Your favorite sparring moves?

I don't have a "sparring move", but I incorporate a lot of trapping into my sparring, I also like to bait my opponent, I will bring my right elbow a little high exposing my ribs a little bit, I know they'll go for it so when they come in with a kick, I knock it out of the way charge in and tap em on the head, if they try to punch I trap it, and punch. Sometimes if I see the opening I rear cross and buckle the supporting leg while coming across with a forearm to the chest. It is a cool takedown move, I have only gotten it off a few times though against good opponents.
My favorite is a inside cresent kick toward the head ( In hopes that they move ) followed immediately ( before my foot even hits the floor ) by a hook kick to the side or kidney area.
This move has worked well for me in the past, but just like anything else can backfire on you also. Good Luck!!
I usually find I can't get close enough with my side kicks but my hook kicks work quite well and punches, plus roundhouses are good to use! and jumping front kicks!
I like a move we call "Iron Broom Hooking" it's a takedown similar to osoto gari in judo. Also chained uppercuts.
I see ARK is no longer among us but I wonder if he's had contact with the Blauer TCMS--that tactic is practically trademark for them, and it's an excellent one. But again, it's not for sparring.

For sparring...

...against traditionalists: eye poke followed by Thai round to the lead leg.

...boxing: This happens after a pause in the action. Opposite lead, place my foot outside his, and cross the jab. If you anticipate well, you can score a lot. So many people (including myself) always lead off the jab. Or, crazy monkey defense.

...on the ground: rear naked choke, americana figure-four, papercutter choke. Spider guard sweeps. I kimura well, but I don't like finishing from the guard.

...against a knife: arm wrap and half-spear with the other side.

...pummeling: ankle picks. Russian 2-on-1.
I like straight kicks, so front thrusts and sidekicks are high up on my list.

I also like to annoy people by kicking them in the shins with small front kicks, stomps and round kicks landed with my toes. Those tend not to be effective in sparring but its fun to do when someone can’t retaliate.

And the third item is using Thai round kicks to create space. I tend to use round kicks more to force people back than I do to cause damage, but I do also like to push people backwards and target their lead leg with a strong round kick.

Usually the combinations I like use a round kick to draw an attack and nail them with a sidekick or a front thrust kick.

On the ground I usually go for one of three things, a front choke, a wrist or finger submission or an ankle/leg submission. Those are just the ones that people seem to be the most open to.
A.R.K. said:
Actually I wouldn't have posted it if I hadn't used it successfully. However, the individual is usually incapacitated by the time the knee spikes are coming into play.


tisk tisk :flushed:

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