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So last year ended....yippee! Seriously though last year was one hell of year. SOOOO many ups and downs I surprised Im still alive. Uncle died as '07 ended Christmas that year sucked, the following year ('08) looked hopeful but instead brought more heartache and turmoil to my family. I thought...
Last Saturday it snowed and it has been below freezing ever since. No big deal for much of the country but we do not get to experience such weather that often. We had snow again today that has continued all day and is still going strong at 1am. This is my first winter in this house so the snow...
I moved to New Hampshire just in time to catch one of the worst storms to hit the Northeast for a long time. Utility lines are down all over my town, including right across the street where a tree fell in to the wires for my neighborhood. Right now my house has no power, no heat, and no...
An early start to New Years Resolutions 2009 Written December 7th 2009 December 7th 2008. It is just another Sunday for many around the world and just another Sunday for many Americans. I spent a couple of hours today in prayer and contemplation remembering the attack on Pearl Harbor that...
Whats going on everyone who reads my crap! The Bad: So the year started off as a **** storm (are we aloud to use profanity here?). My uncle passed away last Halloween and Xmas was bad enough. With the New Year in swing it brought changes to the hierarchy of my families business. Positions were...
As a lot of people here know, I left my old TKD dojang for several reasons. To really sum it up, I felt like I kept hitting this HUGE brick wall, and saw no end in sight if I remained. I felt ill- prepared in many ways, especially as I looked into the possibility of an upcoming black belt...
Who Stole The American Dream? by Bob Hubbard This year, we have a presidential candidate who seemingly wants to punish people for achieving the American Dream. But that's only the latest in a series of actions that have neutered us. For over 200 years, Americans started, ran, and lived on the...
I got there about an hour early to chat with others and see what was for sale. Who knows? At the end I might want to buy something. Mr. Dillman proved to be a very gregarious and gracious host. He welcomed me and shook my hand, telling me I was too big to be there. The actual seminar got...
Over the weekend, I got the chance to roll with a very experienced grappler. Now this guy is more than a foot shorter than me and about seventy pounds lighter. You've probably already got that this made no difference. The one thing that saved me was the fact we were going for position instead...
There was an instance that convinced me to keep studying martial arts, its a damn good story....I was getting a tire changed on my car, as the mechanic was letting the car down he noticed the ying/yang patch that was sewn on my windbreaker and asked about it. I told him I was studying...
Something interesting(read bad) happened in class tonight. We were doing an Uke Line, and a 16 year old girl was up. everything was going fine(she did a great major leg reap on me) till her dad attacked her. She countered his haymaker with a really pretty wrist lock, which she proceeded to...
Just got back in a bit ago from doing Heian Shodan in the rain a dozen or so times. I even got a chance to practice my ukemi skills when I slipped in some mud. Pretty soon I'll bee shooting out in the same. Training in adverse conditions in not only good for the soul, it's good training...
As of late, I've started cross training in Shotokan. Great stuff, 'specially since my instructor has added a lot of Goju into it. The problem is I know a handful of TKD forms which are very similar. So when I practice them I'll sometimes get confused and start doing stuff out of the TKD...
When I was a mobile DJ I would meet with the prespective brides and grooms prior to the wedding reception to discuss the details of their reception and discuss the music preferences and to pick up the signed contract and the music list..One couple did not bother to prepare a music list. I...
Well, this past weekend was the Region 5 Soo Bahk Do camping trip. Definately a good time. John and I got out to Bradley, IL around 4:00pm on Friday and checking into the hotel. Very nice place! After that, we drove around, found the campsite and the host's school, then headed back to the...
Well, so the big focus of my Soo Bahk Do life now is learning Chil Sung Sam. Of course, I'm very behind here....but its going quickly. I started on it last Thursday, go the rest of the way last night. So now its just a matter of remembering and cleaning. Remembering is of course the hardest...
What a weekend.... M&G on Friday, Photo shoot Sat AM, M&G afternoon & Evening Photoshoot Sun Afternoon Shoot on & Tue evening. Long weekend...think I'm taking Wed. off, lol!
Americans A first grade teacher explains to her class that she is an American. She asks her students to raise their hands if they were American too. Not really knowing why but wanting to be like their teacher, their hands explode into the air like flashy fireworks. There is, however, one...
Real Engineers... Real Engineers consider themselves well dressed if their socks match Real Engineers buy their spouses a set of matched screw- drivers for their birthday. Real Engineers wear moustaches or beards for "efficiency". Not because they're lazy. Real engineers have a non-technial...