World Tang Soo Do Association


Green Belt
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
I recently began training with a 3rd degree black belt in W.T.S.D.A..I am really enjoying learning T.S.D. after years training in Modern Kenpo and Taekwondo. When I contacted the W.T.S.D.A. about ordering study materials to help me out with the Hyungs and one steps, they refused to sell to me because I am not studying at an established dojang.
Any suggestions on how I might be able to find the materials I need?
Have you tried to look at youtube? There is tons of stuff located there for free.
I've seen the whole set at a local Half-Price book store. I'm sure there are other places like that, maybe even ebay where you can check.
Are you refering to the books by Jae Chul Shin. If so volume 1 to 4 are available from

Hope this helps
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Thanks. I made my order tonight!
Half price books do have alot of materials from Martial Arts or atleast here where I live.
Our school sells lower belt material (both books and DVD's) plus the Chil-Sung DVD. However, we are not WTSDA; we are ATA/UTC. Could be of help though?

Just in case you are interested:

Hyungs are a little different, and WTSDA does not allow the hyungs to be practiced different than they teach (weird).

The Chil Sung are not part of the WTSDA curriculum, so they are of no use for him.
Lynne, you spar in gold kit? Wow! I'm speechless lol!
Im from a WTSDA background, the book by Kang Uk Lee is good for the forms although it doesnt have the first three.
I'm IT[SD]F, not WTSDA, but even so, I'd recommend for information. I've never had the money to buy Master Kim's book (although if anyone wants to give me a late Christmas present ;D), but I've tried the videos, and they're pretty good.

As for the one-steps...not a clue. Don't know if they're the same between federations (my guess is not).

Tang Soo!

EDIT: Kang Uk Lee's book (which I DO have) is also very illustrative, so I echo Yossarian's recommendation.
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Im from a WTSDA background, the book by Kang Uk Lee is good for the forms although it doesnt have the first three.

It doesn't have them because the first 3 hyungs from WTSDA were created by WTSDA and the are used only by them (Sae Gae Hyung Il Bu, Sae Gae hyung E Bu and Sam Bu).

So, You won't see them anywhere else (and they are very easy as a matter of fact).