This is a short summery on research I have done through both readings and speaking to various Sifus on the historical changes to Yip Man's wing chun curriculum, from teaching in Foshan to Hong Kong.
Age 24 (1917 - Yip Man returns to Foshan):
-Mook Jong had several different short forms
-Bat Jam Do form non-existent, drills used instead
-Chi Sao not practiced till after Cham Kiu (approx 3 years)
-Siu Nim Tao practiced for at least 2 years before Cham Kiu learned
-No footwork till Cham Kiu (just turning stance)
Age 45 (1938 - Yip Man teaches neighbours wing chun for self defence vs Japanese):
-curriculum restructured to increase combat skills quickly
-Footwork taught almost right away
-kicks simplified
-wooden dummy forms combined, result is one single form of 72? moves
-only kick on wooden dummy now is front kick
-Cham Kiu taught after 1 year
-Chi Sao introduced after a few months
-No Bat Jam Do or Staff taught
Age 56 (1949 - Yip Man flees to Hong Kong, teaches full time):
(At this point, he needed a curriculum that would keep students interested and quickly start wining at beimo fights to attract more students. The curriculum also needed to last longer to retain students over a longer period of time):
-Mook Jong form increased from 72? Moves to 108 then 116 then back to 108
-footwork and chi sao still introduced as soon as possible
-more kicks reintroduced to Mook Jong
-Bat Jam Do form created? Or at least learnt from Yeun Kay Shan and the taught
-Staff form taught / created
As you can see from above, Yip Man's curriculum changed depending on the circumstance he found himself in.
Age 24 (1917 - Yip Man returns to Foshan):
-Mook Jong had several different short forms
-Bat Jam Do form non-existent, drills used instead
-Chi Sao not practiced till after Cham Kiu (approx 3 years)
-Siu Nim Tao practiced for at least 2 years before Cham Kiu learned
-No footwork till Cham Kiu (just turning stance)
Age 45 (1938 - Yip Man teaches neighbours wing chun for self defence vs Japanese):
-curriculum restructured to increase combat skills quickly
-Footwork taught almost right away
-kicks simplified
-wooden dummy forms combined, result is one single form of 72? moves
-only kick on wooden dummy now is front kick
-Cham Kiu taught after 1 year
-Chi Sao introduced after a few months
-No Bat Jam Do or Staff taught
Age 56 (1949 - Yip Man flees to Hong Kong, teaches full time):
(At this point, he needed a curriculum that would keep students interested and quickly start wining at beimo fights to attract more students. The curriculum also needed to last longer to retain students over a longer period of time):
-Mook Jong form increased from 72? Moves to 108 then 116 then back to 108
-footwork and chi sao still introduced as soon as possible
-more kicks reintroduced to Mook Jong
-Bat Jam Do form created? Or at least learnt from Yeun Kay Shan and the taught
-Staff form taught / created
As you can see from above, Yip Man's curriculum changed depending on the circumstance he found himself in.