Your Favortite Gift

The two Kwon gis that I got from the parents...they kick ***!
That being said, my Sensei gave me a REALLY good present for Christmas, which was the gift of Tekki Shodan! He said: "Here, go beat yourself to death with this one for a while". I knew that he was a good man(cue the ubiquitous Pirates of the Caribbean reference)
I guess these would be considered odd to be a favorite present, but I got two books from my dad. Adrift in a Boneyard by Robert Lewis Taylor and Mists of Dawn by Chad Oliver. My dad told me stories of his favorite books growing up, and how they made an impact on his life. He took the time and effort to find them (been out of print for a while), so it was really meaningful :) I'm looking forward to reading them! Will be neat to see what my dad read growing up :) something a bit more obscure than the standard classics that everyone read.
A gift card to the last photography store around my area that still sells film and dark room supplies ( Yes I still shoot film sometimes). Money to buy a Shuai Jiao jacket. Since I am going to start training in that next week along with the ba gua. God Help me I got a Play Station portable and I"m addicted to the damn thing aaaaaccckkkk!
We didn't do presents this year—our forced-march trip to Vancouver sort of threw a sequoia-sized log across our planning for the holidays—we just used the time available to buy presents for our son; but at least I can tell you my favorite present to give---it's something called Roboreptile, a two and a half-foot long futuristically body-armored dinosaur with serious AI programming (including built-in `personality' capabilities), a truly evil visage, and advanced robotic movement abilities... now that I think about it, I think it may have be a present to myself along with Adrian; but never mind that! :wink1: The main point is, as soon as he saw it his eyes lit up and his face assumed a gleeful expression as evil as Roboreptile's, which made my day (and whole Christmas season) completely...
Gee I missed this thread when it was started...

I hate to say it, cuz its a downer... but...

See... because my family is so big... it does a gift exchange where everyone picks 1 name, and they buy for that 1 person, and then the bulk of your gifts come from the immediate family (husband, wife, etc)

Well, since I am single, and have no parents, I only got one gift this year...

It was a 6 pack of athletic sox.

Go Christmas!
From my mom: KISS perfume & a KISS trivia game.
From my granddad: Pokemon Ranger game/ Pokemon Ranger guidebook & a really cool outfit I saw at Charlotte Russe.
From my aunt: Clerks II on DVD

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