I was taught in Samurai Jiu-Jitsu called a Koshi Grab. Essentially, it is this, you grab the flesh with the flats of your finger tips and grip it tightly against your palm and move it back and forth, causing a flesh tear. Even done lightly, it can be excrutiating.
Originally posted by WilliamTLear

The technique you are talking about is GRIP OF DEATH... a different technique all together...

A horse bite is an actual pinch utilizing the enitre hand instead of just the index finger and thumb.

Ahh, that'd explain it!

I'll crawl back in my hole now :rolleyes:

I seen satans.barber and the use of grip of death. Either technique work just fine. In our curriculum Grasp of Death name was changed to The Pincher. I never really thought about it until now maybe this is where you can distinguish between the two a little easier. I don't know any thoughts. It's the same tech. but a different name. Our class is taught with the pinch to the leg. I have found it much easier for me to take my thumb and drive it downward diagonal to the hollow of the knee. This has been some interesting talk so far.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by WilliamTLear

What is your preference?

I like a groin shot! they are bent over exposing it so crush them like grapes!
Originally posted by WilliamTLear

#1. Pinch to the inside of your opponent's thigh... Ouch!

I was taught this by a kung fu instructor and found it very effective. For a while Mr. Hartman stopped closing with me because he knew if he got me in tight I'd pinch the inner thigh.
Pinching has really never worked for me. I have small hands, and against a bigger opponent with muscular leg, it is ineffective. I go for the groin pinch or ridge hand strike, or using my left knee to put pressure on the right leg and straighten up my back at the same time. This will check the height and loosens up the grab. From here,either step forward with left or step back with right leg to finish up.

I find the pinch works well as long as one remembers to use the tips, not pads, of the fingers--that's the big trick for a two-finger pinch. I just get some skin for the "ouch" effect--the distraction--I don't ry to damage the muscle. It mightn't work against someone determined or drunk/high and I wouldn't try it then but it's very distracting otherwise and will certainly loosen a grip (or grasp, whichever this was :D).
Originally posted by jfarnsworth

I seen satans.barber and the use of grip of death. Either technique work just fine. In our curriculum Grasp of Death name was changed to The Pincher. I never really thought about it until now maybe this is where you can distinguish between the two a little easier. I don't know any thoughts. It's the same tech. but a different name. Our class is taught with the pinch to the leg. I have found it much easier for me to take my thumb and drive it downward diagonal to the hollow of the knee. This has been some interesting talk so far.
Jason Farnsworth

Ahha, now you're talking my language! I know The Pincher, I didn't know that it was originally called something else though.

For the record, we use a ridge hand strike first, and then a straight forefinger and thumb pinch.

You can apply a nice lock at the end as well, although not everyone in our school does this. I don't know if you guys do or not.

Grip of Death isn't actually in our syllabus, we were doing it in lieu of Escape from Death, there'd just been some confusion somewhere. They're both very similar though, and I do like them.

Originally posted by satans.barber

Ahha, now you're talking my language! I know The Pincher, I didn't know that it was originally called something else though.

For the record, we use a ridge hand strike first, and then a straight forefinger and thumb pinch.

You can apply a nice lock at the end as well, although not everyone in our school does this. I don't know if you guys do or not.

Grip of Death isn't actually in our syllabus, we were doing it in lieu of Escape from Death, there'd just been some confusion somewhere. They're both very similar though, and I do like them.


You are doing Grip of Death for a side flank headlock in lieu of Escape from Death for a Rear right arm choke? How does that work?

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

You are doing Grip of Death for a side flank headlock in lieu of Escape from Death for a Rear right arm choke? How does that work?

Have a great Kenpo day


No, we do The Pincher and Escape from Death as two seperate techniques, it's just that when us higher belts got to Escape from Death we were accidentally taught Grip of Death, but we didn't know until Phil spotted us doing the wrong one!

If you like, we just ended up learning an extra technique that's not on the syallabus is all. The funny thing is we'd already graded on it before he noticed!

Originally posted by satans.barber

No, we do The Pincher and Escape from Death as two seperate techniques, it's just that when us higher belts got to Escape from Death we were accidentally taught Grip of Death, but we didn't know until Phil spotted us doing the wrong one!

If you like, we just ended up learning an extra technique that's not on the syallabus is all. The funny thing is we'd already graded on it before he noticed!


Don't crawl into your hole... You might get stuck, and I like reading your posts most of the time. :lol:

I understand the confusion now. No biggie!

Take Care,
Billy Lear