

Latest comments

  • Taekkyun and Gyeotchagi
    Keep practicing and you will master it.
  • The Xingyi Addict Rides Again
    Something I want to add about Xingyiquan in general, that many seem to miss, or not know based on their martial arts training. Xingyiquan is not...
  • The Xingyi Addict Rides Again
    Get it brother! And my instructor actually recommended this guy's videos to me! We're Goju ryu but he also practices and teaches CMA and said...
  • Not worth the time or effort.
    I won't try again. 2 times was a wasted effort.
  • TTFN
    One last thing after a bit of a realization last week Internal matters (not qi) but body unity, use of force and/or fajin and, rooting...

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Blog entries
Had my grading today going for my 7th Gup (Yellow-Blue Tip). I was confident going into the grading, and I performed well. Even received a special mention from Grand Master Sung Soo Lee, who was impressed with my power, technique and focus. :) Dont get the official word on if I passed...
Ive been trying to pass this test since November. Have only taken it 3 times but have had life get in the way about 4 times. Injuries, work, weather...BLAH!!! Hopefully this saturday with be the one. If you are in SKK or something similar and have a brown strip test that makes you a little...
My master handed me a form for the upcoming grading in early April. Will be testing for my 7th Gup (Yellow - Blue Tip). Looking forward to it!
I`m a orange belt in taekwondo and I was thinking about entering a martial arts competition. My problem is that my sister(And legal guardian)doesn`t think I`m ready but my instructor does. I realy want to enter but I need to persuade my sister. I`m ready and I think I might even be able to...
I have to admit, I love to fight and sparring has become my new joy. Only problem is I`ve been going to adult classes (I`m actualy 15) And I`ve been gettign torn up. Fighting grown men and women who perform perfect jump back spinning hook kicks, to my arm(Which is still badly bruised). I`m...
Tough training session tonight. Did basics, free sparring, patterns and some good fitness work. Will sleep well tonight! Targeting grading in early April for my Yellow - Blue Tip (7th Gup). Just need to learn the 4th move in my one step sparring and I will know the material required for my...
The Art of the Entry Many people ask me, as I am sure they ask other martial artists, the infamous “what if or what would you do in this situation” question. In truth there is no perfect technique that works all the time. All we can do as teachers is try to prepare students for situations, and...
More than a month ago, my best friend (we can call her Z) told me that sensei wants to put her in a team with anothr girl called N. But a team needs three members and they still hadn't found the third person. There were a few options but they weren't sure who to select. I really liked to be part...
Got to watch the cops get called on some airsofters today. Two parties came out of their houses to watch. one party came out because they said the kids were practicing to be terrorists, the other group said that the children were perpetuating stereotypes against them...
I've had a pretty good week starting from Sunday. On Sunday (2nd January) my Sensei was in a good mood. She anounced that she is going to take a test from all of us and then divide us into different groups and separate classes based on the results of the test. The test will include technique and...
We completed filming for modern arnis black belt level DVD on saturday. This talks about basic freestyle sparring and also advanced concepts. There is also an empty hand vs. stick flow drill for bonus material! Editing should be completed within a week or two. I have several more modern arnis...
My Sensei did not come to the Dojo yesterday. She had gone to Tehran for a seminar on refereeing. Our 'Sempai' was a 9 year old black belt and quite incapable of managing the class, so it was up to me and my friend (who is a brown belt and 23 years old) to do so. We had 7 orange belts, 2 purple...
As with ninpo, the first 2 exams in KJJR jujutsu are done in the same session. But in fairness, the jujutsu curriculum (number of techniques) is more limited than the ninpo curiculum. So all in all it is not that much to study. The most important part of the exam is without a doubt the Takagi...
Aiki Krav Maga Ami Niv & Self Defense Krav Maga Preparation Course for the Army- krav maga and Self-Defense This preparation course for the army combines both physical and mental tactics which are important for recruitment into the army. At the Academy of Martial Arts of Ami Niv we prepare the...
Krav Maga Ami Niv in Security, law enformsent & military division AIKI Krav Maga Ami Niv provides guidance to the security and defense forces units in order to reinforce their knowledge in their profession's fields such as: Public transportation, railways authority, hospitals, psychiatric...
About aiki krav maga Aiki - Krav Maga and self defense krav maga is a martial art system dedicated to educating it's students against verbal and physical violence. Ami Niv developed Aiki - Krav Maga and self defense krav maga in the mid 1990's; its roots derive from Aiki - Krav Maga and self...
Today i will be working with a book author who is writing a sequal and wants some martial arts backround and training to help him to portray a character in his book. I love the various paths that martial arts takes me down. :0) Always a new adventure! Today will be a day of kenjutsu!
One of the things we are taught is to wait until you have to move, and not move beforehand. The reason for this is that by then, the other person has committed his attack. By then, it would be much more difficult for him to adjust his attack to your new location. I blogged about this earlier...
I will be teaching a womens self defense class at Curves this Saturday. There are 12 women pre-registered already. I always enjoy these classes. I enjoy meeting new people, hearing their experiences, finding out why they are there and specifically what they want to get from the class, and of...