Grasp Of Death

The Pincher is what it's called at the school I go to also, but I learned as Grasp of Death first, no biggie just a name.

No I didn't check the leg, should have known better and checked it. It's because of this possible reaction that he teaches to grab/pinch the back of the right knee. It not only forces the attacker outward but also down. It's nice to know all these extra ways of doing this though :)

I'm intrigued to know who first changed the name from 'Grasp of Death' to 'The Pincher' now?

If it's in my own system as The Pincher, I can guess at a few people who might've changed it, but does anyone know for certain?

It's not that important, just wondering how things have filtered down that's all.

Hey, that's another interesting question. I also learned this as the grasp of death then one day my instructor came in the room and said I'm changing this one to the pincher now. At that time who was I to judge and actually I could have cared less it's the same technique just a different name. Until now!! did I realize that maybe someone decided to change it due to the confusion (possibly) between the two and being taught somewhat close together. I don't know, it's just a thought. The pincher seems like it would fit a little better though. The way I perform this tech. with the thumb in the hollow of the knee is more as a strike to drop them down to one knee or close to it. I definately like the strike the testicle version. After the years I've spent in kenpo that didn't even occur to me until reading some of your posts. Thanks guys for sharing some kenpo knowledge:D :) .
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by jfarnsworth

Hey, that's another interesting question. I also learned this as the grasp of death then one day my instructor came in the room and said I'm changing this one to the pincher now. At that time who was I to judge and actually I could have cared less it's the same technique just a different name. Until now!! did I realize that maybe someone decided to change it due to the confusion (possibly) between the two and being taught somewhat close together. I don't know, it's just a thought. The pincher seems like it would fit a little better though. The way I perform this tech. with the thumb in the hollow of the knee is more as a strike to drop them down to one knee or close to it. I definately like the strike the testicle version. After the years I've spent in kenpo that didn't even occur to me until reading some of your posts. Thanks guys for sharing some kenpo knowledge:D :) .
Jason Farnsworth

The only problem I can see with putting your thumb into that hollow is that if their reaction is to bend the leg (an autonomous reaction often removes a target, in this case if you bend the leg then the back of the knee becomes hidden) then you might get your hand trapped, which wouldn't be a good thing....especially if they crumpled to the floor from the ridgehand to the 'nads you just gave them!

I suppose it'd depend if your practiced it as a little jabbing strike with the thumb, or if you actually put your thumb on the pressure point and pushed.

Just a thought,

it's just how you described more like a jab. Strike then circle your arm over top and finish the rest of the technique.
Jason Farnsworth
I had been told that it was originally called The Pincher then changed to Grasp of Death, but when I first learned it the name was Grasp of Death. Couldn't tell you why the name change either (GD insert comment here).

Originally posted by Klondike93
I had been told that it was originally called The Pincher then changed to Grasp of Death.

The name was changed from The Pincher to The Grasp of Death.

Why the name change?

The name was changed to conform to the Web of Knowledge better ie. name which leads to what may happen ("Choke" = Death ) vs the Pincher..... just a defensive maneuver.

Remember that there is the factor that Parker developed Kenpo on the west coast, where it is always warm. People for the most part where lite clothing. The "pinch" in the Pincher technique worked well for the environment.

I think as Parker Kenpo made its way to the midwest and east coast (where it get allot colder), there was a need to adapt the "pinch" for the thicker clothing and other environmental considerations..hench the different variations for the intial "pinch"...:D

Doc, Goldendragon, Clyde, anyone....any thoughts?:asian:
Originally posted by kenpo3631
I think as Parker Kenpo made its way to the midwest and east coast (where it get allot colder), there was a need to adapt the "pinch" (in the Pincher or The Grasp of Death) for the thicker clothing and other environmental considerations..hench the different variations for the intial "pinch"...:D

Personal opinion.......... No. However, it is possible. We have been taught that, no matter where he developed any of the techniques there are many "Kenpo Tools" that must be taken into consideration when the curriculum goes beyond the base stage of introduction. As we acquire deeper understandings of the techniques we should realize that no matter how the initial base technique is taught at the beginner level......... the advanced student "moves on" to the realm of application in reality and that involves adjustment due to many factors..... one of which is environment, then range etc. and many other what ifs...... We are then taught to alter the base movement with a more logical or useful element that suites the actual salutation. That may be a change of weapon, target or even both. (Examine the Formulation Equation).

During Mr. Parker's travels he taught all these elements but the way in which he taught them was in my opinion not always clear. He did have a base of techniques that he worked from however he did not want everyone to be "Locked In" to the base ONLY so he Formulated often as examples....... some of these examples have now resulted in the BASE for many individuals which is why we have slight variances in the Base curriculums. (That's been my observation and experience anyways). All these techniques can be used effectively and were taught by Ed Parker to someone. However, he didn't always make it clear to some individuals (apparently) that what he was showing them was a "version" or "variation" of his base curriculums due to a question asked like the one stated above about climate and clothing. The individuals did the technique as shown and it became a part of their personal system. Uniquely what has happened in many cases is that same student at some future date has moved out of the "cold climate" but took his system with him and now while in Florida he is teaching the same thing down south! LOL This has happened over and over and over...... all still good techniques but it did hamper the standardization of the Base.

Regardless, we still have a great system and many thousands of great practitioners.

The Flame still burns on ........ even though from different burners.
Viva La American Kenpo:rofl:

Why not teach the most effective method that can be used in most environments?

I wanna see Kenpo performed outside in Northern Alaska... You know with the snowshoes on and everything! That would be great. Matter of fact I'd like to see anykind of fight take place in that environment.

Billy Lear
Uniquely what has happened in many cases is that same student at some future date has moved out of the "cold climate" but took his system with him and now while in Florida he is teaching the same thing down south!

Very subtle Dennis...LOL...:rofl: :rolleyes:

However, I did learn the "original" version with the "pinch" to the poplateal nerve. ;)

I did however learn from my original instructor the "horse bite" version. Why? it's because a certain instructor up north, "learned" (;) ) it that way from Mr. Parker....:rolleyes: So that is the way the New Englanders did it. It wasn't until some broke away to study with first generation black belts did we "see the light"...:rofl:
as funny as it seems I was not referring to anyone particular from Florida, but after your post, I see where you could think I was pointing at Lee (which could fit in real easy) ........... lol......... but not intended for him at all......... :rofl:
